hi sinbad, how are you , happy xmas to you and happy new year, by the way sent you a email dont know if you got it are not.
hi to everyone at the apollo custummers and staff wishing you all the best for xmas and new year if anyone wants to get in touch my email is laticsok@hotmail.com take care bye
hiya janice hope your ok how did u like working in apollo then. im going back again next year are you?what did giota have to say about me turning up lol when did the bar shut down.hope to hear from you soon my email is angelic_devil84@hotmail.co.uk let me know tc lucy xxx
krist the girl with the blond hair which one the girl who works at night time r the girl who works during the day.
The nice blond girl in the bar. I would like to get her e-mail or soemthing else that i can reach her on. were down there recently. cant stop thinking about here.
sadly this place will never be the same without sinbad still a good bar though george is fantastic the barman but sinbad will be sorely missed
hi to everyone working in apollo. great food and of course cocktails!!! miss the good food. say hi to janice the irish girl and nikos and george,
hope things are ok sinbad aint heard from you in a while keep up the good work guys good entertainment and prices
sinbad is a top guy.good bar
Hi guys!!!!! Just a special thanks to you all for making our holiday one to remember. The entertainment was superb, the drinks lethal, the food top drawer & the hospitality first class. A special thanks to Sinbad & Cheryl you were both fantastic & we are all missing you already especially Carys (& we have only been back home a day!!!!)
Anyone who is stopping in Argassi pay the Apollo Bar a visit but just be carefull when Cheryl offers you one of her deadly cocktails!! hee hee.
Sinbad keep up the good work mate & if you can find me any work out there we will be back in a shot. Oh & I nearly forgot thanks to Nicos & George, we will treasure our t-shirts Nicos as I could tell you didnt like to let them go in a hurry!!! Take Care all & keep in touch.
well i reall enjoyed my time in apollo bar george the barman is a top guy and nikos is great to but sinbad is a top guy a good mate of mine as well good singer as well
A really nice bar. The internet is the cheapest in argassi. Drinks are good and the atmosphere is great.
we drank in here most nights as it appealed straight away.we also ate here a few times too.nice pub grub.really good atmosphere.for anyone who was over there early july,did you see a little blonde haired girl,emily on the karaoke? well that's my daughter.she took a real shine to sinbad who was great to us there.
sinbad it rob x kiss bar hows it going mate hope u are having a great sesson get back intouch i did nothing wrong .steve got roped into somthing he shoud have stayed out off. everone has blanked me .i tried to keep them out off trouble but they would not lisson to me . so if u are still talking to me drop me a e-mail. robsthebuilder2000@yahoo.co.uk. if not have a great.time top man take care ROB hibs
hi guys its me the one who could'nt resist the cocktails. Wish I was still there but without the boring person who came with me. I'm really looking forward to coming back, you guys made my holiday complete. Many thanks to vicki katerina and tony i'm wondering if he's still asleep. Anyway as promised here is a cool pic for u to laugh at. Once again many thanks from cathy.
Sinbad me old mucker, just a quick note to say cheers buddy, had a fantastic time. The Hatton crew all landed safely back in the Pheonix club. Say hello to George, Manos and Takis from me and the gang. Just remember I did it "My Way" and see you soon! are you popping over this winter?
hi mate it rob i worked in kiss bar last sesson i took no part in what steve=brian got up to everone blames me but they should ask me first get back intouch it would be good to hear from u again
sinbad its ian here, i need your sisters address again my phone is gone upthe swanney without a paddle muka so i cant send stuff onto her get back to me malaka!
just to warn any1 going to appollo bar the 1st 2 week of aug that me the wife and me 2 kids r going also me dad whech sinbad is me brother and its the 1st time we have gone over and if ya think hes bad wait till ya see us and gaz if ya see this need web site for radio station and do u need anything bringing over tom says he will go latics shop b4 we come over but wonts the money back lol lottie says make sure ya got choc ice cream in lol alan
Well what can i say other than, every time we went into this pub we always came out laughing. Fantastic for a night out. The food is awesome plenty to eat and well cooked. The guess which artist night is fun you could win lots of free shots, excellent , well done to matt who had the mickey taken out of him most nights but never sulked what a laugh he was, So if you go to Argassi visit the Apollo you won't be disapointed.
sinbad is the lege thata all 1 can say really see you in 4 weeks matey
karrens my mother not my sister she'll love 2 know someone thinks she looks so young enjoy ur holiday 2 paul lol
hi emma yes i do know the people u r takin about karen is youre sister aint she enjoy youre next holiday in zante anyway emma
shame gonna miss u cant argue in person oh well do u remember any reps in apollo bar always there go by the names karren and linda??always talkin to sinbad and work for manos/direct?
hi emma in answer to youre question i allways drink in apollo bar sinbad is a very good friend of mine as he will tell you himself and yes i will be in argassi in june probably about 12th june i am also very close to the people who run the oasis bar ken&jude apollo bar is 1 of my regular haunts
one last thing paul when u in zante next? u goin this year or wat ? do u actually go 2 da apollo bar wen ur in zante? im not being nasty now just curious thats all
ok emma i think i will quit while i am behind apollo is fantastic and sinbad is the man which he is anyway cant wait to be here in june maybe 1 day emma we can argue who has the best bar in person in the apollo keep up the good work guys
get it right paul apollo is the #1 bar in argassi probably followed by the oasis in 2nd theres no point arguin with me coz apollo is clearly the best bar in argassi
well emma look at my comment that says suprise suprise thats what i meant sinbad told me months ago he was coming back which is fantastic news you cant keep a good bloke down like sinbad a good miserable british winter probably played a part in his decision but i will be here in june drinking amstel in the 2nd best bar in argassi 2nd only to the oasis bar.
