Hiya Paula, there is a recruitment section on their website - www.zeros.gr
Does anybody know what the hiring process is at zeros this year? I worked in Laganas season 05, had to leave early and desperate to have just one more summer of fun. Im planning on coming out first week of May and staying until the end of the season. Also anybody know if Ryan will be DJ-ing this year, I met him 05?
Any help will be much appreciated, I've gota get out of this country, its miserable
Hi guys, Hope that you are all well, and had a great christmas....im not to bad can't wait till next summer.... cant wait to rip it up in zante again....
Hey peeps,
Just wanna say that i had a fab time in zeros, the music was class, the cocktails were the best.... BIKINIS... Thanks to the barmen for making us feel welcome in ur bar!! Ric and chewyI've just come back from zante after working there for 6 months and im not being funny love (kimberly) but think you need to do something else rather than keep going on about the boys etc!! But the guys are gonna laugh there socks off when they see these emails from you, you are really making yourselve look desperate
Hey jemma
yep nat i am most deff goin back there next year!!for more rockin times haha!!
Anja-Reed Jensen---like your style.... ROCK ON DUDE!!!! Ill be there next year at some point, undecided if Ill work, but Ill be back there quicker than you can imagine. you def goingback?
yeah im deff goin back next year!!most definately ROCK ON!!
Girls dont worry, Carter will be back next year, think hes has a huge impression on alot of girls, even Zero's website is nearly 100% totally devotion to him. Hes my dude, a wicked guy as a mate,but hes always been a flirt, come on the guys a beaut, not a bad surfer even though Im loads better LOL. Glad every one had a wicked holiday this year in Zante,hope your all coming back next year...ROCK ON
oh my god!
hi kate im glad you had a good time!!
haha i meant to say its our wkd off love, not wkd of love how cheesy lol!!
Zeros was flippin' dos! it was amazing! you are all right the bar guys were hot as! music was fab, we bought the cd to remind us of the all the nights we can't remeber, well i can remember but the others struggle with details!
well we just got home and missing the place n the people like mad!
hi carter and all
i love this place, i wanna come back!!!
sarah . . x x x x x
ABSOLUTLY WDK i love it, love it, love it. especially the kung fu fighting! best bar on the island love it! cant wait to go back!
Zeros is absolutely buzzing, me n the girls had an absolute fabulous time here everytime we went in.. well so we can remember lol. If you're going to Zante, Zeros is a MUST.. we thought it was alot better than Rescue!!
Hey Guys!
Kim and Charlene from ncl here!! we just wanted to say that we had such a gr8 time in Zante! The Night life is awesome aswell as the bar staff! Charlene's really keen to work out there next year, but i think she's mad as she has the chance of a life time in Oz but like always she knows best lol if anyone has any info about how she can get into repping or bar work (which she already does) then give us a hola! anyways enough about that! just wanna say in a nutshell had an awesome time bar staff where awesome to thanks for an amazing time we had heeps of fun!
this bar was by far the best in laganas, me and my mates loved it. p.s, Owen wilson and his mate behind the bar are ledgends.
right, what can we say?
hey (again lol)
zeros was the s**t, it was ssssoooo good! nevr thot id b up 4 dancin on a bar, especially 1that was on fire!!!lol! but iv found my calling in life! cant wait 2 go back as a rep nxt year, that way i can stay longer!!
Ello guys! anyone been to laganas in september before? me and my mate went in july and have fallen in love with the place! were tryni 2 get back out a.s.a.p but is septmeber anygood? apparantly it pisses it down with rain?! haha! if anyone knows that would be great! cheers!xxxx
WOW! what a place! everything there a girl could ask for.....top music, hot barmen and thee best cocktails! so totally miss being out there :( and definitely miss watchin the HOT barmen shaking their booty on the bar! didn't get names but the blonde surfer dude and the guy with the bob the builder towel were f.i.n.e! as if loads of u girls got kisses off them! i'm so jealous! will most certainly be back next summer for some more action! x x muah x x
Hey guys!!
Zeros is the best bar in laganas and the PR that works outside called stuart is a total babe.
We loved Zeros!
Gotta say Carter---your a dude, you rock. All the guys from here are wicked as mates but they do like their women, girls you aint the only ones, they like a variety!!! Seriously though they are cool guys, and Ill no doubt see you Carter surfing in newquay after the season, you do look like Bodhi from Point Break.Keep it real...ROCK ON
Hey girls, I stake no claim, barely spoke to the guy! Just admired from afar! (God does that make me sound like a freaky stalker!? Im not honest!) You girls help yourself, hope theres enough to go round. Im sure there is.
Zeros is awesome!!! Went practically every night for 2 weeks and never got bored of it. Music is great, especially as they play a bit of indie in the front room woop! Massive Z shaped stage in the main room, which is great to dance on altho not so much fun when you fall off... yes i speak from experience haha! Big thanks to the bar man with the afro (sorry never learnt your name) for sorting out my leg.
ahhh got home from zante yesterday and can i say... how s**t is england!
tis all about zeros on the strip! went there practically every nite! great music! fun place! fit barmen... (carter n rick)... amazing cocktails!... purple rain everytime please carter! what more could a girl want eh!!!
definately be seein u lot again! probably this year! oh yeh!.... give us a job!
