Hiya Bobby
Hope wedding goes great and hope you have a lovely day- Thanks for making our holiday a grreat one- you the reason y people come back to zante year after year :-) Hoping to come back next year and surprise you !
bobby its gollum n big bob m8 writing to say we will see u very soon u spiro yogi fonz n eye brow
alrite bobby mate thanks for a boss holiday wouldnt of been the same wid out seein you am the scouse c**t who kept wedgin u in ya borat thong
Heeee looooves the Cake!!!! WOW found you Bobby!
Hi Bobby,
Hey Bobby,
hello relax, its chris 1 of the york lads. just wana thank you for the great nites we had in your bar, you are all legends!!! york is s**t, you shud bring your bar over here u wud be a massive hit. hope you have got that york city shirt up . bobby u are 1 legend we all luvd that nite dressed up as women lol it was awesome! hopefully we will see you when you come over and u can c*m 4 a nite out in york 4 another tequilla. thanks again, hope 2 c u soon.
I wanna be bobbys girl, i wanna be bobbys girl
Booby, your a legend on that island mate. Hope you feel better soon. the tattoos should be better by now. You honestly made our holiday. the funniest guy on the island. i hope your family is erll, and say hi to arron from us
Gaz and Sam
Hello Bobby your really funny and entertaining never laughed so much
hi bobby,
had some good laughs in the relax bar during my holiday, bobby u r sooo funny and joe and ryan u kept nus entertained too!! missin all u guys already lol!! xxx
hi Bobby,scouse crew here,hope ur ok,carols tryin 2 get in touch wiv richie!!!!e-mail i got 4 him isnt getin thru, ta luv x
Hi everyone at relax bar, it's Joanne,Faye, Logan,
had a great time last year, unfortunatly cannot make it this year as we are going to Majorca, glad to here Bobby is getting married,
Why isn't Kim there this year can anyone let us 3 know, as Kim and Bobby made our holiday, we went two year on the trot, as well as our parents,
keep cool every one, xxx
hey bobby its gollum n big bob a big how u duin just 2 let u no were sound hope u n fam r ok tell spiro yogi eye brow n fonz eyup oh n dora c ya soon gollum it gis a ratin of 10 or more i say 100000000000
Hello everyone, so sad to be home, missing bobby the entertainer, hes great. hope you have a great summer. any one reading this you must go in relax bar it will be the highlight of your holiday. love vicky & jo
hello! hey bobby, spyros, dennis, pablos and yannis
how do bobby, its christian, the one, the orical
bit of a bastar-d but i lost your number
hows you and the wife and kid, hope everything is rosey
me, i've just met a greaty girl in sunny liverpool, so i'm all loved up at the moment
i know you'll be made up for me all the s**t i've been through
actualy life's great at the moment
been s**gging and eating p***y for the last two weeks
a bit crude maybe,,,, but i know you'll have a big smile on your face reading this
take care mate, have a good summer, and keep thet promise of giving me a ring when you get back in november,,,, if i don't get over for your wedding
take care mate your a true freind and say hello to the wife and tell hert the news
over the moon
my email is "shedsounds@hotmail.co.uk"
drop me a line if you get a chance mate... givwe me your no. again
take care brother
hay bobby
thanks for giving me and my mates a wicked night for the last night you are sutch a good entertainer hope i will be back to sing will smith just the two of us. again thanks again and keep making every one p**s thereselves laughing
cheers bud stu
Hey bobby, spreos and everyone else at Relax.
Hi Bobby. Can't belive i'm back in England. Love relax bar and love you you are the best and really made my holiday thanks a million. Gonna try an get back later this year if not will deffo c u nxt year an i will make sure there is a big group of us.
Hey Bobby. Just want to thank you for making Louise and my holiday. We had a fantastic time thanks to you! Definately looking to come out in September with a group of us including my scouser Nan who will absolutley adore you! Have a great season. Take care,
Terri & I are back in UK! Thanks for a brilliant week mate! Great laugh - will get some photos on here asap. Matt & Terri xxxx
Oii Oii Bobby......(Mika)
hello bobby,kim,spiros,pablo,dennis&yannis
Hi Kim,scouseeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrsssssssssssss
Hiaa bobby how are you doing, havnt seen you in ages . You might not remember us because the last we were there was october 2005 if you remember paul was a liverpool fan and i (catherine ) always got up on the karaoke and we always came in your bar . Hope you are all fine missing you all loads love from Catherine xxx p.s please remember us )
can u get in touch girls laticsok@hotmail.com sinbad x
Kim....Bobby....Just a warning, we've just booked our holiday, we'll be back again in June, only you have to put up with us for two weeks this time ha ha, can't wait, see you then xxx
go there it is a giggle
Hi every1!!! Becky and Angie(ma) here!!! ( along with Matty (gayboy), Dave (Mini me), and Vick).
Hey Kim & Bobby!!!!
Vourneen here!!!!! Oh my god feels like I was never away guys.......Back in sunny Ireland - HA!!!!!! Well Noel (the Irish Love God) and myself are back working at the hotel,the joys of it.....Miss ye all like crazy. Doing a bit of karaoke in the local bar, but lets be honest its not the same as Relax and the two of you......Savage!!!!!!!!!!! Ye made my time working in Zakynthos the best, and I cant wait to get back there next year......
Pog mo hon Bobster!!!!! Hope all is well with ye, and Bobby give my love to Nat and beautiful baba.....
