hey girls its becky hope your all good send my love miss you all cant wait to meet up with everyone i really miss all the great people i meet and just wanna say thank you for making my trip and being there love you all xx
hi babe! napa was ok, not v.busy tho an not enuf english ppl! missed zante! got back yesterday and im off to thailand on the 10th to visit my dad, too much travelling cant b a**ed!
Hey bec and carly!!
hey bec!! you ok babe, just got back from napa, full of foreigners! wouldnt like to work there! zantes much better. hi to every1. love carly xxxxx
hey meyou, thanx for the comment im flatterd, i don't meen to be rude but who are you? did you work in laganas or were you just on your holiday? were you a regular n argos? write back luv becca p.s hi to everybody i luv you all and im missing you loads xxxx
Thought Id say Becca the PR/Waitress was hot and we all loved her xxxx
hey all,its 1 of the scottish girls here.jst wanted 2 say argo's great 4 cheap nice cocktails b4 hittn the clubs! we all loved it PR's martyn and rose were gr8,"does he no how 2 have a gd time?" course he does, the guyz fab
if she is talking about Martin the PR for Argos then dont listen Martin is a hunny!!!
The PR guy outside Argos is the most boring guy in the world!!! Does he know how to have a good time??? He well puts you off going in!!!
Off to zante on 21st July!!!!! Staying at angeliki! anyone else doing the same?
hello fellow argo punters, its the 8 mad scottish girls here! just a quick note to say you should def go into argo before you head out when you are in laganas as the cocktails are cheap and strong!! just the way we like them so it will set u up or have you falling down before you hit the clubs! it's a good laugh and the bar staff are really friendly so were the p.r's rose and martin if you do go in ask martin about his love boat experience wi one of us lol!!! big hello to fortis hope you are not missing us too much and we will def be back again next year looking for work so keep us in mind!!!
hey eeveryone!!!!! just home from zante. Argo is a fantastic bar, defo chech it out if u go! its brilliant!
i absolutely loved Argo, Anita the barmaid was lovely! the 2 PRs martin and rose where brilliant!!!
Lets all have a disco , Lets all have a disco , lah lah lah lah , lah lah lah lah !!!!!
July 5th 2005 ... it's all going offski , 6 handsome men all looking for love ...ha ha who am I kidding? ... We're all looking to get pissed and have some funjust a quiery boys and girls, you got any jobs going? i can flare and breath fire, i dly out on the first of may so gimmie a shout if you got anyhting going
Hello hello stoke ladies, just lettin you know a bunch of 10 lads from Bolton are comin to laganas. Were goin the 3rd of july for 2 week. You will have to meet up with us. were stayin at the hotel canadian. lookin forward to see you lot see you soon all the boys at salford university x x x
Theres 8 girlies from stoke going 7th-21st July! Anybody going be around that time?
any hot s**ts going to laganas from the 10th of july untill the 17th?
hi people....just wanna say me and my mate rocky are c*min to zante on 23rd june this year, for 2 weeks!
god help ya!!!lol
hi people....just wanna say me and my mate rocky are c*min to zante on 23rd june this year, for 2 weeks!
god help ya!!!lol
me and my m8s r goin 2 zante from 12th july to the 19th. I just want 2 no what the best clubs and bars are?
kelli barwick, bad boys is a garage and hip hop club in laganas it is on the main strip of road as u come onto the beach
oy oy, me and dd will be bigging it up for the kalamki counterparts from the 13th october?? anyone gonna be there??? email me on bricey_94@hotmail.com - fine b***hes need apply only!
I am going to Laganas with a friend on the 22nd August and would like to know what clubs there are playing RnB, Hip Hop even some garage but not too much garage.. If anybody out there can save me some time and money searching these places out then please drop me a line.
spot-on to have a few cheap bevvys, watch the world go by, bar staff very quick and friendly, ideal for those pre-club cheaper drinks!
great place to watch the guys on the strip trying to act cool, but coming across as t**ts altho goodlooking t**ts, lovely friendly staff and keenly priced,
hey stacey scottish gals again!! jst wonderin if u'll b over round the 18th of july?? we cnt w8!! hope 2 c u soon !! vicky,linzi,kaeli,meesh,kerry,emma 'n' jackie x x x
hello every1! im going to kalamaki on 6th of june just wondering if there are any good nite clubs with r,n,b and chart music to dance the nite away too????? thanks to any1 who can help. oh and whats the beach like?????????? were staying in the golden sun hotel!!
