This bar always seemed quiet whenever we walked past, but they do great cheap cocktails and we always had a nice time in there
Hiya we onli came in2 this bar 4 1 drink but it woz great abit quiet but it woz nearin the end ov the season. The man behind the bar woz really friendly and woz m8s wiv the lads we met on holiday. Loved how he beeped his horn at every1 and hit the symbol lol. Gr8 shot he gave me grandad burnt his throat wen he had 2 suck thru the straw afterwards lol crnt w8 2 c ya nxt yr.
Luv Claire nd Vickie xoxoxoxBest bar by far in Argassi
eric its emma from leeds im sorry i havent been in touch for a year , sorry i couldnt make it i had alot planned out for us to.ring me again when you can and il sort something ouy oh ye i got your text soory couldnt text u back hoope you ok how many girls ya baged this year love you r nearest emma xxx
Left on Sunday and miss Argassi already, especially everyone at the Jungle Bar!
Hiya jungle bars fantastic duz neone kno if Eric on the door has an e-mail address if so plz can u let me kno id reali appreciate it thanx
i f**king loved the jungle bar. it was one of the best bars, we would start in their every night. pheo the barman is sooo lovely and makes you feel so welcome. well bledi.... he knew what i thought of him he was f**king great! then there was eric fair play 2 him he would def get all thr girls in. defferently be back next year. if any1 got any pics from the jungle bar can you please send me them thankyou x
i had sooooooo much fun, this has got 2 me my all time favourite bar, it had the best music and the sexiest men throughout argassi.
Hello Eric x x How are you? i'm sorry that i was so shy!
its because i was with my mum and my brother!
... i really wanted you but i couldnt because they were there! year will be different though...i am coming back with my friends so you better be ready for me baby
anyway...nice to meet you sexy! and see you soon..take care x x love bryony (Blonde) x x x x
hello Erik thank you for all the good times you gave me when i came to zante i miss you loads and i hope to see you again and i will snd you my pic that i had of us both together another day because i need to put it on my computar have a good time over there and ill see you soon love becka x x x x x x x xx x x x x x x x x x x x x
hello to Agi, Stafro, Eric and Mama, just arrived back from Argassi on friday me and my mates loved the place and enjoyed going into the jungle bar. Everytime we went in we got plenty of free red vodka shots which were brill. the music was brilliant as well. keep up the good job.
Hallo Erik!
alo erjon missin ya loads did ya watch england match love hayley x x x x
alite yh i tried to add ya! im guin bac over soon cuz i am missin eric like mad and i want to c him u goin bac over?
hayley,did u try and add me on msn? lol its k if u did! wen r u goin bak 2 argassi? i tek it u got with eric? i got with billy las tym i wa there but nahh i dnt want him this tym coz i hav a bf any way, itd b good 2 hear from ya
- Just got back from Argassi (22/6/06) Had fab nights in the Jungle bar. World cup football was on but at the Jungle Bar it wasn't 'in your face'
Love this place, always great cocktails and good pumpin' music.
ha haaa, glad i aint payin 4 it haa haaa!!!! itll go wellll quik, wot date do u go on again? im tryin not to wish it away though coz i know itll be ova and dun with b4 i know it : any wayy well lookin 4ward to meetin u lot again wooo1 gunna b fab! x
hi nikki we only going for a week, cant afford two weeks wish we could go for 3 weeks but can afford it. is that the lad she met over there? we saw her in the airport before she caught her plane, one thing im not looking forward to is that airport!! standing around four two hours waiting for luguage so tiring! 3 weeks and 3 days for us. oh byda way we r flying on the 6th from birmingham. cya soon
hi nikki yes i remember nina... how could we not i know i cant believe it either! did you keep in contact with nina and is she coming again this year?
stuk wit u ??? ha ha wt d8 do u lot go on?god i bet ur well exited, i am i welll cnt w8! u lot stayin wit us lot agen? it was fab las yr ..i thought newyy he he, ask dan if e remembers nina..(she the uva 1 on the pic ha ha!) i cnt believe that was a year ago, where has tym gone! sorri, im rantin on about last year n u prob ant got a clue (tlkin 2 jon there)!! neyw xx
Hi Nikki yeah thats me at work, i was so tierd 13 hour shift! yeh we got in at the captains last room it was a rush 2 get it almost didnt get it! its me, Crouch, Buffalo and jay agen, i seriously cant wait now cant belive its been a yaer already!! oh wats ur mates name?
awww, oki nevamind, tell him i sed hi wen u next c him tho.. god u havent changed have u! hee hee, is that u at work? sorri i dint put a comment in 4 a while, iv been living at ma mums ova the past week and she has no computer! who arethe other guys that are cming again? have u booked your holidy..yea? are u stayin in captains coz we couldnt get into them when we booked and tht was in like febuary or something! tekin ma m8 this tym if u didnt know ...i have attached a pic, as uve probably already seen!! hee hee.....anywayss...hear from ya soon...nicola xx a month 2mz till i go wwwwooooooooooo!!!!!
