Hello there! We've been home from Zante 5 days now and suffering some serious post-holiday blues. Vossos was definatly the best (altho basic) appartments we've stayed in!
I was there with my 2 mates lynsay and nicole - but met about a million people by the pool during the day who u end up going out with at night too. you end up getting like one big happy family
(aww, how soppy!) Shout outs to the other 7 Scottish girls from Edinburgh (see you guys at natalies!), Johnny (Rep) and Liam (x), adam/luke/matt/jo, jack/ollie, gemma/arron, Rick/Arron and john (the most accident prone person ive ever met!) Gary/eddie, lynsay/laura, all the Bristol Lads ("Far to drunk to swim!") The guys with the dodgy shirts and everyone else we met!!
The appartments are really basic - but to be fair - you'll never be in them! the shower isnt attached to the wall - and theres the real threat of ants - but thats totally eclipsed by the riot you end up having!! Totally reccomend Vossos anyways - fantastic place 4 a good laff 
Love Stacey (Glasgow)
Pink Panthers for a 70euro fishbowl,
letting the security guard Jimmy/Jamie chase u around "Shhhhh!! Problemo, Problemo!!!" lol,
Jumping in the pool at 10am (when u get home from the dancing)
having convos over the balconys!
having a laugh round the pool and catching up on gossip
lydia and jabba
and of course........