hi lucy n kymbo,
i've only just noticed the message u've left 4 every1 onestly im a dopey s**t,but still ive left my email address so u's can get in touch ,i want u 2 email me coz i need ur address coz ur on my christmas card list and i wud really like 2 get us a prezzy(i know its a bit 2 soon 4 christmas but i need to work out how much i need 2 save).oh im gonna put sum photos on da web of katie n kym and me and lucy 4 sum reason ihaven't got a photo of us all 2 gether
plz can u email me coz im really missin u all n i need 2 speak
(did u really leave bobby in zante by himself if u did ur both meantel coz id kill 2 spend another 3 weeks in his company with his jokes and name callin -gay boy i luv him so much-i drew a really nice picture of u all in art 2 day kym looks fab lol)so remember email me chick
(ive recomended dis bar 2 every1)