Alright girls, group of 6 lads from london on zante from 21st july to the 4th of august!! hit me up on facebook then we can get know yous and sort out a meet when were out there! x
who else is there on 19th june-27th june???????????
ladies from kent hope to see u there x
me and 2 of my best mates staying at alexander hotel on the 3rd till the 14th of july time to get drunk till we pass out
the other main thing GIRLS
from tom from reading see u there ;) x
hello to the 9 scotish girls me and 5 mates are going on same day we will see ya there lasses
A group of 7 girls from Leicester, 22nd-30th July! "Girls just wanna have fun!"
9 Scottish girls coming from the 21st July to the 1st of August, Caaant waiiit!
hey im james pellett, i lack social skills and have come to zante to make new friends and hopefully meet some fine young females my hobbies are chess, monopoly with the sis, backgammon, train spotting with daddy and i like eating clay. See you there pretty girls, be ready for the ride of your life
3 lads from cheshire coming on the 10th till 24th , gonna be pure banter thrown around, and will be messy
!!! Should be sick, and the goal is to complete them tasks on the zante t-shirts
Were game for anything and up for a laugh!!! See you there..
3 Essex Lads 14th - 28th july
5 lovely ladies from kent going Alexander 2-11th July 2011. Anyone else going then? Partayyyy! Xx
4 Geordie Girls 7th-14th July!!
4 Scottish girls...14th of timeeee ;) x
2 sexii geordie biatch's r hitting the alexander appart on the 15th off jully for 10 dayzzz c yaz all there x
12 scouse lads goin 2nd aug 2010 11 nites in d alexander cnt wait !!!!!
Im goingtop Zante with 4 of my pals from Newcastle!
Alexander is undoubtably one of the best hotels in Laganas. Im going back 3rd year running with the lads! Search: Alexander the Great 2010 in2 facebook!!
i stayed at the alexander last year it was the best ever! Does anyone no what the apartment/hotel is called next door? we meet some wicked people there and im trying to get intouch with some 1 who works there Hope some1 can help me
wen r u headin bak to zante den hannah? im out der 29th july 4 1 week. x
3 stokie lasses went last year for a week
best £300 ever spent
hotel alexander was cheap and cheerful with an amzaing full english available by the pool
go the white party if you get the chance, bit pricey but well worth it, get pissed before you go!
steve from 4play will FORCE you to go in but its ok cheap drinks and we even got free shots
the island is the best place to eat, really friendly staff and a free cocktail and shot after every meal, ate there everynight
get on the red vodka, dont trust the spicy stuff though
so good we're going again for zante '010 bringing more people and staying for longer
hotel alexander WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
what a place to stay,bar open all night,all the staff great,rooms nice and clean[done every day]
stayed here from the 24th-31st august best week of my life zante is unreal go rescue,zeros,wild coyote,cherry bay,waikiki,plus club,cocktails & dreams there ur top places everything is dirt cheap i payed 5 euros for 2 cocktails and 2 shots every1 is friendly over there apart from the gypsy kids who try and steal from you but if u laugh along with them there be cool with you.dont mess around with the greek police! alexander is not rele good but u get 4 wot u pay for we speant 2 hours there everyday u jus dont wonna go in trust me,has everything u wont thou bedrooms and very basic but come with a fridge so good for alcohol storageHi there! Im going with six Lincoln Uni mates to Zante staying at Alexander hotel In Laganas from June 12th to June 27th, If any girls are going between then and staying at that hotel or near that hotel, add me to msn: or drop me a email there,
went to lagana in oct 18th we come every year its just brill denis and annie behind the bar r 2 fab lads and hopefully gonna see u next yr deffo c*min back hopefully in may though and sept lol xx
going 7 th august - 14th next year anyone going same time? xxxwe stayed at the alexander from 12th-26th august and tbh u get what u pay for!
the hotel is very nice its second time we have bn to this hotel most of the staff are great to get on with just keep clear of security man on a night time cause he hits first and thinks later so beware of his torch a big hello costa the manager and and our aussie friend on reception the only thing that spoilt our holiday is fair bit of noise during the night and security man lol the weather was fab and we got a fab tan lol be warned not for familys and couples
13 days to go,headin out to laganas in zante stayin at the alexander,goin out on the 23rd aug stayin 4 2 weeks bit worried and curious as loads of neg comments bout the place but aslong as it h a bed and a shower and half decent thats all that matters,bring on the sun,haha any1 else goin out at the same time and stayin at the same hotel let us know, could go out dancin on the tiles,get totally s**t faced haha 1 big mad party wooohooo
when i landed at the alexander the man at reception asked for mine and my m8s passports then he flicked through paper and said we habvnt got any rooms left urm this was booked at christmas and it was july y didnt they have any rooms??? i was so pissed off!!! the man on reception was an a**e and thats putting it nicely be prepared if going to this hotel to be shiped of to another hotel and gettin f**k all from ya reps!!!!!
Hey Lauren, me and 9 mates are headin out to zante on the 26th of july for 2weeks :) cnt wait!!!not long now! r u there for 1 week or 2?
Neone else there the same time??its time to get FUNKY and on the 24th july zante will feel it indeed,4 lads from london heading out there for 2 weeks til the 7th aug stayin at the alexander .... any ladies there wen we r then holla me at be glad to hear from ya !!!
