i am sooooo dreading my hol now after reading this! am goin with my gf, plz tel me il survive the razis nightmare... plz plz... wat r the beaches like?
anyone goin bettween july 30th 15th august? am goin with my gf.. the razis packed with big groups of young people dead boysterous? that wil crak me up.. hunky guys next to me.. il b like mr muscle...
razis were sound!! everyones chattin rubbish when they say its dodgy!! i ad a grea hol, me and my girlfriend went, there were no loud gangs, the hol was relaxing, got on with mr razis, he dont hide, just respect ur room he is happy, tho yeh he knows no english, but in greek yassu filley means elo friend hes happy if he gets that, the pool and bar are so nice, so the apartments are small, its cheap i stil liked it, theyre clean if u keep them tidy, tho mosquitos are bad, ul handle them, george was sound very nice man, john and dee, missyas, sarah says hi, and pat and jenny, elo to u too. really guys go the razis, one of the best places to stay 4 the price, dont be put off and wori bout the bad comments go and c 4 yourself.