I just wonder if Zeros have any special website with pictures and information.?? Zeros is the best club I have been in and with the best bartenders especial Georgio, by the way is he really married and have three kids. And Rafael you are sooooo cute and nice. This was my best vacation. //Many hugs from a girl who looks like Greek
Sankis who works in a chine restaurant across Zeros club is very handsome and with very beautiful smile!!!!!!!! // mysterious girl
Can anyone explain for me what all this talk about George is all about? Okay, his good looking but his not all that, his not even my type. And what's all about I KNOW??? All bartenders is after one thing and the girls are stupid enough who gives it to them. By the way, 99,9 % of the girls tourist is tooooo cheep, don't you have any self-respect!!!!!!!!!! //A girl with self-respect