saturdays and sundays r the best cause the clubs stay open till 7, argo is the best 2 start with as cocktails are 2 euros then move on 2 cherrybay or zeros, 2 dance the nite away. then 2 macdonalds after everywheres closed cause everyones there. just a few tips.
hiya me and 3 of my m8s (2 boys,1 girl) are coming to zante from 25thmay - 7th june. were deft up 4 getting blatently very drunk and wanna know all the mad bars to go! its also my m8s 19th when were out there so ne ideas on so we can plan a night out for her! cheers my email is lushlatinolady@hotmail.com.
lots of love sophie xxxxx
Great bar the pr girls were awesome they made us all feel welcome enough to drink ourselves under the table! we will be back again in Aug and believe me Argo will be like our local!
everything was ok .but they got special pr (no as good as i am ).hey girls this is my e mail address . e mail me .landy_s@hotmail.com
Hey Amy and Grace, course I remember you funky chicks. How are we? I'm growing my hair at the moment so that I can get it cut a bit funky, you two inspired me. Been looking at my pics and got some good ones of us together. Hope your both o.k. Keep in touch, my email is cbtart81@hotmail.com.
hey claire just read your bak in the country hope u had a wicked time over ther! not sure if ull remember us (amy and grace) went in sober came out crawling n ew ays just a quick one to say hey love ya x x x x amy n grace x
Hi Stacey,
My email is: tinhead78@hotmail.com
Yep Im workin hard and cnt wait for my next holliday.
Look forward to hearin from you.x
Alright peeps! I was in Zante at the beginning of August and all i can say is that it was the best holiday iv ever had!
Argo bar was our startin point cause the cocktails were so cheap and the PR's were very nice!
Stacey and claire u probably dont remember us be we certainly remember u ;) well maybe u do! my m8 was the one with the stupid 5 finger match trick and the poor chat up line (if i was to buy u a pet turtle..........bla bla!! Anyways cheers for all the Tropical wine coolers u made us and we might see u nxt year! Later people!!!!!
hey steve im coming back on sunday so watch out!! new boy to the hood a?? see you then!!
alright clare babe im missing you soo much work hasnt been the same without you..big sis'....ill email you again soon!!love ya..
and hello again martin..hows life in england treating you then? say hello to andy for me and can i have your email address please? hope your all not missing lagana too much!!!
love you allxx
Hello there scottish gals...Its stacey here!! How are yo u gals? We are missing you in our bar! We havent received the photos yet but hopefully we will soon. I will be back next year so come and find me when your back. You gals were a great laugh i dont think we've sold as much tequila since you've gone home!!!
Take care gals love Staceyxxxx
hello every1 from argo its the scottish girls here hope you got the letter and the foto we sent yous.thanks for a great holiday we were in argo everynight. stacey will u be there next july hopefully u will. argo rules!! Love Kerry,Kaeli,Meesh,Linzi,Vicky,Emma + Ashley! xxxx
ello stacey i got the job in the vic so dont think your getting young lady i still remember you breaking me clippers
only joking hun hope things are going well cya in cheshunt when you get back telll everyone else i said hi
Hey guys it's Clare, the nutty p.r. Just wanted to tell you all that I was back in the country if anyone wants to get in touch!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know it was the best bar!!!!!!
Stacey I love ya and really miss working with you. Have fun and get in touch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello everyone that has been in Argo! Its Stacey ere, just been reading and am glad you liked our bar.
And Martin if you read this at all, the pleasure was all mine, sorry i didnt get to say goodbye to you!x
Didn't go to look for babes and hunk, just the drinks (cocktails)!
Excellent! 2 EUROS a cocktail, which are very potent!
Went there to start the night, every night.
Very friendly and welcoming place.
argo bar woz t best
Just returned from 2wk hol and Argo woz t best bar and quickly became r local, hello 2 stacey and apostolis X
Definately our fave bar as drinks were well cheap and atmosphere fantastic. Word of caution tho watch out for the weird glass collector who likes to flash his manhood at you in the toilets arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
what a bar, the bar tenders u could say typical greeks but sweeties all the same drinks are cheap and its a great way to get drunk before heading to the clubs!! P.s Claire your a star honey love gracey and amy x x x
The staff in here were really friendly and the drinks are really cheap. A great place to start your night.
