Only 10 more days to go, I CANT WAIT all u bournmouth boys u better be up 4 a laugh?? cos us girlies will be! see u all soon!!! lv hevxx
Only 16 days to go until the 8 lads from Bournemouth begin the 3rd leg of our Zante lives. Remember Maz & friends, Yates' in Gatwick Airport before our flight goes
sorry to you sexy yorkshire lasses. no offence intended it was just but a humuourus jape. you see down south we have this thing called sarcasm which on occasion can be used for entertainment and tomfoolery. have u been here before? is it good? txt bak. sorry again xx
hi maz, i cant wait 16TH JUNE not long now chick!were goin to have a mad time....hopefully 1 exeption wont let us down!! ha ha, u know wot i mean...!!! ALL THEM NAUGHTY BOYS WATCH OUT! love ya lots hunni.xx
this is the bristol boyz wid anuva messege for da yorkshire lasses!!!!! Wotagwan! woju mean by anyfin else? i got cherry connies. txt bak u slags
Hi, Theres 8 lads from notts staying in the marianna at the beginning of july end of June, anyone else going at that time? Let us know. Anyone been to the marianna before, what's it like and is it near all the good nightlife?
what i ment was: we saw the message from the yorkshire lasses and booked a holiday on the second week of august for 9 bristol sex studs at mariana apartments. want to meet up for fun times and merryment? txt bak soon xx
Three lads from stoke are gona being hitting the 18-30 experiance in the mariana on the 22nd July for two weeks. This is my second time with 18-30 so I hope it compares to last year!!! Just wondering if anyone has got any info on the mariana apartments or the resort.
CheersWahey 6 Essex lads hittin Zante 4, 2 weeeks at the start of August. bin 2 faliraki and malia last year
8 Bournemouth lads also there from 17th June for 2 weeks. Looks as though your 19th Birthday could be one to remember
9 tarts then hey, of the female veriety i am pressuming?!
9 derby tarts at the mariana for 2 weeks on 16th june. cant wait counting the days were all gonna be bladdered every day plus its my 19th birthday whilst were there, its gonna be mint, wahey...............
see you all then!!
Zante!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not long now
Trotter i would like to thank you for putting a rubbish pic of me on the net. I will have my vengence in this life or the next.
john i have sent you an e-mail ok xx
here there john just read ur message if you wana get in touch my email is so you gona be there the same time as me an my girls cool we will av fun im sure! When do you fly ? e-mail or jst write bk xx
hey all...4 guernsey girls will be invading zante from sept 1st for a week! our first girly holiday together so bring on the booze guys and sun!!! haven't seen what its like though cos I was at uni when the others booked it! so any good websites to check out? anyone gonna be there then or are we destined to drink the place out of business ourselves?
marc.....whats ur email?.
9 lads hittin the mariana from the 14th of july for two weeks, gonna be the dogs dangley bits!!!!
yeh, me and 3 other lads are in the mariana on 19th june. From newcastle.
Kerry Westwood and your 2 m8s! we will see you out there! you fancy getin in contact b4? u got MSN or an e-mail addy?
of course. scots lassies are always worth the wait!! any pics of whose all goin from ur party then?
Coleen, im with Trotter & goater. They have kept me posted abot you. Worth the 3 day wait then are girls?
Hey lads r u not goin same time as us lot? 19th June? any1 else goin round that time. Hope 2 c u there!!
Hey girls 9 lads from ESSEX stayin at the Mariana on the 7th-14th July! If you wanna get in touch im on MSN -
Any danger!!! The ruturn of the Bournemouth lads is nigh. Going for the hat-trick of Zante excursions and happy to take any willing girls on board. Messrs Trotter & Mann, i like your sharking already.
Let love & carnage shine down apon Zante once more x
Hey, me and 2 other Yorkshire lasses will be in Laganas (hopefully at the Mariana appartments, not booked yet) from about the 26th June for a week, so we hope to see u all there.
hey there any body staying in the marinan hoteland studios between 1st july for 2 weeks cuz 3 lovely friendly hot girls from birmingham are c*ming on a 18-30 hoilday a we are gona rock the place
:) 11 of you from leicester?!! im from the leicester area, sammys from northampton! we go uni in bournemouth!! what date u going to and from?? im sure we wont miss u around the pool :)!!
hey girls just put up a pic and im sure we will be more than eager to meet u out in town sumtime!!!
