Mimis Studios - (Accommodation in Vassilikos)

David A           

Three years in succession we've been and three of the most perfect,beautifull holidays we've had. You need to visit the Mimis and try and find a fault with it. The only way you will find one is if your name's Victor Meldrew. The Accomodation, Pool, Food, Location, its all perfect. We always mention the studios but it also has another special part. THE CALYPSO BAR, It has Greek Nights with amazing dancing and a relaxed and friendly atmosphere (you do not have to be a resident to go). I just love it there and i know that whoever goes will love it also. Roll on July 2004. I

Calypso Bar - (Bars in Vassilikos)

David A           

The Calypso bar is fantastic place to unwind after a tough day sunbathing. It Offers good music, great food and a fantastic Greek dancing night (usually tuesdays-u need to book). It holds a lovely friendly atmosphere. I love the bar, the same way as i love the studios that go with it (Mimis Studios). Try it, its great.