Carter's mine .. esp when he comes back home ... me && him are cov ppl!!
omg jst gt bak tday!!! i so agree with rose..how fit is Carter...yum!!! wot a flirt he was though hehe!! ne one goin def visit zeros. hot DJ's as well. mmmmm' gd memories!
Went to Zeros loads before on previous holiday but this time didnt give it the time I should have - expecially given that there were some FIT barmen there this year mentioning no names (Carter) aherm!
Just a quick question: Is Takis (Panayoti) still working at Zeros or is he working somewhere else in Laganas? He was working on the outside bar of Zeros in 2004 and 2005.
OMG!!!!! i loved this place. by far the best bar ever. I have never seen bar staff that good looking they should be models. i cant remember their names but the blond tall one was gorgeous and i have to say a good dancer! lol the fire breathing made me love the place even more. I prefered the bar to the club but the musc was still great it both. I think everyone should go to see jed the comedien on monday! i was going histerical it was so funny! better than any other place i have ever been to! there were so many good looking people in zeros and the music was so good you wont be able to stop yourselves getting on the bars and dancing.
Zeros is wkd ppl!!! I LOVE this place, was over in Zante 15-29th June && went in Zeros every night. Free Body shots && cocktails were great in the Club bit, dancin on the Z!!! PHWOOOAAARRRR is one word to describe the barmen esp the bald headed fitty from Oz, so so FINE!! Loved it when he picked me up ova the bar && got me to make cocktails!! Dancin on The bar Was off the HOOK!! Loved evry min of it, && the girl hu always nu we wud gt up, she seemed well sound!! Big shout out to Cov Boy Carter, luv this guy, and he from my one && only home town WOOP WOOP Hopefully see you guys before the end of the summer, if not NEXT YEAR!! or to carter . see ya when u gt home .. always memba .. me ... u .. sex on the beach .... 5 euros hahaha
if anyone was out there the same time as me && my mates .. DNT BE SHY .. GIMME A TRY .. GET IN TOUCH
best place ever...spent nearly every nite here!!!!!! dancin on the bar...not good wen u fall of and are on camera thou!!!!! the music was the best of all the clubs and the guys and ten times better!!! hehe!!!! will defo be back next yr!!! see u all there!!!xxxxx
Definately the best club in Zante.
What a club this was the best club ever i just danced the night away, the music was the best!! the bar staff were great and the atmosphere was the best!! defanetly coming to this club next year without a doubt!!! couldnt believe how good the club actually was missing it already!!! i loved being on the zero me n tom
have our dancing spot and i think no one can take that off us lol
look out for the sexy welsh scousers that will be there next year 28th june for 3 weeks
Loved Zeros! Maybe though a bit of advice to anybody dancing on the
bar... why not your on holiday you think? Alls going well until one
night your that wrecked you try to get on the bar and fall off, and
smak hit the deck... really hurts and the bruise all the way down you
leg isnt very attractive! Have fun tho!!! XX
This place was pretty good, apart from I think they win the competition for the skankiest toilets in Zante..... totally minging
Not really only joking it is Si and Sam playing but they are as good let me say that. May I offer my recommendation that anybody who is offered the chance to see these guys play then really go for it as they are excellent. The comedian after is not bad too either.best holiday of my life .. zeros .. wot a place love the bird with the tattoos and stickers .. if ur readin this get back 2 me
hi the best bar in laganas!
charlotte ere missing u all so much,chewy rick james u 3 studs!hope the playboy house is doing well with out me!karl raf tom and george luv ya!the best prs eva stu and flick!i was once a great zeros pr lol!!! well ant got a job yet so just sunbathin and driving my pink baby in my spare time!TOM if u read tis could u please send me ur website address as i was see sum of ur pics they wer the nuts!i so wanna be back out there dancing on the bar so if ne of ya wanna pay for my ticket back just let me no!hopfuly il be back in september so hope ur all still be working hard 7days aweek!u betta all miss me and be luking after kelly and holly! neway email me wan ya can love u all!and miss chewy a extra bit!!!! charlotte pinksparks32@aol.com number1 pinkladyhey me an 2 friends are going to Zante Laganas on the 14th July flying from east midlands anyone got any decent clubs to recommend? Were more into indie britpop music not so much dance anyone suggestions please?!!!!!!! please email me kc014i0469@blueyonder.co.uk cheers!!
woooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! zeros ws s**t hot!! ali ~ becki ~ chelle ~ kirstin zante '06!!!!!!!!!! best time a our lives...... dnt 4get tht!!!!!!!!!!! waaaaaayyyyyyy xx_mwah_xx c u in august guys yasssss!! carter no.1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!