Seashell Studios - (Accommodation in Argassi)

Yvonne L

Cannot find Seashell apartments in any brouchure as Libra has discontiued using them, has anyone any idea how i can contact them?

Seashell Studios - (Accommodation in Argassi)

Yvonne L

Sorry Richard Gisby, What List? Looked but cannot find.

Remezzo Beach Bar - (Bars in Argassi)

Yvonne L          10/10

click to enlarge

Hi been going to Remmezzo for 5 years now, great place, but i have heard from a friend of a friend whos been there in May 2007, saying it's not open!!!!!!!!!.

Is this a false rumour, please tell me, noooooo!, what will we do without Georges famous burgers or Nikkos famous cocktails, where will i sunbathe while being waited on by Eddy (Pedro to Alice, Kimberley & Candice)
So if anyone has news please let me know, we will be there on 21st August onwards.