please can somebody tell us wot costas is like,goin last 2 wks in aug,wher is it located,stayd venus couple years ago,hopin its near main street,cant wait,we love zante.
Came home from Costas on the 3rd August, this was my 15th year staying there with my family. It is a brilliant place, the family are very friendly and will do anything to help and make sure your stay is the best it can be. I hope to go back next year with all the families and people we meet up with (:
hi to every1, been to costas 2 years runnning and cant wait 2 go back( this year went 4 our honeymoon ) love every1 at costas it the best place in the world. my kids are 2 and 4 and the love it 2 jamie talks about dennis and takis all the time! any 1 going and has a prob just go and ask any staff and they will help you even if all you want is a tin opener!
we had a brill time when we was there in june. and the new bar is great. see you all in sept.
Stayed at Costas loads of times always brilliant,the family always make you welcome.
just arrived back from 2 weeks in kalamaki, stayed in costas 2 for the 4th year in a row. no problems except from cockerels crowing at 4 in morning, they have got a brilliant new pool bar, staff friendly as usual, highly recommended
hiya guy's.
just come back from costas 19 6 08 we stayed at costas 1 2 adults 2 kids self catering there was 3 forks 3 knives ect had to go out to buy a tin opener no shower curtin the room was fluded very dangerous for us and kids went round pool first 2 dayes after that you couldnt get in it ended up round the corner at plubis lovley and clean there is also a road between the rooms an the pool not the best with kids no mention of this in the broshure how it got a marque of excellence ill never know on the last day went to the pool ithad gone from clean to hangin
Hi All!
Stayed 5th Aug - 19th Aug 2007
Finally had time to put something on here after being back nearly 6 weeks. TRYING to upload some pics but the net is being painfully slow today. Will add some soon.
Had FANTASTIC time as always. Came last year and loved it so we booked again for this year and loved it again. Don't know if I can go 2008 as I am in demand! But if I can I will definitely go back to Costas again. I love the place to bits. The pool is great. The bar is great. The rooms are so clean and tidy. The staff are very friendly and go out of their way to make your stay enjoyable. The greek night was the best for me.
BIG thank you to Lorenzo and Takis. You made our holiday.
See you all soon hopefully! And if I win the lottery that pink house on the hill is MINE!
Just returned home after two fab weeks at Costas!
. Had a great time time again as always, this is our second time at Costas
, enjoyed it again that much that we have booked to return again next September, and we can t wait
. The Sunday roasts are lovely and well worth the money, and the cockerels are funny, even though they sometimes wake you up early!
. Can t wait to return next year, we are counting down the days already!. Keep up the good work Costas, and we ll see you in September 2008
hey guys
hi guys,
got back yeaturday from costas in greece. back to the rain in the uk. oh my god i so want to go back i feel home sick. can i just say hi to takis, lorenzo, dennis, jo and everyone else. ile be putting alot of pics on soon love yaz matty xx greece 2007 from the 2nd august to 17th august xxxxhey guys only 4 days till i see you all he he takis hope theres a mythos on bar for me when i get there he he cnt ait to cc u all gunna b brilliant as per usual
hey everyone!
Dennis and Takis remember us Sophie and Paula from the Isle of man WE MISS YOU!!!!!!!!.
Hiya to everyone!!
just returned from my third visit to costas, it is brilliant, very clean and tidy, staff excellent even cleaners are very friendly., just go and enjoy.
to al the guys art costas i really cant wait t c*m bck on august 9th
its gunna b brilliant cnt wait to c u all agen hope ur all ok cnt wait
to c hus gunna b out there this year all i know is that loads of
u r goin bck that was there last year when i was conntact me on my
hotmail addy and start chattin ne1 new that
is im 19 yrs of age and 5ft 5 and lovin life
msg bck frm sean (stafford)
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii everyone at costas i cant beleive im bak home i wish i could of stayed there foreva well ill see u in 2009 anyways when im old enough to work in the bar. thank you takis for offering me the job i cant wait hehe cant wait to see you again an we'll go clubbin like you said hey. didnt go out when you asked but wish i did now well see you soon will email you soon xxxx
hi every1 at costas its me dave the one who left on 1st june and let u on the game u was good anyway i loved the 2 apartments
just to tell u charlie the parrot he wass aaaace
i give that 10/10
myi mum nd dad are comin back soon i hope it was brill
hi every 1 at costas!i av decided i have to say hi cos i havnt spoke 2 n e 1 since i got back from my 2 weeks last year in september! it was like the best ever holiday! man the amount of times i was chucked in that pool!
