Bluebell Hotel - (Accommodation in Laganas)

Sam b  (03 August 2006)         

click to enlarge

ALI!!!!! Its Sexy Sam! Me and Naughty Nats were your Neighbours from the Blue Bell!!!

How are you doing huni? Hope you are well!!
All you Hertfordshire Lads, soooo need to come to the Reunion!!! Just tell the lads the ESSEX GIRLS are going and as Nat said I am sure that will be enough!!! And also the girls have a wicked fancy dress costume that you dont want to miss...cannot tell you what it is as its a SUPRISE!!! HE HE HE
How's Jerome, before you lot went home I had to send my pictures to him! I hope he still has them on his phone!!! LOL!
Luv ya Sexy Sam x

Bluebell Hotel - (Accommodation in Laganas)

Sam b  (03 August 2006)         


I'm fine thanks hun and I am glad to hear you are too! The lovely southend ladies are doing fine and cannot wait for the reunion!!!!
We are definatley going back next year!!! We already have it planned!! Let us know when you are going and we might see each other out there!!! FUNNY TIMES!!!
I've added you to my msn so I can send some more funny pics of us girlies!!!
Awww say hello to the rest of the gang, espically the drunken one who p*sed himself!!!! HE HE HE never will forget that, and also to Jerome, awww little sweetie!!!
Speak soon x

Bluebell Hotel - (Accommodation in Laganas)

Sam b  (08 August 2006)         

click to enlarge


Nice to hear from you again! Bless you having me as a screen saver!!! HA HA HA, it wont last for long you will soon get bored!
You all made up your minds about coming to the Reunion in November! Its going to be Mayhem, you lot so have to go!!!!
All the Girlies from Essex said Hi.
TongueKeep in TouchTongue
Love from
Sexy SamWink
WinkNaughty Nat
Juicy JoWink
WinkHorny Holly
Saucy SamWink
WinkHot Stuff Hollie
Randy RhiannonWink

Bluebell Hotel - (Accommodation in Laganas)

Sam b  (09 August 2006)         

Cookie and Mouth should be your reps for the Blue Bell! They are wicked!

Say hello to them for me, from the Essex Girls x

Bluebell Hotel - (Accommodation in Laganas)

Sam b  (10 August 2006)         

Cookie is Cookie, as he hates his real name!! and Mouth is Laura!!!!

Whos your mate that was a rep hun?


x mwah x