The 7 lads from Bournemouth have now become 8. Our 3rd time to Zante is going to be a classic Ladies feel free to get in touch. MSN :
... 11 gentleman from leicester staynig at the mariana apts.. looking forward to it see you there on the 29th... july..x
Guys!! we're from bournemouth!! not going zante same time as you but would love t meet up withn u in town!!
hi guys!!!!! three lovely ladies will be going to zante on the 28th july for 2 weeks stopping in the mariana, on a 18-30's hol!! any one gonna be there at the same time?? get in touch!!!! ;)
Anyone off to Laganas from 1st July 2005? Two lovely ladies on their way there for 2 weeks, cant wait!!!
hope ur waitin for the weggy park massive to arive 24/07/05 dont miss out [ 13 ].........
New picture attatched. I'm on the right and Trotter is on the left
hey hey. well lads youve got 3 days 2 wait for us. well worth the wait i say! so which one r u in the picture then?
Yep I'm with Trotter on this excursion. It's our 3rd time out in Laganas. Some interesting reports about this hotel, looks like we'll have to be on our toes
Hey girls 7fit lads from bournemouth going out on the 16th june for 2weeks to make your holiday unforgetable!!!!
Hey Hey six lovely scots lassies headin out 2 the mariana on 19th June, any1 goin round that time?
staying here for a week on the 15th of may 2005. this fanny known as schneebo !! or garrr !! will be there too so watch out his nose manky. !!!!!!!the monkey needs p***y!!!!!!!!!
!!he is not really fussy!!
after halkf a bottle of 0uzo
stayed at the vila alira "next door" for first 2 weeks in sept 2004
glad that fanny george has gone !!manky old thieving git !!
i stayed there last september. its the end of the season wen u go so its pretty quiet but u wil still ave a wicked time. just keep on the rite side of the owners an u wil b k. b4 i went last year i read all the comments and was dreadin goin but had a great time. if ya like commercial music then go rescue its a bar an club its wicked. if ya wanna geek off a bit go cherry bay u will ave a rite laugh. mariana is rite at the other end of the strip. its quite a long walk but u dont need cabs. dont break n e fink cos u will b charged for it an make sure the room is clean wen u leave cos they wil keep ure get ure passport back asap cos they try an hang on to it 4 as long as they can. hope thats helped. cant wait to get back there goin in june.
me and my mates are going to the mariana hotel on the 1st of sept 05 and are wondering if any1 can email me some details about the place like is it easy to get to places ie beach pubs/clubs ect and how far things are away from the hotel - also some reccomondations about wat to do would and were to go would be appreciated alot - is any1 else goen at d same tym?
hey kate, i think the chloe u r tryin to talk to aint really chloe, shes a liar, i went on holiday with her, supposed to be my mate, some mate the turned out to be, oh well, u win some u lose some. just thought i'd let ya know, byeeeeeee oh and i had a s**t holiday, mainly because of the company we had with us,should of been called holiday from hell!! if me and my gorgeous fella went alone we would of had a ball.
callum what's your problem?
i dont know why you think i'd do something like that, dont you think id sooner say something in person?
i used to consider you two some of my closest friends, but i you think i would stoop that low then, you aint no mates of mine!
i really cant believe you what you get up 2 is your business, not mine, if i was gonna say anyhing id do it in person, believe me,
by the way the asd little messages about me and shaun, are nothing more than pathetic!!!
chloe elliot (supposedly)a.k.a charlotte - a few words 4 u, starting wiv not interested and ending in f**k off. why write that u seen me entering and leaving some gals appartment when its a loada s**t, wots ur game, u tryin to make me look bad? one more thing if this is charlotte or shaun writting these messages ur a pair of sad b*****ds suited perfectly for each other. bye
i no that lad shaun, he was with his mate and 2 gals, i was chattin 2 em on the last nite, he's from liverpool or lester i think, how can u like him he seemed a bit wraped up in his girlfriend 2 much and it was really funny watchin them kissin as she was such a small round stumpy thing lol, to be quite frank i think he was a p***k but then agen his bird was a mess so fair play to the pair of em. keep reachin stumpy u mite not need tip toe one day. ha ha
anyone know a cute guy called shaun, was with a short fat blonde girl , was there from the 19th of sep for a week, i think. just wanted to say i think you are really fit and you should dump your bird and give me a call, im sure i can show you a much better time than she can. does anyone know him? he was also with a cute blonde lad and his girlfriend, anyway, if anyone knows him gimme a shot
Hey there Holly, I didn't say that he did trash his room, just what Pete had said, didn't say I believed him.
the guy you say trashed his room didnt. we were in there room the day before we left and we couldnt beleive how tidy it was compared to ours and they had to pay 25 euros to ave it cleaned and we didnt. they totally ripped them off. like to hear froom any 1 who remembers us, 3 essex girls all hairdressers stayed in the room lookin ova the pool.