..sorri pics a little blurry! x
hi nikki its dan i dont fink dean is comming he trying to find a last minute deal but it aint looking good!!! i havent sorry i only go on the internet at work and i can only do certain things whilst on the net!!! I know 5 weeks cant wait.... but ive got so much to do with college still and to finish another course so i cant wait!!!
hi nikki, nah its jason pazzas his nickname!!! its jon and buffalo who are coming this year for the first time!!! thnks for the pic lesss than 7 weeks to go it will be good 2 c u again! did u keep in contact with cormac?
I tek it pazza is 1 of the uvas who is comin with u in july? i have put anuva pic on 4 u, this 1 isnt as clear though, i did try and do it the other tym but two couln't be put on at once .. so nevamind here it is now! i dnt mean this to be offensive, or 4 u 2 tek it personally, but will u nt txt or ring, and tell dean not to (thats if e was gunna)! coz ma bf (ben) aint too keen on th idea, i know we're onli friends and so are me and dean but e aint happy wit me goin on hol, nevamind dean bein there agen and wiv u tgettin in touch!! hee heee, coz o wot appened last tym! i hope u aint mad and it dunt change our friendship! cyaa reall sooon, ill let me bro know u sed 'hi' when i c him byee x
hi nikki nice pic! cya soon say hello to to ya brother from me and jay.
hi to everyone at the jungle bar! me and the lads went to argassi last july and we are coming back this july! we all loved the jungle bar met loads of people there and the staff were great, are the girls who worked at the door back again this year? cya all in july!
hi ya my babyboy eric missin ya so so very badly my no.1 i cant wait to c u this summer
sarah sed hi n tel billy she loves him loads! love you so very much ur hot sexy gal hayley x x x x x x x 4£v@
hey monica hoper ur ok u missin ashley? .....miss ya both tones xxx txt me soon miss ya jamie-lee xx
hi eric and billy its emma from leeds well how are you ? havent spoke in a while on phone so are you working back in greece now then well i should be back over there soon working so il see you then iv heard alot about you with all the girls you cant just av one can you you have to have the lot ha ha wll im ok did you have a good xmas tell you brother i said hello wll il phone you befour i come over but if you change your number just let me konw ok take care 4 now love emma xxx
hi everyone, hey eric and billi, hope uz are well, i miss ashley so much!!!! she is still in zante living with dorjan! my god its wierd here without her! billee and eric i guess uz are back in athens for xmas like last year or maybe uz are in albania. happy xmas anyway- i still cant remeber uz from last xmas in athens though. it was your first year working in zante so you have not learned the art of false names yet! ha ha- uz will know better next year for all your girls, anyway hi jamie-lee and billee hope uz are fine, hope your having a good time in zante billee- with niko and hope uz have a good xmas, atleast ashley wont be lonely now your there. Tell her she needs to call more though! i will send her something for xmas but it might be late now.well choa! lv monica xx
k den wel u must av my number cause ya txt me on da last night so txt me one of da days my number is 07800896619 or if that one ay on its 07738675550 txt me wen ya get dis n ope 2 c u soon lv hayley x x x x x x
cya next year
Had a brilliant time in argassi,first time and second!
Deffinatley the best bar in Argassi,bledi (Dj Sonic) is funny him to bits, not forgettin Eric aswell and his gorge bro Billy (Genti) love you loads missin ya 2! missin evry1 n cant wait to see u all again next summer, o and the bar staff r brill, if ur goin argassi ne tym soon, deff try this bar out, the music is wiked to,he will play nefin u want! well depressd i am bak tho
anyway, see u all soon, missin u! Nicola xx
Jungle bar was wicked, cocktails was bum, ali g the barman never stops smiling, so if anyone is going to argassi then make a stop at the jungle plus bar.
hi ya eric its ya babygirl er glad we am still in touch i am missin you so much
and ah it a shame for poor little jamie lee losein ya number er not sarah sed tel billy hi and she is missin him to
hope youm still goin to c*m and see me and ill show ya a gud time lv ya ldz ur babygirl 4eva n allways hayley
hey everyone in jungle bar , missing yas all
miss yas eric ........lost ya numba sorry my phone is broken miss ya tho
hi lorraine jayne and cheri here got back from zante last week (9 sep) had a great time in jungle bar every night even tho we were the only ones dancing! Fab staff fab drinks fab music! hope to come back soon xxx
jungle bar is the rockin!!! the best bar in argassi, actually the only decent bar in argassi!!
elvis ( theo) possibly the happiest man in greece!!! and alex possibly the sexiest man in greece!!! ( but f**k does he know it!!!)
thanks for all the hangovers!!! x
hey its sarah an sally from scotland do u remember us? xx
Tarzan its back....17-9-2005
hi ya jungle its erics girl da 1 who used 2 stand with on da door if any of u read this message plz tell him i miss him ldz n ldz nldz and i am c*min bac over 2 c u all next year
miss u all espically eric tell him i luv him and ill b seeing him soon lv ld hayley xxx
Hey all Theo, Maria, Alex and Bledi we had a great time in zante. if u remember us we were the the scottish lads who had the superman t-shirt on and support glasgow rangers. this was a brilliant place we all loved it be back next year for sure thanx for the free shots conterau and drambruie shots. ps. superman junior took this photo.
go here people, its brilliant
everything you want you can get here
miss ya all real bad at the jungle!!!