22 days 2 go!!!!!!!!
allo allo, 12 cockney geezas heading down alexanders ways on the 12th - 19th of July. Let me know if any1 is goin down the same time n we can have a chat (especially u ladies) -
Hey i went to zante lagnas and stayed in the alexander aparts they were really really good the hotel bar opens at 7 in the evening until 7 in the morning, tweeties over the road is good for food with a very mad man there and also hot lips round the corner is a 1ST CLASS place uve got to go the food is FABBBBBBB, great bars and clubs id def go again had a wkd time a time of my life an a class holiday u will all enjoy i will be jealous have a great time to all that is going love nina xx
hi all u heading out to the alexander hotel this yr u are so lucky we go every year to lagana and its great.good places to eat well there are lots really tweeties ova road do a nice breakfast and so do hot lips just around the corner.all the pubs and clubs r just brill so visit them all if u can.every 1 is so friendly some a bit too ha if u know what i mean .......u will just have a ball and wont wanna go home xxx
Roll on Zante 24th july for 2 weeks Cant wait gonna b one hell of a party bring it on any girls going Zante same time give me a holla n we can chat b4 hand n meet up out there cheers from dean
not long left now only 9 weeks cant wait if any1 is gonna be there between 9th-16th of july e-mail me on u will recognise us cuz we will all be on quads or crossers lol
Hello chesneys! Two london Lads (kev n scott) coming to the alexander on the 5th for 2 weeks.... You will definately know who we are by the time we leave! we came to laganas last year and had it large! we got another 4 boys in another hotel..... and a couple more to book up..... and no doubt everyone will be round our alexander pool....... so keep your eyes peeled girls! Oh and if you're wondering which is our room.... it'll be the one blaring out Take That and The Backstreet Boys! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
hello smithy u will absolutely love lagana its total wicked im from castleford and been to lagana 5 times on trot its that nice the guys r just so friendly dunno where ure staying but a place called hotlips do excellent english meals and r all brilliant u wont be dissapointed also there is a mccdonalds,pizza hut and kfc all there aswell on main strip so u dont have to walk far for anything and as for the pubs and nightlife its all just ace every pub is good if u like shots though g spot is good
hey up Amiee Eastern an ur girly mates few of the lads an i goin out on july22 for 2weeks. be out there few days b4 ya so we'l let ya no bout the places to go an give u ladyz a tour.....
all u heading out to lagana this yr im sooo jelous ive been the last 4 yrs on the trot and absolutly love it but boyfriend wont go this time but i need to badly so i will have to go mysen i guess he wont like it though cos we have close mates out there x
hey all you mental party animals, its the mc kiwi b rocking on the m i c!! i am looking for some hot ginger gash. if anyone is interested then just give me a bell (inuendo). we are going from july 6th onwards i cant say when we are coming back coz knowing me i will stay there and live up the rave to its full
(mad b*****d). but seriously if there are any gingers which are looking for a good time (sex) then holla at your boi!
hello every1
i stayed at the alexander last year in august with 4 other girls...the rooms r decent but the bathroom will flood as soon as u hav a shower!!
heeey 12 london guys goin 12th of july for a week. few of us went last year and it was amaaaaaaazing, best time of my life. we liked it so much thats why we're comin back!!. hotel is perfect...pool area and hotel rooms are so clean as well, just simply hotel with a decent pool trust me its ideal! any girls going out there that sorta time.. we go for 1 week, cant wait honestly, for those of u that havent been before ur in for an absolutely life chaning time its so good..!!
Nath of Spades
AND anyone else who wants to meet up that would be great if you dooo let us know xxxx
heey rebecca we are from edinburgh but flying from newcastle on the 8th of july we saw u wer aswell and wonder what time your flight was at? ours is 11.20pm if that the same we will be wearing aqua tops ha! there in 7 of us and also staying in the alexander so if u wana meet up then write back x
hey lucy, theres quite a few of us goin in july, gnna be a great holiday, and its still a long time yet lol, we were all deciding on what month to go we were thinkin august but looking at all the posts im glad we r goin erly july. look frward to seein ya all there. wb xxx
Hey Lisa,
hey ben im flying out on the 8th with 8 other girls, weve not been b4 lookin for sum 1 to show us about were goin for my birthday were stoppin at the alexander overlookin the pool hope to see u there we can meet up e-mail me
alrite tara lass!! fancy meetin u ere hehe!! so 7 of ur girls ay ?? ur gna join 2 of ur girls from the 14th june in the alexander arnt ya n ur gna fetch nichola along wiv ya aswell arnt ya we hav a date wiv mad murphys babe!!!
hey carl, i went zante last yr! didnt stay at alexander, stayed at the tassia! was the best holiday ever with 7 of my girlz! the rep for the tassia was the rep for the alexander aswell tho...........he sed that the alexander is full of the younger generation! hoping to stay there this year from june and hopefully get a job out there! thats how much i loved it!
hi people im goin laganas on 9 july 07 and staying in the alexander just asking if any1 has got any info, goog things to do,things to avoid let me now please theres 10 leicester lads goin hopefully we love it or if any1s going on that date let me no and we will meet e-mail me
hello what as happened to the alexander the place isnt the same without van and mike and alex behind the bar we called in to see kostas and dimi while we were there and the place was really quiet i couldnt believe it we have been to greece 5 times and its not usually likke this we normally stay in this hotel but its changed now sooooo different
hello sophie im c*min to lagana on 28th for a week but its a family holiday not the lasses.yes clubs r still open and stuff.u been before its ace we come every year
Is anyone gonna be in lagana the 25th of sep.4 geordie gals r heading there just want to know if there r any peeps going to be there.will the clubs still be open etc? we r there for 7 nites:)yipppeeeeee:)