OMG OMG OMG !! . . . ZANTE IS THE BEST EVER ! Laganas clubbing strip is out of this world !! . . Cocktails and dreams is an amazzin club got anything you want cheap as hell free shots ! . Fit boys and bar staff haha ;) :P . . Nothin bad i can say about cocktails and dreams at all . . spent half my time in there . . closes at lk 6am or 8am it was ace !! . . Really good music nd ligh effects omg jus totally AMAZING LOVE IT !! :):D x
i have been to laganas three times now and every time ive been in cocktails and dreams. i absolutely love it in there, i spent majority of my time in there.
cocktails and dreamz best club on da strip i love my table n dat dj best eva staceyxxx
OMG i love this place..Music is brilliant and the cocktails are outta this world..Great Britain cocktails are amazin!! And loadsa hot boys
Hello to all in Cocktail and dreams. It wont be long until I am back in Zante myself and my friend Denise from Birmingham will be flying out on the 28th June 2007 x July 13 2007 we both cant wait. We were in cocktail and dreams last year and the year before and we love the place. Great music and all staff are very friendly.
hiya, myself & my mate came here last yr in september! had the best nites in here music is brill, we are back in june and will be defo coming in
myself and two of my friends went to lagana in september 2006.had the best time ever, we went to this bar every night.the music's great the staff are lovely and the drinks are reasonable.were hoping to come back at the beginning of july 07.see you soon antonio love you lots x x x
Hello everybody. Cocktails n dreams for the summer 07 is loooking for barstaff.
Hey Babis, ask your Dj to play Copacabana this summer, that will be fabulous!
Can't wait to strut my stuff in the best bar in Lag this summer!
This place is good, but they need to change the music - they play the same cd every night!! Has been the same music for the past 3 years!! Apart from that very good!
Went to Laganas July 06' with a bunch of guys and Cocktails and Dreams was definately one of our favourite bars, went there every nite. Great drinks, great music, and met lots of women . Sum classic moments were had, mind you, after a fair few cocktails those stairs can be a bit of a problem to get down safely!!
had a mint time in laganas september 2006 even though it was comin to end of the season!!! cocktails and dreams was definately the best bar by far with witcked music and wicked cocktails, will definately reccommend it!!!
Lisa Buy Them From the Bar.
BEST CLUB IN LAGANAS BY FARR miss it sooo much!!
If You Go To Laganas, You Must Visit This Place Or Your Missing Out. Always The Best Place To Visit (And Work) See You 2007 Babis.
Had a fab time in Cocktails and Dreams. Would recommend it to anyone going to Zante. Hi to all the staff there, especially Costa, had hoped you'd been given my number coz I didnt get to say goodbye, shame you wont be there next year... or will you?? Ha,ha!! Definatley going back again. Luv Shelley xx
Went to Cocktails & Dreams in summer. Had the best time time there. It woz way fun. Dancing on the bar it's MAD!!!!!! Probably one of the best clubs in Laganas. Can't wait to come back next year for some more dancing and drinking!!
We hit Cocktails and Dreams almost every night. Made friends with the bar staff and the bouncers. Even though we did see them hitting a guy once we thought it was a 1 off...nope we were wrong. They turned on a friend of r's and smacked his head off the bar. I had a right go at my friend the bouncer and he apologised for the misunderstanding. That wasn't enough tho so we didn't return for a few days. The music and everything is great tho and as long as ur a group of girls or a group of non-violent or rowdy lads u'll b fine.
Have come back from zante a week ago. Me and the girls loved cocktails and dreams probely the best club on the strip cocktails yummy, music brill and staff lovely loved the club so much i brought a cocktails and dreams t-shirts. will deffiently be going back next year and cant wait. anyone who goes to zante has to go to cocktails and dreams. Every nite it was busy in there even if we were just popping in there for a drink and then moving on to the next bar!!!!
just got back from lagana n s**tty rainy london has got me depressed!!loved cocktails and dreams,probably the best bar on the strip,ledge music, quality pr (even tho ur braces got in the way a bit on the fancy dress nite sweetheart hehehe jokin) fit lads includin sexy will the pr frm flanagans winkwink hehe,def goin back next yr cos i love it love it loooooooove it!!!
Memories... singing along to 'Living on a Prayer', sitting on the floor, doing the moves to 'Oops upside your head', knocking a drink off the elbow high tables, dancing along to many cheesy tunes!!
LOVED this place, always pop in here everytime we've been to Zante and never seen any trouble. Didn't know you could buy a cd of the tunes from there, would have got one!! Loved the cocktails (Especially 'An Island Affair'!!). Great club!
Like a home from home! It was as ever the best bar in Laganas. Love to Sakis, Kostas, Takis, Babis and Spiros and the rest of the staff. Love your work! Katerina xxxx
Only went in there once but had a great time. Yellow fingers all the way!!!
This was our favourite pub in Laganas we loved it, we did hear that people were beat up by bar staff quite badly but we never seen anything like that going on. The music , the talent, the wee dance floor at the back we loved it all , went there nearly every night it was sooooooooo good. Were defo going back to Zante and will defo be back to Cocktails and Dreams
This summer me and 10 of my friends went to zante and had a fantastic time, 2 weeks of bliss, but only went to cocktails and dreams once, which was our first night. The second night, we were just heading towards the stairs to enter the club when a group of english boys came tumbling down head first, one of which had broken his arm so badly the bone was poking through his skin, 2 minutes later a group of large greek bouncers came running down after them with metal trojans and started beating the crowd, even innocent by standers.
