great place. went in everynight. archers colada a must have
great cocktails in here. yet another place we visited very often during our stay
Hello to the sexiest barman Yiannis I still have the paper heart.
Fantastic bar! My favourite.
The BEST Bar in Laganas!!! loved it in here! Been to Zante 2 years running and nothin can beat the atmosphere you get in Kamikaze.. The best music, best barmen and cocktails to DIE FOR!!!
kamikaze.. we loved it the best in laganas! hope ya remember the carzy 14 lads from st.helens cos we all remember yous hope 2 cya soon! all the best!
us 4 mad geordie birds spent a week here last summer. hi 2 yiannis, john ( manager), and especially little ilias. my sis owes him a kebab.cant wait 2 c u all on 2nd of july, ilias make sure the straws r ready babe. big up 2 sophie pr and george. cant 4 get misery a**e ryan!!!!!!!!!!!
hi to all at kamikaze!! we had an amazin week there last september and will be back in july for the second round!!
hey hey evryone..... kelly and karina here!! had a f**kin wiked holiday. went to kamikaze every night. loadsa love to ryan and sophie the 2 greatest pr's on the island.... cheers to all the bar staff for getting us so pissed and puttin up with us dancing on the bar everynight.
hey my fellow work colleagues soph and ryan, hope your both ok missing you both like mad, hate being home its so depressing cant wait for next year!!!! it was wicked working with you both, miss ryan being absolutley trashed and soph fluttering her puppy dog eyes at george!!! hopefully see you at the reunion, take care and stay in touch!!!! luv ya xxx
ryan me ole mucker, i miss our 5:30 dinners at mother hens!!!! might see u at roadhouse, undecided yet! if not see u next yr matey!
hey, out to everyone who went zante this year, thsi bar was really good out to the 2 blondies.u girls were really lovely......... out to Ryan as well, glad i got ya number.......
well i had a great time and i think i fel in love wid the P A who worked on the kamakaze pub...her name was sophie, and we got on so well.....if anyone could shed any light on where bout she is from etc...give me a buzzzz.....thankz Mathias
HIIIIIII ILIAS I MISSSSSS YOU SOOO MUCH !!!! LUV YOUR ABIGAIL XOXOX SEE U SOON OKEY DOKEY BYES BYES XOXOXOX my email is anyone who is going to kamikaze or visitin there , or has already been please take pictures of the bar men and give me them ok becuase i am doing a site on Kamikaze sooo i need pictures and reviews thanx alot !!
Got back from laganas 3 weeks ago now but gotta say that anyone travelling to zante must check out this drinks, great music and loads of fitties...
this was our fave bar in laganas, the music is classic, all the good well known dancy stuff, best place to start after ur pool bar :P
Loved the variety of music in Kamikaze, the promo people and bar staff are really friendly and the cocktails are great and fairly priced, good dancing room toward the back and a balcony thing at the front to cool off, a great place to start off, wish I was still there!
Great bar, The place to start at.. Got back on 10/7/05 - Gutted to be home. Wishin I was still there. Had the time of my life!!!
hey alright mate.... me and my mate just got back was wicked will be goin bk in aug. hopefully all the same faces will be there that means u cutie matt!! (works outside kamikaze ) see you on 25th aug xxx
well i had a great time and i think i fel in love wid the P A who worked on the kamakaze pub...her name was sophie, and we got on so well.....if anyone could shed any light on where bout she is from etc...give me a buzzzz.....thankz Mathias
Hi Sam H -
Hi Tarnya
You ar so bad! GIORGIOS (greecman), is myn myn myn myn myn myn myn myn myn myn myn so please, im still gentle leave him alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kiss, peace your Torabora
i loved this place especially the staff u were all fab an im coming 2 see u all agen un july wit my boyf cant w8 2 c u all hope ur well luv sam xx
just another quik note to ask george if he cud write a comment bk wanna no if e membas us still
im nt becumin obsessed like taborah u weirdo
get a life
carl is myn myn myn n now lives wit me bk in england
hey boys were coming back 2c u all this june (end of) so we'll b cin u v soon hope ur all still there wnt be the same if your not!!!!
much love to u all
miss ya loads
kele and the pisshead
thats tarnya if uve 4goten
Ou,Torabora is very,very wrily very sad and disappointed.the girl from the bush has e big heart,and ist very honest.Whot is your problem? Are your greecman or not? is your name Giorgos or nod?Is the boy red or not? Is Carl sweet or not? So. . . Why did you break my heart? Still, im happy too to see you next year. Kiss peace for all, and god forgive Giorgos. Your friend Torabora(for you Tobo).
who the f**k is
torabora lassnelabambele.
u are just a piece of s**t.
so f**k u and leave us alone.
see u all next year. Happy Holidays.
