
Exchange Rates in Zante

Stella S

Bearing in mind that the £ against the euro is low at the moment, we were able to exchange at 1.23 euros/£1 sterling at our studios (Windmill Studios) and 1.22 at the Green Frog supermarket just along the road from the studios.
If you're looking at this July 2008 and not sure whether to take travellers cheques, euros or sterling with you, I would definitely recommend you take a minimal amount of euros and take £sterling and change it once you get there.

Calum M          3/10

absolutely rubbish! :(

£1 =  €1.22

Simon M           

supermarket opposite snack academy was offering best rate of 1.47 when rest offered 143-1.46.

however i used cash machine and got 1.47 first time mid week and then late sunday night i got 1.48 but did not know this till got home.

Ray F           

Thanks David, I'll go and sort that out now.


i got 146 to the pound at the admirals hotel on sunday.


good !  between 1.40 to 1.47 euros compared to uks 1.30 to 1.36

David C           

  just returned from zakynthos sunday 16th october exchange rate from georges was 1.47 and no commision.

Richard S           

just returned and the rate in the shops was 1.42 per pound and in our Hotel [Krinas] 1.44 per pound

Jon M           

very good rate in most shops between 1.49 and 1.53 when we were there...

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