remember wen u said 2 me that sinbad wasnt comin bk ......well paul kelly HE IS!!!!!!!!!!!!
we had a great time at the apollo bar had tasty food lovely welcome lots for the kids to do been going for years cant wait to c u all again sinbad sorry u didnt get 2 c us when u came down our way last month but hopefully well c u soon we r coming over in may LOOK OUT lv 2 every 1 wendy brian karran shane and kids xxx
suprise suprise coming soon watch this space
Hey Nathan its emma here - karren manos daughter - remember. just like to say congratulations on your engagement cant believe that yo have got engaged u shock me anyway good luck with everything are you in apollo next year let us know soon whats happening speak soon xxx
hi every one i nathan i worked at the apollo last year just like to say happy new year to every one and see you a soon.Me and lush Lisa are still together and i am in love by the way we got engaded over christmas speak to all soon nathan&lisa
hi to all who read the comments on this site and to the many friends i have met in the appolo wishing you all a merry xmas and a great new year sinbad x x x
emma sorry to dissapoint you but i am afraid there will be no sinbad next year spoke to him a couple of days ago he aint going back i really am gutted myself sinbad is 1 hell o a nice guy and a cracking singer as well argassi will miss him put enough comments on here he might come back as i know he checks this site regularly
well emma i find it hard disagreeing with you but you really should try the oasis bar ken&jude are so friendly and welcoming but sinbad and nathan are also great lads
Don't fancy going to the Oasis. NIKOS,SINBAD or NATH aren't there so it wouldn't be good. Can't change my mind about the fact that Apollo Bar IS THE BEST.
apollo bar is one of my favourite bars in argassi emma i drink in here quite often as i came over 2wice this year it was nikos.s cousin who sorted out my accomodation for me last month as for sinbad well he is a top bloke and i do keep in touch with him quite regularly as for the oasis if you have never drank there you are missing out
Apollo Bar is the best - NOT Oasis. You're right about Nath and Sinbad being top Guys tho, Paul.You must go to Apollo Bar if you are in Argassi - Nikos makes you feel very welcome. Can't wait til nextyear to see all the guys!!!!!!!!!!!
absolutely great bar not as good as the oasis bar next door but you cannot have it all nathan is a top bloke along with sinbad
hi all any body fancy a drink on sunday night is my birthday i am 27 will be working to 12 at Apollo Bar then going out
sinbad is a legend as we all know cannot wait to see all the other guys as well see you on the 7th october
well this bar rules sinbad is a legend as we all know rock on guys see you on the 7th october
what can I say? In the past five years I've never been to a bar so good. If your ever in Argassi you.ve got to go and see Nikos, Dimitris, George, Sinbad and the gorgeous Nathan. I will definitely be going back next year.
See you guys soon.
all my comments on music etc. were wrong, they are all supose to be exellent. they should not even have to ask rateings, apollo is the best.
Apollo is one of the best bars i have ever been to. the staff are great and always know how to have a laugh. Nathan and Sinbad are great. every time i saw them they made me laugh! Nikos is so friendly and always kind. George is funny and always made me and my sister laugh. Dimitris was ace. he threw ice-cubes at my sister and she went mad. we just laughed. hopefully i will see nath and sinbad in the winter and have a laugh once again. i suggest if you are looking for fun then go to apollo. see you soon everyone. lol nikka x x x
just to let u all know that im sinbads brother and if ya wont any info ask me and ill give it to you
0030 is the code to phone greece
what number is it u use to phone greece?
i was at the appollo for most of the holiday way my pal it was absolutely funny there was always a laugh the barmen were great me and my friend kept getting free drinks from the barman nicos's son Kostas an his friend there was something to do and the karaoke got the best songsnicos and Dimitre are the best barman always talking and always up for a laugh and dimitre likes to chat up the ladies a lot but i think hes just being friendly was there for world cup final absolutely great they took u greek dancing out on the street during that u must go to it and see wat u think
love y'all claire Anne (14yrs)
fantastic thats all there is to say
hey guys just home from argassi miss it loads. Was in the Apollo Saturday morning before myself and my boyfriend got the bus to the airport, (for one of those fantastic english breakfasts and a num 16!!)but one thing i forgot to do was take the address down off the wall to send on the photo's!!!! Can anyone help????? Please and thanks xxxx
We stumbled across this place on the second night in Argassi and were hooked from then on. George's Malibu/Slush Puppy extravaganza is a perfect pick me up, Nikos does a great dance around a shot glass and the things Dmitris does with a cocktail shaker...! Really nice friendly bar (with some great vocals from Sinbad!) although if I ever go back I hope Dmitris will have practised his pool technique to give me more of a challenge!!!
Yamas guys! love and hugs, Nicola x
The apollo pub was great! the staff are fantastic and they all make you feel really welcome. Dimitris is a honey and has a fantastic bum!, george is sweet, Nikos has the best smile i think ive ever seen and simbad is a great entertainer. what more can i say apart from you have to vist them all, you will have a great laugh if you do!