really wanna c*m bk to c u guys!
thank you very much for your reply . oh sound like u got a bit too involved with the greek dancing ha ha
To Kim, the rooms are very clean, tidy and comfortable - just what you need. Costas itself is fantastic, the best and most friendliest place in Kalamaki - you will love it!!!! Dennis and Takis run the place along with Lawerence and Fransesca, you'll love them all, when you get there give them all my love and tell them we will see them on August 9th (say from Jim with the broken leg!!), and in case you'r wondering I did it greek dancing - don't laugh, it took 12 weeks to fix!!
Just wanted to let you all know that I had a little baby girl, born at 00:19am on 19th December, weighing 9lbs. Her name is Isabella Anne Louise Little.
I am going to stay at the Costas on 22nd October, I have never been there before and I was glad to find this website and hear such good things about it! I am taking my son away on his first foreign holiday so releived that this place seems ok
Hiya guys, Just wanted to a HUGE THANK YOU to Dennis (you know why!!) and the rest of the staff for putting up with me & Laura again (he he)
Me & Laura had a fantastic week can't believe it is over all ready!! Fingers crossed will be able to come out next summer. Take care love to you all!!!
Loved the Costa's ! Great apartments! 1st time been there. Would definetly go back there again. Wish we was still there now
! Not much night entertainment but theres plenty to do in Kalamaki. Close to the main strip so would definetly recommend the Costa's!
Although we did not stay at Costas we again enjoyed their hospitality around the pool etc. and the excellant Greek night. Thankyou Costa, Andreana (for the excellant breakfasts), Dennis, Takis and Laurance.
Just got home after staying at costas 4 a week, and would like 2 say what a great fun time we have had!
Never stopped laughing at george, the entertainment was so funny, never stopped laughing all week!
The staff were so friendly and funny, and the cocktails were very nice, shame we did nt have longer 2 try them all out!
Holiday blues have now set in, so we have booked 2 return 2 costas again next september, this time 4 2 weeks instead of 1!. If u r looking 4 a good fun holiday, that is near 2 the beach and clubs, then this is the one 4 you!
putting* not putthing lol! oops!!
Hey thanks for the info! much appreciated! well if you are there when you say you're going then I guess i'll see you there then! Can't wait till my holiday now hopefully see you next year!
roseland is maybe 15 - 20 mins to costas dependin which way u walk and how fast me n my m8 r goin nxt yr frm 1 july to the 14th hopefully were 17/18 so mayb we wil c u we havent yet booked but we r defo goin to kalamaki and wil b at costas allll the time to see every1 :D tht is me in the ipk wit lorenzo hu is such a sweetie
I was just wonderimg if anyone could help me? How far is Costas from the Roseland Hotel as I could not manage to book into Costas and I was wondering how far I will need to walk to get there from my hotel? Any help would be appreciated! I'm booked up for the 28th of June until the 12th of July. I can't wait to see everyone again!!
been bac now for nealy a week now and wish i was already bac in greece. i had such a fantastic time.
thank you to every1 that made my hols great!
greek nite (must see) was a great nite
. loads of greek dancing to be done and i finally got to dance on the table wit takis! ive been waiting for the courage for 4years now
. dennis was his usual cheeky self
i made loads of friends this year and im missing them loads (raz, valentina, dav, joe, railey, taryon, leo and specially sean) luv ya loads and missing ya loads to.
u cn find it in a sunset brochure summer sun and possibly thomas cook !!! you can also find it on have a gd tym nxt yr if u go xx
We stayed at the costas in 2004 and it was our best holiday by far and would like to go again for summer 2007 but not sure what brochure to book through so if anyone could let me know that would be great.
