The Factory - (Bars in Argassi)

Becca M  (14 July 2003)         

hiya we have just come home from argassi today and we were in the factory last night and we all think it is the best place in zakynthos!!!!dont 4get you have to remember us all cos we will be back in august!!!!!!!!!!! xXx rebecca, nicola, leah, naomi, flick and carleigh xXx (the cardiff girls)

The Factory - (Bars in Argassi)

Cardiff G  (20 July 2003)         

oh my god!!!!we are all depressed cos we miss this place so much!!!!!! but we r bak soon!!!thank god!!!!xxxxxx

The Factory - (Bars in Argassi)

Cardiff G  (11 August 2003)         

Hiya we came in July and loved it!!We have just booked to come back in october!!can anybody tell us if The Factory is still going to be open between 6th and the 20th of october!!!!!!!! ---x.x.x.Flick,Carleigh,Naomi,Leah,Becca,Nicola.X.X.X---