Emma Naomi and Linzi from Torquay just returned from our lovely holiday, boo hoo. Always went here before ending in Waikiki.We had our own little routine every night! Always saw the same faces, met some great people. Loved it! Get in touch if you remember us, would be great to hear from you - emsiep@talk21.com Love us xxxx
exellant bar, with the nicest cocktails apart from aj's orgasoms at savvas poolbar. thanks to stutastic the pr for reserving us seats and giving us special treatment allong with friendly kisses.
we went to ghetto every night, and people should do the same Tas is running his new bar with his sister and brother, its next to smart
rentals and the Denise Hotel. Tas is possibly getting married this year in november.
Sadley i cant go to zante this year but iam next yr and staying at the
Denise it will be nice as my friend and i will see a lot of Tas and Dimitri. Hope all is well at the ghetto will miss you lots this year. xxx
i was gerrin a tattoo done over the road an was lyin ther listenin n singin along 2 all the tunes punpin outa the place... was the only thing wot stopped me cryin
i was gunna stay out ther n work but a few ppl bk here changed me mind.... but i wish id stayed now! havin a s**te time bk ere... rele wish i hadnt come back!
i recon u ad the beer goggles on luv
great music and a good atmosphere
hey wot can i say the place was wicked the staff
were gr8 and the drinks were fab liked the juggling that was goin
on behind the bar definetly go bac there. was sad to leave
yesturday x
this place was wicked...friendly staff and lurvely cocktails hehe!
Got back from Laganas, Zante yesterday. totally gutted to be back. Had the time of my life.. Gotta say that the Ghetto Club is one of the best bars in Laganas, A great place to start off the night. ZANTE ROCKS !!!!
the number one. i have a lot of good night there.
hi my names krissiy and ive been to zante b4 i have met the lads from ghetto bar ! and they are very nice lads, ive had a bit of a bad year so im going out to zante 10th july bit of a spare of the moment thing booked 7th july lol.....and will be staying till october hopefully so i will be going back to ghetto bar to see everyone.
heya this fiona here jus bin to laganas 12th june to the 28th was lush but the one place we did go every day was ghetto the staff in there are well gd u got the prs at the front stuart and jack or shod i say bob and bill lol then there is holly hu i love to pieces but missin her ldz then there is the funny guy collectin the gasses hu i luved too then the 3 bar staff - bandana man*derick*my lil one lol missin ya ldz but see ya nxt yr without a doubt!
Hey didn't think much of the bar but we liked Stu & he's friends!! Ur mate Phil (i think he shared a room wiv adam) well who eva that was woz well fit newayz!! Hope ur all doing okay luv xKyliex Char & Emz xx
tara heff!!!!me n 5 of my mates r c*mmin to zante on the 3rd july til the 17th!!!gunna go off the rails this year!!!!email me at lou_morgans@msn.com or add me if u wnt!!
ladies and gentlemen of the ghetto bar, you got any jobs going this year? i can flare and breath fire, i fly out on the 1st of may, gimmie a shout if you got anyfing going da_badboy_is@hotmail.com
Hey craig! its our first time in Zante this July! we cant wait its supposed to be great! im glad to know that there is actually some lads goin!!! haha! how old r you all? there is me and 6 other girls goin from the 4th to the 18th of July! maybe see you there!
Hey girls, me and 8 other lads going Zante for the 1st time in the first 2 weeks of July! whats it like?
hey everyone!!! me and lots of other girlys are going to zante on the first 2weeks of july!!! is there anyone going then let me know!!!!
I know Jess Allard. Who are you and how do you know her?
i went to zente summer 2003 and met Jess Allard. If you know her or are her reply back to me
stewy,,,,, IM A STALLION BABY!!!
aw iv so been trying to get on touch with u,, i lost ur e-mail address... mines stephanie_mangle@hotmail.com!! i only came bak 3 weeks ago haha!!! i stuk it thru baby!! i miss the sun and slagging gorgeous george off .. (ass hole) lol!!! hes a radio DJ now.. ha ha ha!!!! mail me!!
miss u
babycakes u just dont know know!! whooaaa haha! xx
Steph ya traiter!!!! Hiiiiiya!! Hows things? I've lost your email and mob number so if you read this then get in touch. Missin life at the Ghetto, especially the Long island ice Teas and the piggy backs that never worked!!
Get in touch or expect to have your ass kicked!;)
P.S. If anyone else reading this knows Steph (she was the PR that looked like a dyke and sounded like a boy!) then please let me know how I can get in touch with her, cheers.
P.P.S. If anyone knows Russ the PR from Flanigans then ask him how the syphilis and crabs are getting on.
