Lynn, Yes the easiest way is to go along the beach at nights as it is much much quicker, you will be fine with the pram, but just watch out for the cars driving up and down ( its a short cut for drivers in the evening,but sfae enough) The other option is to go along the road, but at night it is very dark round there, so wouldnt really recommend it,especially with a pram.
Hi Fay, yes that was me.Yes i remember you telling us about when you worked in Lags. Yes Efi's english is really coming on now, she has done really well to say a few years ago she didnt really know any english at all. When you say Sarah, do you mean from the Evgenia?I will be speaking to her this week so i will tell her about your upcoming wedding. anyway, best get back to work,speak to you soon. Marie
HI Fay
HI Fay.OMG i got myself an email address.far too technical 4 me. As i said were booked 4 the 6th June so will definatly see you. Sarah,s kids dont know were going so will be a big suprise for evegnia when we show up 4 her birthday party. My email address is
Fay & Chris