Absolutly brilliant place to go before heading to Zero's! We met God in this place on our first night and really really cute sweatband guy! the barman are great and you have to dance to evry song that comes on - wheather it be on the dance floor or the bar!
Walkabout was our first stop off because of tarzan man that worked in there - free drinks all night! yes my friend!!! the gorgeous bloke that works outside my mate pulled and yes i did get on tarzan man! if you go, watch them dance to ignition! oh, and sally fell off the bar!!!!!!
i think i love sam the tarzan barman!! oh sam!!!!!!! lets just say he's quite an animal!!!
what a load of crap! go to zero's if your looking for a great club! we went to the foam party - it was ok but everyone was being sick after cuase you cant breath - when you try to you get a mouth full of foam! bar men were not friendly at all! music was s**t - go to zero's for club music or cocktails and dreams if you like a bit of cheese!!!
definatly not recommended as its far away from the main strip and not worth the walk!!!