My third attempt of writting my comments on this web site, does not appear to like what Iv wtitten.
Hi just to add to Ruth's comment. We have a right to freedom of speech and if you don't like the bad reviews then don't keep going onto the web page. You will always have good and bad reviews which is only fair. Different people seek different things out of a holiday and it would be a shame if we were all the same. If someone is planning on going to Admirals they have a right to review the good and bad comments it might help them to decide if its the right place for them. I read the bad reviews before we went and actually they were spot on. Admirals might be great for you
but not so for everyone
. This web page gives a good all round view of peoples experiences which is fair and true, not all good but not all bad either.
In addition regarding Ruth's comment about having fun, the other people and myself who have put negative feedback on here do know how to have a good time WE just don't do it at the expence of others. Try not to be so sensitive to the views of others and you may see some truth in what you read. Other peoples views are what makes life interesting and fun.
In reply to Dave's message. Quiet people do know how to have fun but not in other people's faces.
Admirals is o.k for teenagers but not really for young children. There was no respect shown to some of these poor mites who were often pushed out of the way by teenagers running wild around the pool side when I went in August.
The hotel is clean and the cleaning staff fantastic. I felt sorry for them having to clean up vomit left from teenagers who had got drunk and left their mess for everyone else to clean up.
I am not anti teenagers and went to Admirals with my two teenagers but they respected that not everyone wants screaming kids in your face all day.
When you work hard all week its nice to go on holiday torelax and chill as well. And to save the screaming to the evening when you can club, dance and sing until your hearts content.
In reply to Michael's comment, Im glad you read the bad comments, please take note of them and you might just improve your service for everyone to enjoy. Our holiday was ok but ruined by the few kids who were rude and pusing all the little kids over at the pool side. Your comment about old people enjoying themself at would be the holiday from hell for them. I take it by old you mean anyone over 80. They would hate all the loud voice by the poolside, late at night, and the hotel is to far from the shops and beach for them. Admirals Im sure is visited again by the few who really enjoyed themself here. The hotel is really clean and some of the entertainment great fun....just try and take note of all the bad comments to build on and you will have a really good hotel for EVERYONE to enjoy.
Inaddition, HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone who visited Admirals, whether they enjoyed it or not. Lets hope 2006 will be even better .
In reply to Mick B......Yes I totally agree with you, we could not believe how many young kids were running around without parental control, I saw a couple of near misses with little kids falling into the dirty pool due to pushey teenagers. The people who go back time after time hate the negative comments on this site,
but they can't all be wrong can they. Also, if these people never go anywhere else they have nothing but Admirals to judge their holiday by. My holiday was not to bad, but it was not good either, and neither was it cheap like everyone keeps saying.
I just wish the REPS would read all the comments and try to improve the place so that everyone could enjoy it. The really good thing about this place is that its really clean, the rooms are small but very clean which is more important.
In reply to Leslie, ''I think you're spot on'', we went in the Summer hols, (middle of August), and maybe it would have been better if we had choosen another month less busy. The hotel itself was extremely clean, and Zante a beautiful island . Hope you have a great holiday when you go back, it will bet great to read your new comments.
when you get back.
Hi Ruth, your the lady that doe's not like negitive comments about Admirals, not sure why you continue to keep logging onto the site, because you will always have negitive feedback even 5 star hotels don't always get it right. 'Yes' the pool was dirty late afternoon in August and thats to be expected with so many people using it. My husband did get an ear infection from the pool which the Doctor who visits Admirals on a regular basis put down on his medical form. As regards to the sun beds....there are not enough, Im afraid thats a 'fact', but there never is anywhere unless your going 5 star, so you can't expect it. Lets just hope the Reps and hotel manager read thegood comments and the negative ones to improve the hotel in general, so everyone can have a better service, not only the chosen few. Thats what the comments are all about , its not a fan club site after all, but a service we have all paid for.
Yes, I totally agree with your comments, lets not get to personal about other people's negative comments either, freedom of speech and all that, which was my point in the first place
Other people have a right to add their views even if they have not enjoyed Admirals
and should not get crap messages back about their reviews, if you read the past messages you'll read there is alot of personal comments going on, mostly from people who go back year after year. This message board is really great because it reflects true comments, which keeps it interesting. If you read a message board with all great comments you would be rather suspicious anyway, because no hotel can ever get it 100% right.
Hi Annmaria you will have a great time, don't worry. You are going in September which is a great month. Iv had a moan on here but we paid a lot for our hol as it was in the height of the season, if it had been a budget deal I could not have complained. We still enjoyed the holiday and the island is fab, so much to see and do, the trips were brill.
. The enterainment in the evening and around the pool side is ok, but watch your little one as the some of the teenagers get rather excited, but as you are going in September it should be ok. Also wear ear plugs in the pool and sea, my hubbie got an ear
infection from swimming which ruined 3 days of his holiday, poor thing. The doctor adviced us we should all wear ear plugs to avoid infections and expense. The fee and medication was over 150 euros, so take some money for emergency just in case and have a good holiday insurence, the unexpected can happen.
You will get some sleep, the noise usually stops at about two am or before, we were in the back of the hotel, not near the pool so it was quieter. The apartments are small but really clean, the maids are brill at changing your towels and sheets, and so friendly
. Have a great hol
Who is he????? who is this George, I guess people go back to see George not Admirals. Give George his own fan club site and then we can continue to read real reviews about Adrimals, this is what people want to read, not how wonderful George is, know this will upset the fans but please its about the hotel not a man called George, after all, who is he????.
Thats ok Sharon, no need to say sorry, I just wondered who George was thats all as everybody sems to talk about him. I like to read what people think about the hotel as well thats all. It just gets abit boring when everyone writes about him and not the hotel. Im interested in any changes that might have happened since I visited the hotel. Glad you've enjoyed your stays at Admirals.
Hi Sharon, yes I suppose your right I had forgotten about the entertainment bit, I actually can't recall seeing him. We went two years ago, we might go back next year I will let you know if we do. Its so cold at the moment just thinking about the sunshine next year and summer holidays brings a smile to my face.