Lots of Love
Crazy days!
hi everyone, can't be a**ed writing a big message tonight, will do soon though i promise! special people know who they are - i'll be in touch when i've got the money to come to your respective areas !
hello again bobbie & kim we hope had a great summer can not wait to see you next summer if you want to contact me you can email if you want at c_broadbent@btinternet.com .see you soon col,lindsey&callum xxx
Hello RELAX bar!!!
Hey Kim n Bobby
hey bobby & kimbo
Hi to everyone,Bobby,Kimbo,Spiros,Yannis & Lucy it's the ASBO Sheffield Crew.Well we got back home on 29/09/2006 and it's now 04/10/2006 the weather is crap and i really wish we were all their with you all.This bar really made our holiday and the people in it did so i'd like to say a big thank you and we will be coming back some time.Tell Spiros and Yannis that we loved their cheeky vimto that much we now drink it at home and everyone loves it.Were going to sign off now but i will write again soon.IF ANYONE IS GOING TO ZANTE PLEASE GO INTO THE RELAX BAR AFTER THE TRAVS THEN IT WILL MAKE YOUR NIGHT AND HOLIDAY.Kimbo i will email you soon ok babes.****
hi there bob & kimbo,
Hi bobby and Kim
hey Bobbie and Kim!
oi oi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello all hope all is well.
i loved this bar and made it there every night for 14 days! bobby is an entertainer on a par with the best i've seen and kims lovely and trys all the mad songs!
hi bobby and kim
Hey Bobby and Kimbo, it's Lindsey and Mark from Leeds.
Another fantastic holiday and many a great night spent in Relax with Bobby and Kim...Hope you guys are ok. We're coming back out next year June 28th I think but Bobby tells me you may not be there next year Kim? Hope you will be as the boys might be coming too and we know they took a shining to you?!!
hey bobby and kimbo!!!! sorry taken me ages to get on her, been back 3weeks now!! just wanted to see how u guys are doing, really missing working with u guys!!! have you got a new pr now?!?! sorry if i left you in the s**t!!!! missing the zante lifestyle allready, back to work and reality now for me:( iv been in contact with vorneen (savage!!!!!) and hopefully we are meeting up soon:) hope you had a fantastic 21st kimbo! ;) enjoy whats left of the season guys, cu soon!!!! xxxxx ps.....sorry to all those that i annoyed everynight with my pr'ing skills................but like i said to you all, once your in there, u wont wana come out!!!! ;) best place in lags! ;) xxxx
Tip Top in here, Bobby the scouse is with out a doubt one of the funniest blokes ive eva met, & he can sing a bit to - Kim superb side-kick & Eminem aint got nuffin on that girl from Plymouth!!
But to be honest 1 man alone out shone them both on the week I was there ......Hi everyone at Relax!!!!!
Hey people cider drinkin matt here. Thought i'd take the chance to put up a comment
Hey Johnboy/Sarah & Gemma/ Claire.
Hey Jon,
Yeah we def missing relax bar and bobby and def our fish bowls!!!!!
still its nice weather in cardiff!!!!
send us the pics
loadsa love sarah and gemma
hi there its claire and ian from wigan!! a big hello to kelly and matt how could we forget u, especially matt doing all his westlife numbers haha. He was better than me. Hope everythings ok down in bristol.ive got a pic of u 2. I'll put it on.Thinking of coming back nxt year to c how it goes. Hello to johnboy to.me and ian on the left.hi to the stoke girls got a pic of u lot to.hope ur all well. Well im off to the pub to watch the footy. bye x x x x
Me and my boyfriend stayed in Laganas last week of July 1st week of August. We loved Relax Bar. Entertainment was great and Bobby is a legend. However, you do hope and pray he doesnt say anything to you (anyone else agree haha)
alright my babers, how bis the doing? just thought i would email to saying even though its only been one day, me & matt are missing relax like crazy! we love you guys so much! kim, i am getting my photos developed this weekend so will try & get matt to scan them so we can get them sent over to you.
i have just been nosing at all the other messages & photos sent on here & noticed that are good friend claire had sent some hilarious pictures of our bobby. claire if you read this hope everything is well & ian is all good. oh & bu the way we loved your singing you blooming nutter!!!!! if you cant think who i am then you will know matt cause he also was continuously on karaoke!I have just got back from Laganas yesterday & spent most of my evenings in Relax Bar with Bobby & Kimbo!!! The John you are talking about did he tend to either sit at the bar & the table close to the computer if so I have it.
â missin u 2 sooooooo much
â it was the best holiday ever!!!! u 2 made it so good. u both are great entertainers luv ya both so much
â cant belive im bak ome we c*m bk on the 28 of septâ
â we came 4 2 weeks nâ a wanted to stay so bad. relax is the best bar in laganas. the drinks are really nice n the staff are also great
â i miss bobby n kim singin. i luvd kim singin what your made ov n im a dreamer she did these soooo well
bobby u sang aint tha a kick in the head soooo well n ordinary people!!!! i luv ur voice!!!
â ur such nice people n i miss u soooo bad
â i had such a great time in relax we went in most nights i always wanted go in
i came with my mum aka the m.i.l.f. hahaâ me sister n our m8. duno if u can remember us we wer from stoke
â we all really enjoyed it and are coming bak 2 c u!!!
â it is tru what every1 says about relax!!! its a brill bar! cant w8 2 come bak!!! got loadza gr8 pics will send em soon
â tha pic da onli 1 i gt so far lol not very good bu o wel thas me anyway hehe
â luv yaâ both ldzâ luv me xxxxxx
hi bobby and kim u are top class hows johnboy its raining in manchester any cya next year from sam glynn alija jacob the manchester lot relax is the best bar