Deanos Places - (Bars in Tsilivi)

Davy T  (07 June 2005)         

see your still causing controversy dean you naughty smurf hope the bar is crap and everyone hates you all ( esp micky ) and a swarm of killer mossies fly over from africa and sting you all 50 million times each and you die a slow and horrific death.......... only joking hope all is well and good bet yous are all jealous that im here in norn iron were its 19c in between showers, nothing to do all day but smoke weed ( aidy came to ritchies with a 9 bar and tommy put it in the micro for 1 and a half mins and it turned to s**t ....funny he lost about 2 ounces ) . moving to edinburgh in july with ramie so dont know if i can get over this season but i will try. keep in touch....davy

p.s  why can i not get into

Deanos Places - (Bars in Tsilivi)

David T  (06 July 2005)         

whats the craic tell dean to check his e-mail as i need a response asap and if he doesnt im gonna kick him in the nuts..................

davy tiernanAngry

Deanos Places - (Bars in Tsilivi)

Davy T  (05 October 2005)         

whats up, i got your email micky but your address dosent work so ive sent my email address to deans email so get in touch

Deanos Places - (Bars in Tsilivi)

Davy T  (26 May 2006)         

ahoj from slovakia guys hope everything goes well this year,me and janka might come out later in the year,you made a real impression there munchie she wont stop saying excuse me do you have a peppermint.going to see metallica micky on the 11th of june so that should be mad i think im getting too old for this s**t cause i thought about getting seats,26 in a week how the f**k did that happen.janka has rented a cottage in the woods for the weekend so us and her mates are going to get f**ked up man,this place is class.anyway all the best for the season deano and why was my application not responded to i am very upset i burnt my special pants,they are no more.tell everyone i said yassou and tell dilly i said stop being so gay. see you soon
ps my email is can you send me photos from the first two seasons dean and especially some of my face after the crash.keep in touch.