We are going to Apollo studios,6th September 05.We are in our early 60s 50s 40s.We hope we are not to old for these studios,has anyone in this age group been here,we all like a good drink,also love a good laugh.Is it best to take sterling trav cheques or euros.Which are the best bars&eating places.It sounds an OK place anyone any comments,that may help us when we arrive.
HI,We go to the apollo appts,6th sept,05.Can anyone advise which is the best to take,sterling cash or sterling trav/cheques,euro cheques,or euro's.Can anyone let me know in the next couple of day's.Also the best place to exchange,for the best rates.Cheers.
Came to Zante 6th Sept05,stayed at the Apollo across the road,but always called in the Virago for an hour or two.Vikki&Spiros always made the four of us very welcome,two realy nice people,very polite to everyone,also served very nice drinks plus the odd free one's
Just been in touch with our travel agent,Kosmar still have the Akis appts.What has happened is,Kosmar have have overbooked on certain dates,but we wer'nt told what dates.As we go in september we were told our dates are ok.I hope this is some help to you Robbie.
Great beach very clean,warm shallow water great for kids
.Beach bars ok,resonable prices for drinks and food,
try the one thats chrome,pink&glass nice plce this,can't remember the name
Stayed at the Apollo Sept05.Food, drinks,
.Ate here 4times in the 2weeks holiday,coud'nt fault anything about the restaurant at all well done to you all.
Went to the Apollo in Alikanas,about 4 times also.Everything very much the same here,great food
great staff
.also.Felt ill one day while we walking around Alikanas,i asked them for a taxi back to Alykes,but George went and got his car and took me back himself,how nice is that.
Kim always slipped us a bottle of red on the house
with our meal cheers Kim.Give it a try while your here you will love it.
We went on this trip Sept 05. Worth every penny,the 4 of us went on the evening ride,which was ideal as we missed the heat of the day.Its a realy nice trip to Spiros taverna,on the way we were well informed by Dee,she explained all about the Alykes area,also when we arrived at the museum how Spiros had spent a lot of time collecting all the items inside.The food was tasty the wine even tastier.
You must book the Greek night with Dee,she realy looks after you makes sure your wine jugs are not empty for to long,excellent night out,not one complaint all night give a go.
Stayed here Sept05,the four of us had a great time.Dimitris,what can you say about him,well we must say he's a great chap,likes a drink&a laugh with everyone.Harry (Babbis)what a nice lad,so dont believe what you read girls he's
ok.Colins a nice enough chap,try's to keep you all happy with his quiz/bbq nights.Breakfast round the pool was realy nice,
well cooked just like all the food at the Apollo.Thanks to you all for making this a great holiday.
Hello Peter,can't say as i saw any local transport in the 2week's we were there.Plenty of places on the main street to book any trips out.The nearest boat trip is on beach which is behind the Astoria hotel?i think thats what its called.Have a ride on the train while your there i am sure you will enjoy the trip
.Have good time
while your there,our friends are there same time,you may bump in to them Chris&Geoff from Manchester.
The 4 of us stayed at the Apollo Appts in Alykes Sept05.We ate here 4/5 times in the 2weeks holiday.We had various meals,each one was excellent.The service,staff,cleanliness was excellent.Kim always left a bottle of red wine on the table on the house of course,cheers
Kim.I felt ill
one day while we were in Alykanas,so i asked could they get me a taxi back to Alykes,George did no more but went and got his own car and took me back himself,how nice is that
.We realy think this restaurant should be 10**********,and not the four shown.We would like to thank all at both Apollo's for making this a brilliant
holiday,thanks to you all,hope to see you again one day.
hi peter,got the dates wrong our friends are there in sept,so your luck's in you wont see them,onlyjoking.try the little taverna 1st one on the left going to town,may not look much but foods preety good
on the left further on thats ok to.try the apollo in alykanas good food there also.get the horse&cart back,ask kim to try to get the guy dressed like a cowboy,the one who's always whistling,he' a right
.the v****a bar as we called it,just outside theapollo is ok nice people
there.supermarket on the right halfway up the main street you can get anything you may need there.hope this bit of info helps to save you looking for thing's.have a good holiday.
Are you there Christine Mcdonald,this is just to let you know that Geoff had a heart attack on Thursday 29th.Had an opperation the same day,all went well
so he should be home on Monday 3rd.Hospital said he should make a full recovery,and may never have another one,although its not 100% gauranted.Dont know if they will still go to the Apollo in Sept,i think its all down to the doctor's.Christine was devastated on thursday,but now she knows the danger is over and he should make a full recovery she's a lot better now.
To whoever run this site,it's about time this restaurant had the 10/10 it deserves.The comments on this restaurant show it fully deserves the 10/10.Excellent,Excellent,FOOD&STAFF.
Hi,can anyone tell me if the Contissena is situated up a steep hill.We have friends who are on Zante at the moment,who rang to say it is up a steep hill,as my wife has walking difficulties this would be a problem ,as 6 of us have just booked for Sept 07, & the brochure or this site says nothing about any hills.We would appriciate a fairly quick reply,so we could have a word with our travel agent and sort it out if this is the case.Unless our friends have been to look at the wrong hotel.Thank you.
Hi Emma thank's for the reply.It seem's the wife should be ok if its only a slight incline and its not hundreds of yards long.Looking forward to going after reading all the good comments about this hotel,no one has got a bad word to say about it,if she has a few to many we can always send her back in a cab to save her the walk.Thank's again for the info.
Hi Emma,I did reply to your comments on the Contessina but it seems to dissapeard of this site.Just in case you missed it thanks again for your help.It seems our friends went to the Contessina restuarant it also has appartments, and is up hill and steps,so they saw the name Contissena and presumed it was the hotel we have booked for 07.Anyway its all sorted now,there are no steps or hills,like you said,seems about right for them to go to wrong place
.Thanks again for your help.Alan
Hi Peter,thanks for your nice comment very nice of you.Well it wont be long now before your on you way.Dont forget to try the little taverna 1st on the left as you head into town,might not look much but good food etc,the taxi drivers use it a lot.You must do the land train, and greek night
sure you will have great night out there.Food is good at the Apollo
,also at the Apollo in Alykanas.Not much to add realy,only as Zante is such a lovely island we(6)of us are going back in 07 fly out 30th August 2days after my retirment,(yes i know i dont look it)i wish.Anyway have a great holiday,i'am sure you will, i will keep a look out for your comments later.Bye