Arkadianos Hotel - (Accommodation in Agios Sostis)

Frank M  (27 June 2006)         

Going soon now,  can anyone tell me if it is best to still take sterling cheques or Euro? if sterling is there some where in Aghios Sostis that will change them at a good rate com free? Thanks to Michael on the A/C info etc, I'm with Lisa on this, it is a big chunk out of the Spending Money, so might need to look at alternatives. I'm sure we'll all have a great time going by the reports on these pages.  Anyone else going this weekend?

Arkadianos Hotel - (Accommodation in Agios Sostis)

Frank M  (25 July 2006)         

Got back last week, had a great time, view from the balcony was fantastic, cleaning was not all that good though, especially the toilet!! 

Sam can you please advise people NOT to get a henna tattoo done!! our 14yr old got one and it has burnt him really badly!! its not the henna, they put a dye in(PPD) to make it dark and this can cause long term alergies and skin problems to other thing too.
Lisa we took a fan and hired one A/C unit, leave the internal doors open the A/C and fan on when you go out at night and it will cool the whole place! in fact some complained of it being cold!