gia sou nikos! ti kanis?
me and elin miss u loads! u know we will be back! this is the best bar u can ever visit!
the staff at magic are gr8, if u take away the dishwasher boy ofcourse
girls, don't be fooled by the guys that live on the island, the are losers! total laiers! take it from one who knows

and know a few words to u:
nikos : (the owner) - u are gr8, so kind and so real1 love u loads file mou
savvas : - thank u for allways looking out for me when i was sick, say hi to your wife and daugther from me!
takis : - hope your face heals, haha it was scary when your face cought fire!
chapi/ juljan : - hope that u one day understands that u cam't live the way u do. love your brother! he is the best! ronnie aka mike!
louise: - allways happy, u maked my holiday. sunshine

dimitra: - hihi u are so funny, allways talking s**t about the other girls.. love u girl1
nana: - hope everything works out with u and your ex boyfriend! u diserve someone who loves u! haha it allways fun to look at lefteris, right?
maria: - the hotel owner, we loved it when u allways talked to us about the history of argassi.. and your dogs! haha
nikos, when u see me and elin again, get two drinks ready for us! u know wich ones

thats all from me now, but it not the last u will hear from me!

love u all!
caroline x x x