Hi Steph, OK then thats a big help if you`ve got his number. I want to get in contact with him or any of the guys.Im hoping to come out and work the season next year. 2005 IT SHOULD BE GREAT.
You can get me at: shadowseven73@hotmail.com
i have alex's phone number but im not gunna paste it on this site.
Hi I would really like to stay in contact with the guys from Ghetto bar
Im coming back over next year hopefully to work the summer season. So if they have any jobs going.
If anyone knows how to get in touch with Alex id love to get in touch. Ta
Hi everyone if your up for a good night then head to the Ghetto bar.
The barmen are great especially Alios and Alex. If anyone has an address to reach Alex could they post it on the site Ta.
Have a great time. Ill be back def next summer 2005
Emily, i think i should see these pictures youve got of me by the pool at cactus, send them to dannygibson321@hotmail.com, n add me to your msn account, i cant think who u are, but i do have a good idea.... you got curly hair??
soz 4got 2 rate u lads, ur all gr8 and u made our hol fab. luv Jodie, Rob, Vikki n Sarah
ghetto is fab cocktail really nice, everyone behind the bar are gr8 especially alex, ilios and manos.n vikki sez ilios and manos fit she wants you to come over and see us.luv Jodie, Rob, Vikki, Sarah, Laura, Carl, Andy and Jayne
ghetto is fab we ad a really good time whilst we wo der. every1 behind the bar are gr8.
Ghetto is the greatest! Were in Laganas in the beggining of September with 3 friends, and loved it soo much! We'll be back again, at least i hope so!
Och Hej Frida! :D
Whilst on holiday in Sept this year(2004) me & 5 of my friends dressed up & paraded ourselves around the bars & clubs of lagana. When we were in Ghetto we had our pic taken & were told it would be on the website, but I can't find it!!If you do know the address please enlighten me! You can even go see for yourself how little we were wearing with exception of our sparkley hats!
FAT FROG me please bar man. Everytime we went into the ghetto we came out bolloxed. the bar man is a legend. free shots all nite long. Thanx 4 makin us legless all those nite's. FAT FROG. From all the IRISH lads that were over there.
Eeey, frida speaking again! nice knowing you remember us mate;) yeah u go and say HI to that man :D hehe...
Hang Loose people!
/Friiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiida and the rest of "tha gang"
please notify that greece ainŽt safe yet, we are planning a trip back now...WeŽre on our way, hold on!!!
Ghetto is a quality place, me and 9 other manc lads was there nearly every night of our holiday. Oh and Frida, I remember you! I'll say hi 2 Karl for u! (p.s R.I.P trev, u will not be forgotten!)
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey everyone! Me and my 6 girlfriends visited greece in august this year! anyonye remeber us? ;)
Just wanna let yaŽll know..WE LOVE THE PLACE! and for all you english guuys...youŽre gorgeous! so fun!
see ya in 2005!
hellooooo danny...
im not working at ghetto anymore :( .. that was a sad face. i wirk at chevys now and i do waitressing... YES I WEAR A SKIRT!!!!!!!! and uhm... when i thaught i looked like a lesbian whoever said that did i have short hair?
Hi Danny, I was out in Zante at the end of May-beginning of June, me and my mate were in Ghetto every night enjoying the view and the "summertime" cocktails. We were also staying at Ghetto opposite where you were living so we saw you when you hung out round the pool.
ghetto is the best! loadsa fit men! manager really fit-had him!!! cocktails really nice nd music class!
alright everyone, its danny, the PR the last 2 years, though i never seem to finnish out a season there, steph my sweat how ya doin. paul get in touch its dannygibson321@hotmail.com, you hear what happened to jamie, couldnt beleive it..
Emily W. who are you??
if any of the barmen chris, panos, dimitris, katarena, vasilis or yorgos read this get in touch.
cya soon PS well be havin a get together in the next 2 weeks in manchester, most workers will be there, so just ring me for the details.
Who was that female PR? the one who thought she looked like a lesbian but was really really fit? N from the north too!?!
Yep us northern girls are always up 4 a good time!!!
ur right to stay away from those cockneys!!!!
ghetto is mint, me and my mates went (ZANTE 04), ghetto is full of fine girls and the tunes are quality. just keep away from them stuck up cockney girls, go for the northern women they are always up for a good time. P.S rest in peace Trev!!
Hello Emily how are you.
Can you tell me something about the barmen in Ghetto Club. I fly with my mate at friday and I wanna know if there are cute barmen. Especially inside of the club. Thanks for any informations.