hi its me again (the girl from the bush)!i just saw the pictures and im a little bit disappointed. who did dhat? who the f**k is georg?????
i think his name is georgos. you are a greec man georgios, and not english.never forget your roots. so please korrekt dhat. thank you. and you red boy (like a cancer, ha ha ha) use sun lotion, better nr. 30. the only positiv thing is carl. thank you carl. and you know whot i feel for you my sweet little monkey. kiss, peace your tora bora (f**k bush) ((the president, not my home))
Im e girl from the bush. I fell allways good in your bar, everithing reminded me of my home (bush zimbabwe), especialli carl. He looks like my monkey, soooo sweet. One thing for the barkeepers: you game too much with the love, but attention, dont forget her! And i must say somthing for the "women": Ou you lost souls, whot is happening? in my country stil the men fight for the woman. To be honest: you ar bad!
I love zakynthos like i love my home. kiss for all
Well we only came in a few times mainly for the sake of the pr geoffrey aka daniel
Had a wicked time mate
Hope u survived
Love the mucky buggers claire and viki
Fantastic Bar and well worth a visit. Great to meet George, Spiros and Carl. Hope to see you next year and thanks for making it a great holiday.
i need to know the phone number for the kamakazi bar in laganas
PHOTOS PLEASE.. com'on guys get your cameras out!
"huddersfield" aka daniel, loved your work sweet heart! will def text you when your back for our mad night out! loads of love, "saddleworth" x
A brilliant bar - just got back 2day, we went there every nite and had a blast!! the bar guys are amazing and are always up 4 a laugh...they were very friendly and made some amazing cocktails!!! DEF. WORTH A VISIT!!!
hey party people!! spend lots of time here last year, was wondering if anyone knows if Mario is still working there?! Have fun people!
this is a good place to start your night, great range of drinks. the bar men are a good bunch of people always up for showin of a few tricks and are nice people!
many thanks to george, spyro and carl.
we miss u xx
PS... To "Hannah P"
>> Thanx for making it a great holiday babe, luv ya loads x
aiie ! hear me now ! --- > me and me b***h "hannah p" got back from zante on sunday, back to the holiday blues :( all i can say is we spent most of our 2 week holiday in the kamikaze bar coz it rox ! loasda cocktails, shots and dancin' not to mention 2 greek footie wins (congrats) and a lot of chucking water over each other..... oh, and georgio set me alight a few tims too (dam that toilet paper trick) ---- if anyone is going out there soon, let down all the seat ibiza tyres that you can see, coz one of em belongs to georgio, then say king say's "hi" :)
seriously great fun..... if you dont go, i will personally come round and smak yer face !
oh, dont forget to ask him how much the blow jobs are ! they are very cheap, and not bad from a guy ;-)
bo selectaaaa !
ps.. i rated hunks as poor, as i have left the building !
omg ive got soooo much 2 say! we miss kamikaze so much we cant stop crying were c*min bak in august but only 4 a week as were poor!were b bk next june n u all better still b der especially carl cus hes so lovely n keles in love. i need 2 fank george 4 an amazing last nite in laganas cant wait 2 c u gen. u got our nums so y not use um!give us a call or even a txt or well b bk 2 harass u!were d 2 gals dat bought u alovely elephant card it better still b der oh n i was sick on carls bar sorry again!great nites every nite loved it.big hi 2 spiros u g man and d manager were lookin 4 a job u no u wan us!c u soon love u all millions n zillions tarnya n kele xx
without a doubt the best bar in laganas! it may not b the biggest but size as u no doesnt mean everything!! just like a real life coyote ugly bar definatly go u dont no wat ur missin!!! george, carl, spiros,spiros 2 and jon the dj r wicked, givin u free shots until ur sick and settin the bar on fire!!! but watch out they like to have fun with loo roll if uve been ul no wat i mean!!!!!!!
miss all da guys love ya george
love kel xxx the black country babe!!!!
One thing! Spiros is mine :)ooohhhh, sexy boy!!
hi. i went to laganas 5 year ago did anyone else go around that time? just that i met a barman in kamikaze then called demos, does anyone know if he still works there coz im going back there soon and it'll be lush to c him.
anyway kamikaze is just the best theres nothin else to say!!!!!!!!
kate, from newcastle xx
who would eva forget a sexy lady for the sexy lady??!!! these boys are total loosers, but stil we liked it.. and whou would eva forget when Georgio /George (whateva) got hit by his girlfriends caus of us..!!wl you betta keep your charm in your pants boy.. anyhows, we liked it here!!a good place to get drunk before the parties!! See ya'll next summer!!
the blonde ones
Hello Sarah dont forget people being sick on the floor next to you. I miss having ice thrown at you dont you.What about every time the lads came out of toilets and doing their hair, ooo Christos.
Me and my mate not long been back.What a fantastic time,and more so in the Kamikaze bar.The boys where darlins(Mario,Christos and George}.