Can anyone help me? Flying out to Laganas late august, just want to know what music is played? is it all crappy dance, is there any CHEESE? eg Chezney Hawks????????????????????????
great bar, good prices and very friendly, and the ONLY place in Laganas it seems where you can escape that RnB music crap!!!
going out to zante on the 21st of august with my mates, anyone whos going send me an e-mail and let me know.
this is the best icecube-bar ever!!!! nice drinks. snug bartenders.
cocktails only 2 euros here which wasnt bad! was a bit cramped if you want to get 18 people in one spot! but i think that might have just been us! wish we'd found it sooner!
We spent 2 weeks in Laganas from 29th May to 12th June 2003. It was my partner Phil's 5th time, my first, it was the best holiday I have ever had. This has got to be the best bar in Laganas as the owner made you feel so welcome and actually recognised Phil from the previous time 3 years ago!! The drinks are really cheap, you get lots of freebies and the music is good, the toilets weren't too bad but wouldn't like to see them later in the season!! Overall, we spent most of our nights out in here. If anyone is going soon say Hi to Forte, Apostolis and George (Kieran Dyer lookalike!) from us and tell them we will be back soon.
Very good in here,Claire the girl on the door was really friendly and not in your face to drag you in which was nice,cocktails only 2 euros so the kitty we had went further after a trip to here.
haha, jus spotted a mistake. its nikki300485@aol.com :) not ao.com
am traveling to Zante 10th July. most highly recomended places? any others going out that time? send me an email with any detals u think i might need. thanks! Nikki300485@ao.com x
I have just returned from spending a week in laganas and can highly recommend the Argo bar , fun and very generous staff with their shots freebies, music was sorted and no empty heads.
we were in zante 10th aug for two weeks there was 12 of us mixed group we had a blast start you night here its the cheapest bar on the strip and the bar men are really nice give the toilets a miss though
going back this year mabey have not decided yet
We went here almost every night as Frank, Kostas and Ilias were great. Great music......... Poor toilets!!!
Hi all, can anyone help me....im going to laganas the end of august, and im looking at the info people are writing up about the clubs, they all sound good, but none of them say what sort of music they play ! does anyone know any clubs that play, happy house, trance, up-lifting music? id be gratful if u could send me an e mail---donscons@aol.com thank you xx
start your night here, you probs willed it here too! its brill! and meeting peeps is sooooo easy! if Jo is stil out there getting peeps into the bar, big up! we were out there 30 june-15 july 2002, Jo had a run in with a scooter,so hope all is well! TOP PLACE! its BOSS! visit or miss out
were three lads going on the 18 august for two weeks want to check out some girls so mail me.. chrisxrated@talk21.com
Me n my mate Jackie r staying in Zante from 10th to 25th. U going from Heathrow by any chance Lee?
any groups of girls stopping at hotel tzante that want a good p**s up.
We just got back and would have to agree that this is the place for the cheapest cocktails. We are in touch with the bar men Kostas and Ilias. Wicked place free shots. Dodgy makeshift bogs
Hi everyone,My name is Ian Ramm, myself and 8 friends are coming to Laganas on june 24th, staying at ilios apartments. If anyone wants to meet up with a wild bunch of lads who are just looking for a good time and a laugh then you can E-mail me at ianramm@hotmail.com
This place was really good, with the longest happy hour we could find from 4pm to 2am where a 50cl beer will cost 500dr, and cream cocktails 800dr, fruty ones 700dr. They also have a pool table and a air hockey table to keep you amused , if the cheesy music doen't keep you entertained. The toilets are abit make shift out the back.
A great place to start your night with cheap cocktails (£1.40). Very friendly bar staff, who even remembered our names having met us just once before. If you sit at the bar, the bar staff tend to give you a variety of free shots during the evening, which in addition to the cheap cocktails, make for a very pissed up evening! The music could do with being that little bit louder - it has to compete with the bar across the road, but the Greek style "Beadles About/Trigger Happy TV" video playing around the bar makes up for the lack of music.
This is a great bar to go to start your night off!Warning!!The loo STINKS!!Apart from that it was great!