7 gordie lasses flyin from newcastle on the 13th ov august we wanna nar if theres any other gordies goin a the same day. if there is me email address is steph_widd@hotmail.com so add iz. love yaz x x x
Guy ( the leciester lads ) its charlene (the geordie lasses) recognised ya pic on 1 of th msgs. ya alreet ?? u hav a gd holiday ? X
hiya got bk from th alexanders on th 28th august had a mint holiday !! stil wish i was there, hard 2 believe ive only been bk a week. jus wonderin did any1 else meet these 3 lads from milton keynes jus coz i want 2 get in touch wiv them, never got a chance 2 say bye properly lol. any1 else tht was at th alexanders between 13th and 28th aug let me no plz x x x
hiya all ov us 9 gordie girls miss rob lol n carlie never got his cross lol. propa miss 4 play it was gud bar to get pissed in then make ya way to the strip. it was only ova the road so it was even better. i wish a was still there coz all ov us had a really really mint time n we all miss every one we met wen we where out there. love yaz xxxx
captain morgan's all the way haha a big massive hello from us 9 gordies girls that where there every day no fail. food was great n the staff were brill.xx
hiya !!!! loved it in waikiki, they played mint music .had sum laughs in there haha!!! wish i was back :( mel loved 1 of th pr's outside of there i think thts th only reason sh wanted 2 go there lol. went there on were 1st nite and this lad wanted 2 lick this drink off me tummy a was mortal n went ahead wiv it then dun th same 2 him ha!
All us nine gordie girls propa loved cocktails and dreams we went there every nite.We loved cocktails the best out ov all the barS on the strip.am propa gutted to be home in freezin cold newcastle but a put my CD on from cocktail and it just bring back the memories ov how we loved it so much......propa miss it
What was th lad called tht worked behind th bar in bad boys n he had 2 work on his 21st bday once. im sure it was duncan or sumik ?? x x x