Paul Masey you are fine... see you in Fleming Park soon sexy xx
The BEST bar ever - VERY VERY SEXY PR Danny and excellent cocktails - it was our home for 2 weeks holiday we had earlier this year. Still missing it loads want to go back. If you want to see Danny parading by the pool go to Cactus pool perfect hangover cure!!!!
find a lttle egg and put him in ur pocket, save him for a rainy day! cutest PR, dont ya jus wana take him home with u, in ur pocket obviously! lawn. xxx
what can you say, gorgeous pr (is it paul?! was drunk when i asked!) was the main reason we went in there every night! anyone got a gd pic of him, i think all the ladies would appreciate one!!
If you like listening to the same songs every night then this is the place for you!
good bar with cheap cocktails and a mega fit pr...what more do you need?????
em xx
Hello Karen and Rachel
Could you tell me what kind of barmens work in Ghetto-Club and if Alex is still working there? Thanks for informations an Greetings from Switzerland
came in late one night with three girls from Slovakia, the DJs were great and very friendly, had a good chat to them after they found out I was DJing in Kalamaki.
quality music guaranteed,best place to start ur nite x x x
Tip: get the 2 DJ'S downing their secret stash of Jack Daniel's shots and they'll play what ever you like! The bar staff are very friendly...perhaps a little too friendly! As for the PR, thanks for the snog in the suncream shop next door, you made me feel very special!! We loved it here, especially the night MC BOOM took over the mic...by the way, i hear he's touring Norf London soon so watch this space! P.S Thanks for the many fish bowls!
You have one fit PR man!!!!!!!!
Steph you "Malacha"....! Nice one ! We are well. I've sent you an email.... See you later. XX
yeh dis place is a really good place to start the night it gets a big thumbs up from the essex girls on tour!!!
mwhahahahhahahahaha HELLO MR ROCK!!!! im just back in england so no1 go and ask 4 steph cos that would just be silly now wouldnt it.. ha! hows good old ray? I REMEMBERED!
Excellent bar.... Go here and make sure you ask for Steph who is a PR girl outside. Tell her "The Rock" sent you ! You'll get free drinks, and will hopefully make her smile.....
hi lowis i hear that you had been on the web site.
im missing you all loads esspecially alex im really miss him alot! can you plz tell everyone i said hi! and give alex a big hug from me n tell him i miss him.
are you ok?
im just cant wait to come over and see you all again im fine and hope to hear from you all soon write bk if you can love from krissiy xxx
hiya everyone!!! and a big hug to lowis! its krissiy how have you been im fine im missing you all especially alex i miss him loadz.
can you plz tell him for me that i said hi?
im going to be doing a childcare aprentaship so i cant come n live in greece like i wanted! but i wil be comin over for the summer!
hope to hear from you soon if you can write back n i will get it!
thanks love from krissiy xxx
He people, we were the 2 PR's from the pictures, does anyone have a picture of the pr that was there at the end of the season, we wanna know who took the job at the best bar in laganas
hi nick im am going to live in greece on the 18th july so i might see you in da ghetto bar cuz i always go !!!
and i would advise you to not go to the ship wreck its rubbish you can also e-mail me at krissiyhANNON@HOTMAIL.COM
hi nick you will have to go to the ghetto bar itz da best.
you get great coctails and there iz a buzzin atmosphere.
and labamba iz a great place to there iz alot of friendly people in ghetto n labamba.
you will love it.
i need a job any going
well...gr8 name!gr8 location from where we were staying and gr8 music! enjoyed it alot, even when we accidentally crashed a private party!!!! sorry!!!!enjoying myself so much i cudnt hear the member ov staff asking me if i was on the list!!! VERY cheeki barmen wiv lots ov ice!!!
What can I say... This is the best Bar on the Island. The bar staff are friendly, funny and entertaining. The music was great and the cocktails were yum (especially the Strawberry Orgasm). If you go to Laganas this year or next then you have to check this place out. I went there with Dancing Dale, Jack Daniels and Tracie. Hope to see you all again. Thanks for entertaining us this Summer.
The ghetto bar is the best bar in Zante! It haS fab music and cheap drinks with freeshots - but the bar staff are the best part - they are so entertaining, friendly and funny. TASSO is the greatest and should get a promo.. All our love Dale , Jack Daniels, Tracie and Karen YOU MUST SEE THE PHOTO! SEE YOU THERE NEXT YEAR!
This was the best best best bar with the most georgeous bar staff!!
We went here everynight the bar staff make the best cocktails and give the best cuddles!! We miss you already!
ended up sleeping on ghettos roof,what a night! wicked bar 2 end up in and d staff r great especially alex thank 4 d lovely day trip 2 d ship wreck c u next year
We went to the ghetto bar most nights, Cocktails great, free shots with every drink!!! The barmen were very friendly and very entertaining(see photo) music was good.
The best bar in Laganas!
loved honking your horn and barmen well generous with the free shots (providing the manager wasn't around)!!
especially barman with bandana! ;)