Red Lion - (Bars in Argassi)

Dixie C  (04 October 2002)         

Big hello to my two sexy little kittens workin behind the bar!:P Hope you guys are still settin' it off this last month on the island of "beauty and passion!"lol (I expect nuthin' less!!) Just wanted to say I miss you both terribly! Spent the last week in england and had a blast.Still didn't compare though to all the fun we've had this summer babies!;)To everyone else reading this,...GET YOUR BUTT DOWN TO THIS BAR!!!!It's always packed!And there's such a reason why,always a good laugh.You miss out and you'll be cutting out a chunk of your holiday!!k,lecture' I'd just like to add to these random mean spirited comments about Neil,...HE KICKS ASS!! And he's a GREAT bartender.You keep doin' what your doin' baby!I love yas!xo be in touch soon!take care darlings. :)tata 4 now

Red Lion - (Bars in Argassi)

Shannon P  (10 July 2003)         

And the drama continues on the "Island of Beauty and Passion"!,this site' becoming like my soap opera I swear.(LOL) Neil darling,it appears you have a little CULT following.LOL..what will they come up with next?! Tune in next week when Neil names the "mythical" baby.LOL I second my girl Louise on that last comment she wrote, You girls are PATHETIC!!! Get OVER YOURSELVES ALREADY!! me,.. your not allll that memorable babe.(Oh sorry...inside voice!LOL) Have a great season boys!I love you all to pieces! xo

Red Lion - (Bars in Argassi)

Shannon&helen   (02 September 2004)         

yasiou from vancouver!!!!! hey face, whats up now! :-p its dixie chick and helen in vancouver, helen's been here only a week and so far its been her best holiday yet(unfortunately last day, still loaded though!!!!) that being said, when you coming over, you scottish t**t!?! lol.... we still on for november? went to see louise, got drunk on a random lake in a pedalow and louise fell ass first in to it!!!! lol!!!!went partial skinny dipping whilst drunk... was allllllll good (will forward the pictures soon!)ta ta for now kitten, luv you lots much!

ps: get on the flight details, oh yeah! "best bar in zamte, hotest bar tender around - phar!!!!"

luv, your fellow argassi mates, sahnnon, hel and louise. x x x x x o o o o o o hit us back on your site!!! kisses

Olive Tree Restaurant - (Restaurants in Kalamaki)

Elizabeth F           

What a great rest.!!! We went here every night that we were in Zante. It's cheap, and the portions are HUGE! not to mention the food was FANTASTIC every time! Absolutly no complaints! Thank you so much for the great service! Staff was soooo friendly! It's he real greek hospitality that we all here so much of!

See u next year guys!

Mike and liz Flynn

Olive Tree Restaurant - (Restaurants in Kalamaki)

Elizabeth F