Castaways - (Restaurants in Argassi)

Richard G  (25 May 2002)         

Went to this restaurant on our last night -enjoyed the food - would have gone back - Don't go on a breezy day (rooftop restaurant)- Childrens play area isn't upto much.

Green Frog - (Restaurants in Argassi)

Richard G           

It was okay, the reviews on this site would suggest it was better.

May - (Best Time to Visit)

Richard G           

GENERAL COMMENTS:- - Rained one morning but didn't drop below 25 the rest of the fortnight. - The Greeks were extremely friendly and helpful. - Argassi beach isn't upto much but there are some excellent pool bars by the sea. - 24 Hours (opposite Castaways restaurant)is an excellent snack bar. Go in and say Yassoo to Ilya the owner. - Loads of restaurants and bars, we stayed out of the ones which tried to drag you in! If eating out try "Stars" - "Enigma" - "Piccadilly" - "Castaways". - When you first arrive at Argassi you may feel you arrived with a clean up crew at ground zero, there is not a great deal to doin the resort during the day but the night life is very good. More for families than singles. ** TAKE AN OLD PAIR OF SHOES/TRAINERS FOR GENERAL WEAR **