To rachel,
hey sean if u read this message cood u add me on msn plz bcoz some1 has blocked me password and i dunno if u have got my txt - its
heres some pics __ taki and tassos and the greek night!! its a must do! __ my auntie carol and taki on the table dancin wish i cood do that i wood love to do it it wood be sooo kool!! __ the strip(after the greek nite the best bit of the hols!) yum!!
these pics are fm a couple of years ago tho!
been bac now for nealy a week now and wish i was already bac in greece. i had such a fantastic time.
thank you to every1 that made my hols great!
greek nite (must see) was a great nite
. loads of greek dancing to be done and i finally got to dance on the table wit takis! ive been waiting for the courage for 4years now
. dennis was his usual cheeky self
i made loads of friends this year and im missing them loads (raz, valentina, dav, joe, railey, taryon, leo and specially sean) luv ya loads and missing ya loads to.
hey everyone!
hey guys
Hey matt i dunno if url remember me! we tlked on ur last day. have u got msn? if so cood i have it please huni??
Hey matt
Does ne 1 no the addy for costas apartments
Hey John its terri aparently the bars not in the middle anymore its to the side and its red my cousin went there in may il try c if they got any pics of it. See you out there only 17more day til c every1 again. Cant Wait!!!! say hey 2 karen 4 me c ya soon