I am thinking of booking Costa's 1 apartments in Kalamaki next May(2007) but the return flight is 7.00 a.m.. Does anybody know if there are courtesy rooms at Costa's or any other alternatives to 'Kill' all of those hours once we have to vacate the rooms, presumably about 10.00a.m.? Many thanks all. Tony
Costas was amazing! Just got back from 2 weeks there with my mum. We had a fab time in Kalamaki and Costas just made it really special. We are so thrilled that we are going back again next year in august and taking my sister with us ( which is no mean feat as she is scared of flying). The people are great there, Lorenzo is the best! Such a cutie, so hard working, so friendly. Takis was great with all the kids, and has pretty blue eyes, all the ladies love him and it is so funny to watch them stare when he walks by. All the staff actually are fantastic, they go out of their way to make you feel welcome. It's like you are part of the family.
hey ppl im goin greece next thursday and cant wait to c everyone agen
takis dennis and everyone else missin u loads cant wait to c u from
hey! hey! people, i'm not making it to costas this year but the good news is i'm goin back next year! wohoo!
can't wait, might have another portrait for you takis! this one will be better than the last one! lol! you'll see it next year when i'm back! counting the months lol! (so sad i know lol!) see ya'll next year!
When do the appartments stop the income of visitors at costas appartments as i am thinking of going there this october..are they still open in october?
Got back on thursday night It was my third time at costas n it was the best time yet !!!
they all remembered us as soon as we got off the bus afta 2 years, which is amazing. Thank u francesca for the straightners hehe
ya saved my life !! I will get u back Lorenzo for everything u did and keep in touch !!
ya the best ! u wil always be my first hehe
and thanks for all my drawings on my body
cya nxt yr u better be there. And thanks for all my hairstyles
takis ya should be a hiardresser. !!! (yeah right) C u all next year or maybe this october who knws keep up the hard work
Not long back from a week at costas, with my mate and our two wee ones. Had a fantastic time, thanks to all the friendly staff who kept the place goin! Can't wait to go back there next june, and catch up with everyone. x x
Hi.Are here any people around 16 years old going to the Costas apartments between the 27th july - 3rd august that would fancy meeting up? if so please reply or email me asap on thanks
Hi Everyone at Costas (Adriana, Costas, Maria, Takis, Dennis, George, Francesca, Lorenzo),
Well we have been back a week and a bit now and me and liam have just got the holiday snaps back! they r mint!! We had a fantastic holiday, everything was perfect, the people, the place, and the appartment. Definatley try the Greek night, we had a great time, even though i got spun round at about 90mph on one of the dancers shoulders- felt very sick! We hope to come again very soon, we hope u r all well.
Lots of Lovehey everyone.......
its just nt on how much i wanna come back
i cant wait another year to see everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
hey every1 at costas i had the most amazing time there every1 was soo nice especially fran!!!
cant wait o come back next year!!!! to c all the gang
really didnt want to leave
will miss the footy matches even though the greeks wooped our a**es every time!!!
hey people good news me and stevie are coming back this year!!!! yey
hello. i cant wait to see everyone again next year and i hope your house will be done soon fran!
. i wonder if triston is still getting love letters haha
. ill still keep in touch with ya franchesker
i miss u lots nd lots cant wait 2 see u nxt year
me and stevie reli miss takis haha with his lovely peachy bum. cant wait to see you next year either dont change or we will cry lol. we love you lots
lorenzo watch out coz we r gonna get you back next year haha. miss you lots to. with your dirty mind lol
dirty denis haha we'll see ya next year playin football again. we'll win this time dont worry haha
and ofcource george. he is the most funniest person ever. super bingo was mint.i won wooo haha. the stars night was so funny to. cant wait for next years
greek night was reli good to
we cant forget sexy eyes(tasos) he works in down under but comes to costas alot he's reli nice to !!!
i wish i was still there now i miss everyone so much
see you all next year.
bi bi
ashleigh xxxxx p.s here is some pics
its been 3 years since ive been and missing the hot weather hope 2 come again soon
Hi to you all,
I loved it!!
Had a fab time and met some absolutely lovely people, who are all special in there own way! Love and miss you loads Francesca and Tristan
Which tour operator can I book this through?