The music was the same everynight but that was ok,at least we knew when we was gonna get hit by ice!!!!,Oh and being set on fire was also fun.Cant wait to go back and see the lads.
This is a great place for cocktails and the bar men arenot bad either!!!! Mario is a total babe. Christos, George and Mario are great barmen and very friendly. They are certainly very talented when it comes to tossing that cocktail shaker and would give Tom Cruise a run for his money any day!!!! Watch out for the bar being set on fire though, you will feel the heat big time!!!!
Brilliant bar to start off the night. The bar men are all fantastic, even if they do throw ice at you! Christos, George and Mario are all like something out of Cocktail! Watch out for Mario though......he's full of testosterone!!
Christos we’ll catch up with you in Preston!
Hello people. I'm going to Zante this sunday for a week. What music do they play at Kamikaze? It sounds pretty good.
The best bar on whole Zakynthos!!
Great location, cool barmans and phun.
P.S. Coctails are very good and only 2.5€!
P.S.S. Just got from Zakynthos.
i did notwrite that stuff below, whoever is pretending to be me, well you are the ones that are f**ked in the head! you could have at least spelt my name right! anyway, i may as well rate the place now i have wasted so much time on this site! i thought it was excellent, brilliant atmosphere and friendly people!
hi steve, yep sorry, you are right, i'm wrong, it was chris. doesnt matter about email address cos he's allready mailed me
or a last name would do. by the way, i never knew he had a girlfriend
hi, to steve hussey, i was there the night you took that picure! it was 30th of july i think, and i regognise the swiss lads in the back ground! i dont agree the george is in love with his girlfriend tho after what he got up to with me, hmm, b*****d! what i need to know is does anyone have an email address for any of the staff? i got one for george but it fails every time! please, its pretty important!
Just got back from Zante yesterday and absolutely loved this place! Georgio, Kim, Mario and all the other bar staff are amazing..even if the do set u on fire!! thnx Georgio for the whole bucket of ice on my last night... still drippin!! definitely the best bar in laganas! :)
We were still luvin this place this year n Mario remembered us from last yr... bless him!!! This place is still one of my Zante faves!
it was a great place for cocktails 2 euros each and the music is good however the dj changes the music every min and its the same music every night toilets are ok but one toilet for each sex but a few times boys go in girls and girls go in boys depending whats free nice!!!! no tom cruise but the bar men are good at making the cocktails besides throwing ice and straws at you a laugh good night out!!!
excellent bar for cheap cocktails. good vibe going on in the bar & always busy!
Excellent bar with friendly people there.Me and my boyfriend had such a good time.Many thanks to Giorgio,Mario and the other staff.U r doing good job over there.See you next year xxx
Hey all you hunks out there!! me and my sister tammy will be on the prowl at kamikaze bar 10th - 24th July 2003 so look out for two sexy blonde babes, drinks are on you boys!! Jiggy Jiggy for me, and my sis will have Sex (on the Beach!) Thanks, See Ya Soon Zante!!!! xxx
hey there peps! its cara here. me and my girlies are comin here mid july, looking for some sxy lads to share our nights out and other things with. cant wait!!!!
Good place to go. the boys there are brilliant.Giorgio, Mario and Yannis are the best barmen in town. they are always friendly and they dont chatting up ur lady like in some other bars around there.Jhonny the DJ is amazing.
Excellent place to go. cocktails are perfect and the barmen are the best boys in town. they let u drink ur cocktail without chatting u up.
Thats why we were always going to Kamikazi bar. Because the barmen are not slappers like some other places.
Wot a top place to get yourself razzled before you hit the clubs.....Great music and holiday atmospehere !! I wil be back there 13-27th July with sum buddies....See you there
Lee ;0)
We were there in may last summer, and Janis, the barman was so f**king good-looking! We (especially Emma) can't forget that hunk! ;) If you read this please send us an email! :)
Best thoing about this place has gotta b the barmen!!!! PHWOARRRRRRRR....... Also got to chat to them loads this time as it was lil quiter.... n how could they forget us after Claireeeee's drunken escapades ;) hehe! One thing tho if they give ya a free shot - drink it!!!! or else you'll end up bein soaked in about 4 bottles of water - not nice!!! But loved it loved it loved it!!!!!
ABSOLUTELY LOVED THIS PLACE!!! Really great atmosphere and the bar staff are sooooooo nice ........ and well fit too!! If ur lucky they might even show u the kitchen!! Great cheap cocktails and a definate place to go to celebrate ur birthday cos u'll end up completely pissed!!!
That big Greek Barman - smile once in a while! You miserable get! Great for fella watching!
Thought that this place was really good and a great way to start the night! the drinks are really cheap and the service is good...what with the flying ice cubes and everything! i would definatley recommend this place to any1!