All us nine gordie girls propa loved cocktails and dreams we went there every nite.We loved cocktails the best out ov all the barS on the propa gutted to be home in freezin cold newcastle but a put my CD on from cocktail and it just bring back the memories ov how we loved it so much......propa miss it
Just got bak this morning. Of course we went 2 cocktail and dreams every nite and was nice that the barmen remembered us again!!! Did not see any trouble at all and it was packed every single nite.
stop wasting the straws bar man. youre only going to have a problem with the doormen if u give them a reason been out there twice now and never seen any trouble
Hi once again to the very lovely SPIRO ROBERTO!! & Roberto number 2!
this was a top bar with top tunes drinks in here are a bit pricey but what do you expect for one of the best clubs on the strip. all of the doormen in laganas carry like inch maglites (torches) which makes me think that they are all s**t houses, it will come to blows one day cause they all think there solid and the british wont take, i mean come on how many brits are there out there compared to maglite men !!!!!!!!
Just came back from 2 weeks in Laganas, 13 of us went all lads and what a holiday. This was the best club on the strip and i would recomend Cocktails and Dreams to anyone!!! Any one who met the CARLISLE LADS then you add your comments letting us know and i'll check in a few days. Francis, Sarah, Natalie, Claire, Rachel and Jo from scotland we all say 'HELLO PALS'
From The Carlisle Lads on tour 06Cocktails and Dreams is a great place to go in Laganas. The music is awsome, they dont play each song to the full they move on fast and there is something for everyone. You can dance on the bar and on the tables and it is always packed. Definatly recommend it to anyone taking a trip out to Zante
Just to let people know that i've never seen any trouble in Cocktails and Dreams and we come here every year. The barmen always have a laugh with us and are very friendly. If there has been alot of trouble this year i can only think they have replaced the workers with idiots!!!
me and my mates were in zante for a week in july and have to say this was the best bar by far, always liked to have a few bevvies and a boogie in c&d before drinking the rest of the night away!!! would defo recommend this place to anyone, my mates also loved it and we will defo be making another appearance.x
Cocktails and dreams started off as a good place to go, with only the occasional bouncer or bar man having a go at you for doing something wrong e.g. standing on a table, dancing where you shouldn't or be or swearing at a bar man. I went there a few times and saw little fights break out over silly little things, but it was just the bouncers and their big ego's wanting to beat up holiday makers for no reason.
first nyt went in was good! but WARNING!!! if u r a lad don't go in cos if ya take ya top off, dance on the bar or anything like tha wa girls get away wit. tha bouncer will chuck ya out batting ya wit trungens and they wil hit anyone else in the way n also they push downstairs as this is the entrance to the club. we saw 2 big massive fights here one lad got a black eye n bloody nose, the otha a broken arm.
Hey guys! (c&d staff) See you all in a week! Wohooo! Papi, we promise to dance with you if you still work there...
Bath girliez here from 27th - 3rd aug here we loved cocktails and dream one of the first places we went to and stayed the whole nite thankz to the bar staff filling us up wiv free red vodka that helpd!!! only down fall was the 3 Irish pikeys they shudnt of been alowed in uwww!!!!!!!
I don't know why people bother writing messages on here all of the ones which were negative about this place have been removed, i myself left one about a spiking incident which has dissapeared along with a few others that had bad reports! So you may aswell say u like it even if you hate it. x
The best club out there! Me n tha girls had r own little corner in there haha! The music and tha atmosphere was AMAZZZINNN! x
hiaa! me and my friends were in greece for a week through june! it was amazin, my friend really liked those cocktails called 'sex in the sea', its her birthday at the weekend and we want to make it for her as a surprise but we cant remember everything that was in it! malibu, blue curacao and we think schnapps but not sure. does anybody know??
Top place! Get yaself in for a good boogy! We didn't get in here until we were legless but it was always good crack like! See ya next year!
Loved it! The cocktails are a bit mingin so I stuck to the Smirnoff Ice, Loved the music but where the F*@k is the DJ, (I'm sure there was just one CD on repeat and the same music was on night in night out) But I really did love it. Let's face it by the time we had got to C&D we were hammered from the Pink Panther's 60 Euro fishbowls so they could have probably played the waltz and we would have had a good time! Not bein funny but that bouncer is a dick, I dropped 20 euros on the floor and he pushed my leg out of the way to get to it quicker than I could. What a knob! He thinks he's the dogs bollocks! Oh and the first night a lesbo tried to hump me, sorry but I'm straight!
me and my mate are going out to zante in october and would like to know what the nightlife is like at this time of year is it still lively. if anyone knows would they please let me know
Just 20 more days to go... Can already feel the taste of all those amazin drinks! 2 weeks of fun fun fun, wohooo!
Loved cocktails n dreams!! one of the best bars on the strip and the music was fab too!! just 1 thing they tho, they played the same tunes in the same order every single night!!! which was a bit annoying coz you always knew what was coming on next!! apart from that had a great time in the place!!
I went in here once on my first nght and to be honest it wasn't as great as i had heard. i didn't see any trouble personaly but i have heard from friends that they saw a guy kicked out for what ever reason and when he threw a glass at the cocktails and dreams sign he was chased by all the bouncers from c&d, rescue and zeros and was beaten over the head excessivly. after being told this among other staries i decided not to go again and it doesn't sound like i missed out on too much. mind you i have spoken to peple who loved this bar, so if you go just watch out.
Is there someone who knows were i can get the GREAT music that was playing all this summer on Coctails & Dreams...i just wanna have i can shake ma hips...and remember every night we spent in Laganas..
great bar great people one major problem WATERED DOWN SAMBUCA !!!!! me and friend tried to light sambuca took forever to light mentioned to my mate that it was watered down barmen straight on defensive that it was out of fridge sorry guys sambuca lights immediatly with good flame