Fire Club - (Bars in Kalamaki)

Jade E  (21 July 2006)         

Sam the DJ!!!!!

Wooo, remember me..!!
I want to be back at greece now.....Darn...yuuur OBVIOUSLY missing me and my Crewage...OF COURSE!!!
Ahh well...never mind...dont become too sad without us....
You'll live..Smile
-Looooove to alll ther....-
x x x xLaugh

Plus Soda - (Bars in Kalamaki)

Jade E  (23 October 2006)         

Dj Riiiiiiichard!!
Yu probably dont remember me! Its Jade.. umm the one with the love bites that you shouted at me for!Embarrassed
We did the drawing competition cuz we didnt have time to do the quiz, AND I WON, cuz i did a picture of you titled "sexy Rich".. I do HOPE that Picture is behind the bar hung up, like you said it would be YOUUNG MAN!!
Yes, memories are flooding back now, im sure!!
Also, yuu took a picture of my friends and i to put on the website, I DO NOT RECALL IT BEING THERE, yuu obviously just took it home with you, so you'd never forget us... and if you have forgotten us, WELL i am not amused, as you did say you would NEVER EVER forget us, since we were weird..=

Ah well.. speak later WE LOVE YOU DJ RICH... AND Debbie of course.. Hi Debbie!!

Looooooooooooooooove loads Jade x x x x x x x x x x x x =D