Camelot - (Restaurants in Tsilivi)

Katie W  (15 September 2004)         

camelot was lovely the food was gorgeous ,prices where good.the only thing that put us off was was bill outside the way he looked a younger girls was horrible!my daughter hated him he would always say to her hi sexy when we where not daughter who is 13 could not even go to the shop while we where in the resturant without him harasing her >

Camelot - (Restaurants in Tsilivi)

Rochelle W (24 October 2004)

Would someone please help me i am a very good friend of Bills while i went to see him in October i lost my mobile at Zante airport and did not realise until i got home so this now means i have no why of contacting bill which has made me very upset i would be very gratefull if someone could help.