Hey every Jaye here again. Just got home 2day, already missin the bar and the guys loads. Wot a wicked summer guys. will definately be out there next yr no doubt. oh and helen who plays netball alot was u meanin me wen u was sayin justin or did u mean josh but just got his name rong? jus wonderin
Love ya's all
Yeh im pretty sure ill be back out there next year. No wot i said was my name was just jaye lol i remember u tho. ur the girl hu always stood round the back by the DJ booth am i rite?how come u neva came bck to say goodbye even tho u sed ya wud huh? well im glad we helped your holiday gd anyways. Seriously for any1 hus goin to zante anytime soon make sure u go into prestiege its awesome. and also make sure u go upto kitch and josh and tell jaye says "Terry Wogan and fish" they'll kno wot ya mean :-)
Heggelleggo geggirls. Eggi leggove yeggou teggoo :-) yeggou eggare meggy deggarleggings xXx mwah
Kitch u little fish u better still contact me wen u get bck to england. still wana come and live it up in scarborough wiv u lot coz i must experience the wonder of ur long flush/short flush. Just remember to make sure that the fish is Always as fishy as it can posiibly be coz there's nothin worse than fish thats just not fishy enuff
hey tel. good to hear from ya bud. yeh im up for a reunion big time!!!! hey becci. howsu my darlin? missed u all guys, miss zante, england is s**t, terry wogan is still out there, cheese and beans r nice but not as nice as cheese and biscuits
Wow gd to hear evryone's back at last. so when r we havin a prestiege reunion then? kitch get in touch man Jkirb5@hotmail.com wud be cool to hear from ya agen. so has anyone got a job yet then? i jus started trainin at a cocktail bar down here. so how come u neva hear from josh on here then? anyways GET IN TOUCH ALL OF YA
yo yo everyone, southern shandy drinking fairy/ honoury northener here. been out on the p**s all nite and realing missing the zante life so thought id say hi to everyone. saw kate out 2nite (the girl hu ran round the bar wiv the top down) anyways get in touch we need a prestiege reunion big time. kitch contact me about next yr!!!!!! 07795158103, jkirb5@hotmail.com
Ahhhhhhh nice to c the boys r all going back this summer. looks like the only snortherner alive will be joinin u all fo another summer of fish, terry wogan and some SUICIDE DIVIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dunc get in touch
Hey hey peeps Jaye here. hope your all loving it out there shame i cant be there with ya jus got some things to do at home first. looks like i will be able to get there for bout 10th of august. i know its fookin late and i miss out on a lot but still gives me at least a month of crazin it up. be seein u crazy northern ppl soon. the last decent southerner alive out
hi guys looks like im gonna be joinin u randomly mad lot of fish v soon. not sure exactly when but when i get thereu can expect alot of smirnoff burnoff's, fish eating and searchin for wogan himself who still hasn't picked up his f**king cheese and biscuits from the pool side bar!!!! c ya soon mofo's