Elite Studios - (Accommodation in Laganas)

Marc F  (28 July 2004)         

mmm....dont really know where to start. Just come back from a 2 week holiday there with friends and to be honest we ended cup counting the days. If you like... a toilet in the actual shower (room no. 1), a toilet with no seat (room no. 2), identical keys to open rooms 2,3 and 4, no air conditioning, a psycho cleaner, nails piercing through the tiles in the corner of the pool area (which incidentally, and rather importantly, my friend became victim to and was rushed to hospital with an infected toe- he's sueing by the way), a 100 Euro bill for losing a key, and a very creepy man working behind the bar... then Elite is the perfect place for you.

Personally i'm used to accommadation a little nicer. I write this still recovering from a throat infection contracted whilst staying in these dust-ridden apartments. Oh and avoid the BBQ n' Quiz night. Let us just say that the morning after wasnt too pleasant (although we won the quiz!)

Elite, you've certainly created some stories for us lads to recall time and time again.
All i can do is wish all those staying there over the summer...


Elite Studios - (Accommodation in Laganas)

Anom   (31 August 2004)         

For a start I would highly recommend a lesson in punctuation and grammar for the person below. Trying to read that lexical diarrhoea at this time in the morning is some effort.(note how i used a full stop at the end of that sentence!!). Education was obviously a step too far for some.

Anyhow to my main point. Reading these complimentary comments below just highlights the kind of people you are. How anybody could praise such a place is quite beyond me, and only confirms my view that you dont get around much hey?! For a start, Elite would not even be deemed worthy of 1 star if one was to adhere to the British system of rating accommodation. The decrepid nature of the place alone (without any reference to the staff by the way)is bad enough. God bless the poor soul below who claims Elite is set in "beautiful surroundings"! Too much Ground Force for you dear!

I hope my snobbiness didn't shine through there. It was, of course, never intended. Afterall, I am writing in a jocular and somewhat sardonic fashion and look forward to your insinuating replies.

Sweet dreams my friends.

Elite Studios - (Accommodation in Laganas)

Anom   (31 August 2004)         

These apartments are poor, no two ways about it. Anyone who should question my intelligence as one person has done so below to another of my friends i would gladly welcome them to view my A-level certificate, makes for interesting reading!

Anyway, these apartments are below standard. They are small, the toilet is in the shower, no locks, no functioning cooking appliances etc. OK for location and to be fair the bar is a nice area. I aint got no grudge or axe to grind but just being honest.

Maria and Spiros probably are nice people but they took a disliking to us and were irrational and almost a danger to our health. Good luck to them in the future though I honestly wish them all the best.

The places weren't for us, you may like them. Maybe we expected better or are used to better!

Enough is enough...may the Zante boys live long...heres to next year in bed!