- fantastic, another great year at razis studios George and rula are great mr razi(christoph) is great he is a great guy and all of these rumours are fake I've been going there for 17 years and a lot has changed it's basic yeah but it's great there is a great pool and bar the reps are great and there is great bars and restaurants nearby. 10/10 I would the amend this place to everyone. Don't listen to the rumours is great some people are just stuck up snobs and don't realise when something is great. People cities this place as if its really bad it's not its great and its not gonna be the best place In Zante it's 2 star!!!!!! If you want better stay at a five star hotel!!!!!!!!!! Great place recommend to all and yes yannis can be annoying but he is a laugh and he is great and he's 17 now so he's older and he's grown up now don't listen to them stuck up people!
Great place!
Got back from my stay at the Razis Erieta Studios last week...had an amazing time in Zante and the rooms were better than we expected, me and 6 other guys went and had a great time! however...it seems girls dont have such a good time here...the 1st day we were there some girls had their stuff stolen from the pool area... and on the night we left the girls in the rooms next to us had their rooms broken into through the back door and all of their money was taken after their 2nd night in Zante!! needless to say they got the next flight home!! apart from that the pool is brilliant, the apartments are fairly clean and i guess you get what you pay for...just keep you valuables safe!!
im absoulutely s**tting my self about this is mr razi a theif? im 18 n going with 2 more lads for lots of beer but what hapens if u refuse to get up at 9?? n dont no weather to look forward to it now
oh hello lucy! ha dammit you beat me to a review!
WOW! is all i can say!!
SORRY LUCY I DONT KNOW YOU BUT ARE YOU MISTAKEN COS WE WERE THERE THE SAME TIME AND I DONT RECORD ANY OF THIS IS WAS GREAT!!! EVERYONE IN THE HOTEL GETS ALONG GREAT AND YOU ALL BECOME FRIENDS WHICH IS VERY NICE!!!I stayed in the Razis, and it was the bollocks! there was a young couple there who always moaned... well if u come to lagana what do u expect! was so so good, best holiday ever! just a shame u had people that moaned all the time! if they would have pissed off the hotel would of been so much better! so glad when they left! plus if u cheat on your boyfriend and he catches u obviously going to have a bad time altogether ay! anyways got things to do but defo 10/10! x x
I stayed at Razis in the same two weeks in August!!! And i tell you now it is the best i dont know what the bad comments are all about!!! I would say if you go to laganas be prepared to party!!! I remember a couple always moaning and complaining they were young themselves but never seen anything like it.... there going to moan if they are in bed at 9 every night lol!! I wouldnt mind but they annoyed people with there arguing cos she was mis behaving!!!!!
The location is perfect everything in the right place!!!I went to Zante in July, and have been meaning to write a review about it for ages! I satyed in the Razis appartments and had no problems at all except for the bloody mosquitos! Which Mr. Razis and Christina helped us to get rid of with a teatowel and some bug spray! The rooms were clean enough for a 2* appartment and were cleaned twice a week. The cleaners even cleaned around us a few times when we were too hungover to get out of bed! The appartments were close enough to the main nightlife to walk to in very little time, but also far enough away that you could sleep if you wanted a night in. George and his wife were lovely, always happy to help. As were their children, Yannis is not a sod, or the devil child like most people have said, he's just a kid, what do you expect from children, they like to have a bit of fun, and seen as they help their parents behind the bar and around the appartments you have to forgive them for wanting to play around somethimes! Christina was very helpful when translating for her grandfather Mr Razis, who cant speak any english at all. I will reccomend that you get air conditioning in your bedroom as you won't be able to sleep otherwise. It is a bit pricey but definatley worth it! All in all I had a great holiday in Zante and at the Razis appartments and my friends and I are planning to go back to the same place next year. I would reccomend the Razis to anybody.
Mr Raz is sound and so is George, its really annoyed me since ive returned and read the idiots who left negative comments about this place its out of order and the comments are made by either brain dead yobs who have returned to the rooms at silly O'Clock in the morning and smashed the rooms up or stupid stubborn British Nobs who expect 5 star luxury for 2 star price. The rooms are clean and tidy and cleaned twice a week which they ask you to be out of the room by 9 'O Clock so they can do this. The location is spot on and about 2 mins walk away from the quieter (and better) road and 5 mins from the main road. The Pool and bar are fantastic and really relaxing and more like 3 star, they say if your in a hotel on the main road you wont sleep until early morning because of the blareing noise but Mr Raz's place is basically in the middle of a field the only thing that woke me up was a cow mooing.£250 for 2 weeks if you take the flight price of that this place is a bargin , nice one Mr Raz,,,he even kissed my wife on the last day,,,,dood.
OO P.S Georges son isnt a devil child hes just a normal kid, but be warned he is a 2nd dan in Karate......
