Plus Soda - (Bars in Kalamaki)

Joanne S  (09 October 2004)         

Hi everyone at plus!missing you all loads!England is freezing!had some really good nights in here although all us 4 girls made pratts of ourselfs and becky and amy are still there!bet becky broke her arm in there!miss you all loads see you next year and chris plz may i have a cd plz(im the girl from venue)

Plus Soda - (Bars in Kalamaki)

Joanne S  (13 October 2004)         

There you are Chris hunks excellent!any songs that every1 has got!if you dont mind email address is


Plus Soda - (Bars in Kalamaki)

Joanne S  (01 January 2005)         

Happy new year everyone!hope you all had a good one!cant wait to see you all again!not long to go now.To my little furry mates lets make zante 2005 even better than soon luv the master of the furrys.