yes!!! only four weeks left, then iŽll be heading for zante once again... itŽs gonna smashing, as always... i just hope all the barmen from last year are back at zeros again, cos u know zeros just wouldnŽt be the same without u.. keep the drinks cool for us taggy, jimmy, chambers, angelo and the rest, and weŽll be shaking it reeeeeal good in about four weeks, cheers!!london-pack
well, wot can i say, zeros was better than ever, and the guys were even more sexier than last year...u know who u are..(chambers and taggy) definetly going back next year, maybe already this sept. by the way dj paul, uŽre a doll, soooo f**king gorgeous, uŽll have to give me that s**g u promised... u better be coming back next year...=)xx
so... IŽve heard that chambers and jim are working on a movie in the states, but what I really wanna know is are they coming this summer at all or not?? last time I spoke to jim he said he was coming in august, and paul as well, now does anyone have any information or should I cancel my trip this year... coz it just wonŽt be the same without all these guys!!