tony kearney here!!, we have been asked back by the staff of denny,s and all the local bars and restaurants to keep the mc,fadden family in order. they really do drink the bar dry, unless you get in there company you dont stand a chance, alison starts see-ing cows, where?, i dont know!. she and karen have the strangest of conversations, so me and yannis turn to the bottle, it keeps us sane, even kirsty and liam give them strange looks, but me and yannis keep our eye on them, (it might only be one eye as we are sometimes a little merry)rumour has it that stevetonyloaf are touring this year, they might even do denny.s, you never know, cant wait to see some great people again, keep the dancing going wendy, see ya all soon, tollis karen and liam the super cool dude, xxx
nearly forgot, can anyone help, when yannis says "one for road tollis" how do i say to him that we need two for the road,
rosie and jeannie, i,ll take you up on your offer, nice cold mythos on arrival please, dont wind pete up anymore about the city trouncing derby he must of looked like this
. anyway i,ve told the mcfaddens to calm down this year, especially alison who was begginning to make me and yannis look like light weights (budgie drinkers). i,ll only be drinking fruit juice this year as im a born liar, steve hows the vocal chords, im like a man possessed now with the kareoke. see you all soon guys, tony karen and liam
to walk up skopos one must be extremely
by the time you reach the top you will look like this
but its well worth the effort as you will see from other comments, if your flip flop breaks, as did mine, you will look like this
( bit like pete after cov derby game i suppose). if you do track me down i will show you where the taddy,s used to breed. tollis
kerry, i said would never go any-where twice until i came here (dennys) with my wife and four year old son (at the time), well we have been back every year since, bar one. there is a small park, but i think once the kids get in the pool they never want to get out, whatever age.i dont know the other hotel you mention but i can definately vouch for dennys, we meet friends every year with children there and they all say the same, even at night, the younger ones seem to all get on and play together and they are all encourage to sing on kareoke night.
i have been going to kalamaki for over ten years now and tho i dont stay here(crunella) i visit it everyday to read my paper and chat with the owner, who i met when its was not a hotel but a little bar out the back with a kiddies go kart track,
this was the first place we tried over ten years ago and we have been using it ever since, top food, great home made wine.
TOLIS TOURS, if you can find me and my partner yannis at the bar and we are soberish, we will be more than delighted to escort you up and over the mountain(skopos) its a hard walk but great fun with a beer sample down the other side of the mountain in various bars(taxi back strongly recomended) as you,ll be in no fit state to walk back. if you think its hot, wait til you get up the mountain, i actually had to drink some water and found it was tasteless(unlike ice cold mythos). my son liam did the mountain when he was just 8 years old, so any ages under 100 should be ok.
Well William you maybe you need to sort out your eyes because, every sane person i know loves kalamaki !!So on be half of kalamaki dont come back! ever!
mr w.Gordon i am 13 years old and i know scum... and your one of them ! And as for those rat infested roads there must have been so many they were invisible or they were just attracted to you!the staff are great and friendly ! And as for your personal remarks well.... you have gone to far and out of order!And i havn't saw any overweight people or things but by the sounds of it your head is one of those things ! Please don't come back you wining little baby boo friggin hoo! liam!
well william, is everyone else wrong and you right, its so easy to be a faceless(i was going to say man) child. sitting behind your computer talking absolute drivel, we asked who you were, but no one knew, so you must have been great fun. why did you mention the leather sofa you had just bought, (was that meant to impress). ask yourself honestly have you got many friends, if any. to be offensive like you have been, just about sums up the type of person you are, not very well liked and very insecure, i think. by the way, you never moaned about the water in the pool being wet. every one that reads your comments is disgusted with you and your attitude.
oh stifado, that was a declaration of war, that photo made me look drunk with lipstick on
we really missed you and wendy the second week, but that wont stop me getting even young maaan. a man is entitled to look a little weary at four in the morning
. see how everyone has agreed with wee willie(i think not)so everyone reading these comments ignore williams and and listen to the genuine people who visit dennys inn, from the children to the elderly( sorry yanni mac) but you are getting on a bit
along with tesero, i rate this the best restaurant in kalamaki, great menu, which makes it so hard to choose your meal (spoilt for choice). sometimes i just have the "tonights special" and have never been disapointed.
gina, the dias restaurant is behind the crunella hotel (which is on the main kalamaki rd) its about 50 yards up on the right, you can actually see it from the drunk corner bar, hope you find it, its a great place to eat.
yiannis, paul getting emotional
he was sobbing his little heart out, bless his little cotton socks.
i only tried this restaurant once and that was more than enough, the waiters were very abrupt,
(mafia like). when i went the food was ok but the prices were scandalous, we spoke to a couple who had dined there this year and they paid 97 euros for just a starter and their main meal, well we dine out as a group of six most evenings, but have never had to pay that much for six of us, the garden setting may look nice but its mozzy nightmare at night.
try dias or tesoro for better food and service at half the price and thats the "gods honest truth".
TO LOUISE denny,s is a fantastic place, we have been going there for over ten years.
janet the breakfast at denny,s is continental, its varies from day to day.