hello bobby and kimbo!!!
well bin back a week n i can honestly say that it's bin the most depressing week ever

...... sitting at work insted of round the pool and most importantly sitting in our local (no relax) theres no entertainment like u 2 both give it's soooooooooooo boring!!!!
now and then a few songs c*m on that remind us of u but most of all we miss "the rodeo song" "u fat b**tard" and "put your hands on" these rocked!!!
u really did make the holiday and it was so sad to go from u.... we had such a great time in relax every nyt and u 2 both helped make it the best!!
yanni, spyros n dennis u were all ace aswell worked your a**es off!!!!!
hopefully we will c u in the future .... well definately

hope we stay in touch cuz u really were 2 very special people to all us stokeis and as u no "were one big family" hehe
miss singing reete petite most nyts and making my voice worst than it was

but at the same time i enjoyed it whilst it lasted.
hope to see you both in the future take care of yourselves and watch out cuz stoke myt b about lol
all the best to everybody at relax 06
luv amy (clayhed, bobbys girl and most importantly jacqui wilson)!!!!!!!