Planet Studios

Accommodation in Tsilivi

Lisa B

hi i have booked for 23rd of may what will the weather be like and are the rooms nice what about the resort itself as it is our first time to tsilivis. 

Tracy W          10/10

been back from zante 1 wk stayed at planet studios had a fantastic time Babis & staff were fantastic really freindly people. their was 12 in our party 6 adults & 6 kids ages from 9-16 all loved it booked again for next year already cant wait to see everyone again. sad to be home.  happy to be going back.

Bernie C

Does anybody know what exchange rate you are getting over there at the moment?

Paul G

hi i have stayed at the planet and yes im certain that they have internet connection.  so you should be ok to find out your results and email who you have to do, good luck hope you get what you are looking for. when are you going planet is a excellent spot and is one of the best bars in the resort.

the air con was free when i went in july but i did book direct with them and i am sure that from talking to people who had booked through first choice they were being charged. yes there is a kettle and other basic cooking appliances, as for the towels if you dont have enough just ask and they will only be to happy to get you some more, overall its a great spot to stay.
hope you enjoy.

John S          10/10

  Hi Bernie, This accomodation is ideall for children of all ages. The pool is xcellent and the lovely staff will always have time for the children.

Bernie C

Can someone please tell me are these apts suitable for families with smaller children? ie ten year olds

Kim T          10/10

 hi dx

  yes we are hoping to go out next year but at the moment both me and hubby have had our hours cut at work with the current  situation at the moment credit crunch and all that , hope things may improve after xmas if we do go it will be in may, although charlie still wants to go in summer when its more livlier, she wants us to pay for her 18th birthday pressy we will see! hope you are well too
     speak soon kim

Denise B

Hi Kim!

Great pics!  Are you planning a return trip in 2009?  Flights are coming up soooo expensive, but hoping that I can get out at least once next year - probably September.  Hope you're all keeping well.  Take care.

Kim T          10/10

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 hi dx here are some pics of our hols

Terry M          10/10

click to enlarge 'Kin fabulous bar, great accommodation, and even better staff.  Can't fault this place.  Cheers Babis!

Kim T          10/10

  hi dx well just got back from holiday and once again had a fab time everyone was happy to see us and sad when we left ricky cheaky as ever charlie did like andreas and imi the outher one every one was there and we mad some new friends as well there was a new waiter from majestic he came and drank with us most nights until he met a new girl he fancied lol we went to the beach party both fridays and had a brill time, did you ever go? its good fun but you need to go quite late as thats the best time we used to go at about 1.00 and leave about 5.00. when i have down loaded my pics i will post them on here.
     bye for now kim and gang

Denise B

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Denise B

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Denise B

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Denise B

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Was cheaper to do a package in September - so that's why we're at the Alamis - wanted the Planet again but was �200 more expensive (just for a week!).  Oh well, will have to use my legs (burn off all that food!).  Yes was in the Planet every night! 
Andreas is really cute - I'm sure your Charlotte will like him!  He's very sweet and innocent (bet that won't last long though!)
I'm putting more photos up!

Kim T          10/10

Smilehi dx so glad you had a good time! can't wait till we go out, nice pic of ricky is the outher lad at planet too and are they giving out peanuts again, the stopped it last year.please send some more photo,s. could you not get in the lazorus in september,thats where you usually go isn't it. did you go to planet most nights and did you say hi to every one.

speak soon kim

ps don't forget more photo's

Denise B

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Hi Kim!

Had brill time - already booked again for September!!  Going out on 7th - 14th - can't wait!
Staying at the Alamis Apartments, which are further down by the Contessina.
Have a great time in August - look out for Andreas, the young guy who dishes out the peanuts - he is lovely - and give him another year and he'll be as mad as the rest of them!!!

Kim T          10/10

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hi dx can't be long for your holiday now hope you have a good time, is it two weeks that you are going for,   say hi to everyone they do know that we are coming because as we were going with argo we had a phone call from the tour operator to tell us that argo had pulled out of the contract with planet. we was offered outher appartments bet was not happy with what they offered so we said we would phone planet direct spoken to pedros and said he would let us have two appartments we kept the flights with argo so everything is as planned woo hoo
   speak soon kim   

Kim T          10/10

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hi dx

we go one the 3rd aug to the 17th and we go with argo, thomas cook either don't do planet anymore or they are full up most of the year they are not even in the brochure 3rd edition first choice are still coming up to expensive.can't wait i now have to look and see if i can get my niece gemma and her boyfriend in too.she is the one in the photo speak soon kim

Kim T          10/10

click to enlargeclick to enlargeclick to enlargehi dx well i have booked for august and my son and girlfriend are coming too with 2 of his friends. so planet here we come 

Denise B


Yes I booked Thomson flights direct and then booked the Lazaros direct with Nikos - worked out cheaper than a package.  Would love to stay at the Planet in September for a week, so keeping my eyes on the price through First Direct!  Shame can't book direct at the Planet - even so the flights on their own in September are quite expensive at the mo.  Would think that booking the package in August for you may work out better - shame they rack the prices up because of the school holidays (grrrr!)  I think now you've got your PC back up and running we should have some more photos!!!

Kim T          10/10

Hi dx yes i am feeling better im just in the process of booking planet for august for two weeks me hubby charlie and her friend we are also trying to get my son and his girlfriend to come too  i will let you know later if i have had any luck did you book at lazorus direct including flights
     speak soon kim

Denise B

Oh and forgot to say, hope you're feeling better now!

Denise B

Hi Kim!  Glad to have you back!  Glad to see the back of Xmas and new year stuff - looking forward to the spring and of course June!  Sister and her lot are hoping to book the Lazaros too - but waiting for the end of Jan to book.

Planet only seems available through First Choice at the moment, but still hoping to get a week out there in September (fingers crossed!)  Shame you can't get a sneaky weak in June - but hope you manage to get out there in July!  Speak soon.

Kim T          10/10

   hi dx
sorry i haven't been on here lately only my computer crashed big time and with christmas upon us it took some time to fix it. Unfortuantly i lost everything, but it was a good job we backed up our photo's on disc.Hope you had a good christmas and new year, we did apart from me having the dreaded flu bug of which i am just coming to the end of thank god. i hate being ill.well i will be starting to look at booking hols for the summer if my budget will streach that far, we have a expensive year this year my daughter has her prom in june sometime, my son also graduates, it is also his 21st birthday we want to go back to planet in july it is also me and my hubby's 25th anniversary in september, i could do with winning the lottery ha ha i wish. Well i bet you are looking forward to your hols now,oh roll on the
smmer months, i hate the winter give me sunshine anyday
    speak soon kim

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