I loved apollo i made some really nice friends espeachly colin, dymatrie and babbies
the acomadation was perfect the pool was lovley but really cold the beach was lovley the meals were really nice i am going back in october can not wait i loved it. i did not want to leave
. i would love to move to Zante! and i also hope to go for my 13th birthday in may!!!!!!!!!!!I LOVED IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i loved apollo i made some lovley friends esphelly colin,dymitre and babbies
. the pool was lovley but very cold i was the first person in in the year of 2005 the beach was lovley. i did not want to leave
but i am going back in october
i can not wait to see colin,dymrtire and babbies!!!!!!!!! the meals were also very nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I LOVED APOLLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i went to apollo on 1st may so i was the only girl around babbis age cause the other girl was bout 5. he loved me and i loved him we got on so well in the pool together playing, watching dvds, play fiting, playing pea nuts etc... we would try to chase each over round the pool and on the last day we were doing that and i ripped his new top by accident he did not mind he liked it! he would come round to my room and we would take at the door. we had a lot of laughts together we just stared into each overs eyes. he write in my activy fun book that he loved me and allways would!! then when i said i was going he was like no no dont go! he would wolf wissile at me ! and we just had a great time i can not wait cause i am going in october for the last week and we will have a brillant time then. and we are going to try and get over for my 13th birthday in may ! and babbis is maybe going to come to my house this year with colin i hope he does cause i have lots of things to do with him!!
and babbis also asked me to marry him !!!!! and his dad was like yes yes !!! we had a great 2 weeks together and i will allways like him and can not wait to see him later this year and in october and may ! i love you babbis ! and i am so glad i was the FIRST girl you loved this year !!!!!!!
you will have to leave your room at 12 noon and pay money for a other room for the night. i no that babbis tells you he loves and flirts with you when you are there and when your not there is flirtin wid other gilrs but when your there you get some great memorys for the rest of your life! i was just glad i was the first girl he went out wid this year, and will be the last to go out wid him at the end of the season in october, and hopefully the fist in 2006 in may when i go for my 13th birthday.but can not wait till babbis comes to my house with colin !!!!!!!!! I CAN NOT WAIT
i dont think babbis is the type to do dirty things i no hes not SHY to show his feeling but i think hed be to SHY to do some it dirty. not being cheeky but how old are you hannah cause i just wanna no what age he goes 4 cause ther was a 8 or 9 year old and he went 4 me and i was only 11 then but am 12 now
it is great for all ages colin and dymtire will make you very welcome! all though you may here a little noise at night from the pool bar, they play music till bout 2 or 3 in the morrin but they turn it down bout 11 or 12 but you should enjoy your stay at apollo lots! have a nice holiday ! from laura age 12
i loved apollo one of the best places to eat in alykes and there is an apollo 2 in the next town down about 20 mins there and 20 mins back i loved the service and the kids meals and espechally when babbis gave me lodes of sparklers
to every one who is a bit unsure about apollo they are very friendly , helpfull, the rooms are ok and they get cleaned so do not worry, they do excellent food. babbis is prob the best 1 he is very funny, sweet + nice , try 2 make friends wif him, he is a little cheeky but its funny!! he will try to help you , babbis is ok at speaking english but u have 2 listen 2 him! me + him got on very well he wanted 2 marry me!
i am going bak 2 c him in ooctober + in may !!! i can not wait
EVRY 1 WILL HAVE A GREAT TIME AT APOLLO its great espeachelly colin + babbis !!!!
hi i saw a girls worried abot babbis, and your 12 well dont be scared about babbis hes sweet he wont hurt you he just likes to play if you ignore him he shuld not bother you ! but you should get to no him hes very funny! any 1 who is taking children aged 11- 14 they will have a lot of fun as babbis will make them laugth he likes girls a lot but likes hangin out wif bois!
hiya just 2 say about colin that he suposdly chuked ppl in the pool fully clothed witch i RELY dont belive cuase i have been ther twice + i have NEVA EVER seen him chuk ANY BODY in the pool !! espechially fully clothed....... n he neva eva sweared so i dont belive it !! but i cant wait 2 c colin cos i love him 2 bits + i miss him SOOOOOOO mcuh !!! xXx laws xXx P.S colin if u read this cant wait 2 c u (hopefully soon) !!