Hi to everyone at the Hotel Mavrikos,
This was the second visit for myself and my daughter and we are looking forward to returning in 2005. Everyone at the hotel were friendly and very helpful, it is clean and very family orientated. Have tried to email Mavrikos but had no reply to find out if they received my room key, which I lost then found when I returned home. And also the t shirts that I sent for the young girl , Elena on reception?? HELLO to Jean,Colin, Keith,Mr and Mrs Mavrikos and all the staff. Take care and see you soon. Julie and Natalie
hi to everyone at the paradise bar, thanks for taking care of my baby 'natalie' hope she broke tony's heart as she may go down in history as being the only one to do so, but i very much doubt he will be missing her as one plane takes off, another one lands!!!!!!!! everyone was lovely tony, stavros,manos, yiannis and all the girls we made friends with. hope you are all well and that you enjoy the rest of the season and the rest of the girls. have a great birthday tony.
hiya to every1 at the paradise bar!! got back the other day n am alredy missin u loads (especially tony n manos)! all the ppl that work at the paradise bar r great n so were all the ppl we met there (hi rhonda n amanda!). we r hopefully coming bk in october so c u all soon
i tryd 2 put sum pics on so hopefully its worked
hiya 2 every1 at the paradise bar! bin missin u all loads and we r bookin 2 come bk in october! yay!! c u all soon ! xxxxx
Anyone out there seen Amanda, Demi;s wife, if you have send her my love its Julie Natalies Mum. See you soon we hope .
hi everyone in the paradise bar
jst wanted 2 say hello 2 every1 at the paradise bar especially tony n manos! had a rly gud time specially goin 2 the beach party wiv tony. missin u n hopefully c*min bk soon. cnt believe tony is engaged n shes c*min bk in november (probably y he asked me 2 c*m bk in october lol). jst out of curiosity hu else has tony asked 2 come back and see him? and hu else has he taken 2 the beach n tried 2 get it on with?
lots of love natalie (your other baby lol) In answer to your question? I doubt if they can even read!!!!! And agree with you....But it works both ways to be fair and everyone enjoys a bit of flirting and flattery, just so long as you remember, thats all it is!!
That was my mums comment not mine. n i fort his girlfriend was goin bk in november?
Hi to everyone at the Paradise Bar. Sorry for the past comments which to be honest have nothing to do with the Paradise Bar.
Just wanted to say I wish all of you a good holidays and we have forgotten about everything that happened. Wish you all the best for the future season, send you a postcard from Tenerife, might find a Paradise Bar there, you never know, but doubt it will be as good as the one in Zante. Say Hi to all the barstaff and Yiannis and Wife. lol Julie and Natalie
yeh its open til the end of october i think
how do u get the pictures people have added to show up?
Hi to everyone at the Paradise Bar hope you all have a nice rest
Hi To Everyone At The Parasise Bar
hi to everyone at the paradise bar,
Hi To Everyone
Hi All
Hi Computer not working.......hope you are all okay...missing everyone....send love to Manos...... Julie and
Hi Everyone at the Paradise Bar
Hi to Frank and Dimitri, hope you are still open in October when we return for a week? Recommend your restaurant to anyone visiting Tsilivi, Natalie chose Stamna each time , even had to make it at home, but it was nothing like yours!! See you soon I hope. Regards Julie, Natalie and Tony