We've just come back from a 2 week holiday staying at Razis Studio's and had no problems. We found the location ideal, near enough for the night life if you wanted yet far enough away. The room was basic, but then again we know what we'd paid for - a 2 star accommodation!!! The pool area was lovely and the staff very friendly and happy to help. Mr Razis was a lovely old man, he spoke very little English, but still polite. The room was clean, so again no problems. We were apprehensive after reading previous reviews on the accommodation, but as long as you're not a gang of idiots that go smashing up the place then why should you have any problems?? I would recommend the place and will go back. Thanks for a great holiday George XXXX
razis were sound!! everyones chattin rubbish when they say its dodgy!! i ad a grea hol, me and my girlfriend went, there were no loud gangs, the hol was relaxing, got on with mr razis, he dont hide, just respect ur room he is happy, tho yeh he knows no english, but in greek yassu filley means elo friend hes happy if he gets that, the pool and bar are so nice, so the apartments are small, its cheap i stil liked it, theyre clean if u keep them tidy, tho mosquitos are bad, ul handle them, george was sound very nice man, john and dee, missyas, sarah says hi, and pat and jenny, elo to u too. really guys go the razis, one of the best places to stay 4 the price, dont be put off and wori bout the bad comments go and c 4 yourself.
I stayed 2 weeks in the Erieta Studios. I don't care what Olympic say, it was less than 2*.
Just got back from Zante missing it already...we stopped in the erieta very basic but ok for a sleep, Yannis is the devil child two weeks of pure torment by the little sod .... Although we spent nearly two hours chasing the little sod to try and dunk him fully clothed in the pool he was reduced to tears and gave us a guilt trip so he got away only to be had the day after... On the whole cracking little place george makes a mean vodka n coke v strong and thanks to him for feeding us black sambuca at 6.30 in the morning ....grezzah1979@hotmail.com
Just come back from my 2nd stay at the Razis and had a great time. The appartments are basic but so are most in Greece espicially for £300 for 2 weeks. If you wnat luxury pay extra and stay in a hotel.
hey just comeback from a 2wk holiday in zante!!!
well where do i start!!! we knew this place was 2 star but did not realise how basic 2 star is. i hate to say the rumours are true about Mr Razis he made our 2 weeks a living hell. he and his staff let themself into ur appartment when ever they felt like it, he also complained and ripped us off with air con- ( if you dont get the air con u wont be able to sleep, and the air con takes about 4 hours to cool the room down!
) also someone took a likin to my Ipod as that went missing!!! Mr Razis cant speak a word of English so you will have to get his Grandchildren to translate for you and it sems ab it wrong to shout at a 10 year old greek girl in order to get your point across!! also we had to have the beds changed three times in order to find a matress that wasnt compltley bent in the middle. on a apositive note the location from the main strip and beach are ok, and the pool at the appartments is very nice but after my ipod was stolen we went on strike declared war
and refused to have anything to do with staff- as didnt want to line Mr Razis pockets. yes Mr Razis grandson is a sod and you will be bothered throughout your whole stay.
We weren't really looking forward to our visit having read the terrible reviews of the Razis, but it is really not that bad! The rooms are basic, but sort of what you'd expect for the price and the 'kitchen' is so tiny there isn't a hope in hell of really cooking in it.
Hey just got back from two weeks here... The apartment wasnt too bad, not much in terms of a kitchen, eat out its cheap anyway...The rooms are cleaned twice a week at about 9 in the morning, so set your alarm... The bathroom is a wet room, this will get soaked but just move it around with your brush and it will be fine... There are loads off great bars/clubs..i recommend Baywatch beach party, and bonanzas restaurant... The beach isnt too great but if you take a 40 min walk down the beach to the little island there is a great pebble beach there..its so beautiful.. The splash pool and bar is fab, george is a great laugh and the woman during the day is lovely... the only quabble i have is that Mr. Razis kicked us out off our room at 9am even though our flight wasnt till 6am the following morning.. But this whole Mr. Razis hiding in the bushes is bull...he is fussy about breakages though but be careful and quiet at night and you will have a great time...Wish I Was Back!!!
i am sooooo dreading my hol now after reading this! am goin with my gf, plz tel me il survive the razis nightmare... plz plz... wat r the beaches like?
i went to zante on the 3rd of july for two wks, what a holiday, mr razis made our holiday by chasin with his stick and shining his torch in our eyes on the way home from a night out, he is actually a good guy jus a bit mad, he had to get his grandson to speak to us cos he couldnt speak any english, we got on well with the family that owned it and needless to say i am goin back to zante on the 3rd of july again, but not stayin at mr razis studios, but i am sure i will pay him a visit.
funniest thing from my hol was gettin back from a night out and jumpino ff the barr roof into the pool only to get out and get chased by mr razis back into my room and had to sneak back out to get my towel and shoes. what a laugh.hey its lauren,rachel.carolyn and emily ,