Flight out was good, not hassle. transfer to Argassi was very quick and efficient.

Flight home, where to start.. Well transfer was good. Arrived at airport, (13.20)stood outside ( under cover) waiting to check in as there was no room in the actual airport. They were only letting 10 people in at a time. To make matters worse all baggage had to be scanned. only 2 scanners available!!. Then the major problem started. We had been waiting to check in for over 2 hours!

When we finally made it to the front of the queue. We then and only then found out why it had taken so long. Orignally we had 2 ladies checking us in. However halkf way through. One of them decided she didn't want to do this anymore and got up and walked away

. Also there was a flight to Zurich checking in at the same time. The only problem with this was that they were given priority over us, however there flight was not due to take off until 17.25 we due to take off at 15.45. The thompson reps didn't do anything to rectify this matter. They just kept saying there was nothing they could do. We finally went through passport control at 15.50.

within 10 mins we were called to board!! however there were still people checking in.
upon boarding the flight the crew asked what was the problem. so we explained. She replied by saying that they had arrived 30mins EARLY!! and that nothing had been communicated to them regarding the problems checking in. . Flight itself home was good.