Admiral Hotel - (Accommodation in Argassi)


Just back from a week in Argassi..Admirals was the livest resort by a long of kids and lilos in the pool but we just escaped to the pool by the beachs for a bitta peace!! they drive like lunactics in greece, was nearly run over twice ( and i was sober!!!) Argassi is a cool spot, not as tacky as Lagunas, and Admials is a good location too!! Well woth it!

Avalon - (Bars in Argassi)


 Nicky, Alan, Jess , Nina and the rest..

Thanks a mil for keeping us entertained all last week....We just hope ye have recovered from all our antics on the bar and the sillyness of it all...., and that "Dirty Dancing" is still playing aloud!!!!!( we are still waiting for our burnt cd by the way Mr DJ....hhmmmm....)Have a fantastic summer 
The Irish Girls,
Niamh, Aine, Jean & Jill xxxx