Where do I begin here. This is a long article, but I believe it is fair'ish.
Ok, to start, we got there with very closed minds having read the bad reviews about the place.
When we arrived (at 7.30am) we were asked for our Passports and a 50 Euro Deposit (£35). During our stay we needed our passports back to be able to go on an excursion to Athens, which they were ok with. There was a couple there who worked in the R.A.F. and did ask to keep their passports because of the nature of their job, they could have been called back to the any time, but they were refused them.
We had been placed in the new apartment block, accross the road from the main hotel. Apparently, this is 4 star style accomodation according to Pete.
We were there for two weeks so decided that we would only use the apartments to sleep in if we didn't like it.
John and Pete are decent blokes and Kirsty turned out to be ok too. To be honest, if I had to deal with groups of 18-30 people for 6 months of the year, then I guess I would be fairly pissed off too. Anyhow, me and the Mrs. got on with them all fine. Pete was very helpful when it came to our excursions and his advice on what to do what to see kind of stuff.
Food prices at the pool bar are a bit crap to say the least. If you want a portion of chips from the pool bar after midnight then that will set you back 4 Euros (£2.80), apparently prices go up after midnight, but there's nothing to say this on the menu. One night, me and the Mrs had a cheeseburger with chips each, a bottle of Fanta and a bottle of Pepsi, this came to 18 Euros (£12.60).
We never had a problem getting our deposit back when we checked out.
However, there was a guy who lost his deposit because he had trashed the room on the first night there and he had bled over the mattress and sheets. The lad was insistent on having the sheet for himself though. Fair enough I say, you can't expect the next guests to sleep on a bloody mattress. There was another guy who lost some of his deposit because a power socket of some kind was missing from his bathroom and a pillow was very wet apparently. All of these lads were in the same apartment block as us, across the road from the main hotel.
We experienced very little noise, which was quite surprising. However, the echo of high heels clunking aginst marble floors in the apartment building got annoying after a while, lol. However, the was a dos nearby the barked at pretty much anything.
we only used the pool at this hotel and made some bloody good friends here, but i am sorry to say that i witnessed them getting ripped off by pete and john who were taking money of them for the stupidest of things such as 6 euros for having wet blanket saying that they need to be cleaned now, but they should be cleaned regardless of use or no use when new people arrive. did every see the grumpy ginger cow who some times work behind the bar now she needs to buy a personality and manners, and she needs to let the guests listen to music they want to hear not friggin usher 24/7 not to say i dislike usher maybe i do now because of that sefish bint. the pool and surrounds i thought was very clean. also 2 euros for a bag of monster munch that takes the p**s thats like an extra £1.10 than you'd pay at home!!!
i stayed at the hotel marianna
Oh Jay, get off here......... ;o)
Only joking sweetie!
I was there same time as Jay.......any goss about anyone?
Hey Ant,
How are you sweetie!!
I am coming to London on Friday we should hook up.
What bit you talking bout?? Friends reunited??? xx
Hey peeps! What I missed? I stayed here in June, was fab! How as everyone else found it? How is YO? She is a great rep, bless her. Miss her loads. She made our holiday! Thumbs up :o) Write back soon people...
Jay x
just got back from zante today, holiday was ok but apartment was s**t, the owners were miserable gits and tried to rob you of your money. pete was the worst, john was ok until the last day when everyone was leaving and getting mad cuz they were gettin ripped off!i dont recommend stayin there at all, everyone who was there when i was hated the apartment and the aussie b*****ds that owned it!!! just be nice from day one and u should get on ok, have a nice time if u can
hey corinne, its anthony(austs mate), go on the renunited bit.
just back from the mariana apartments on monday!!!
all in all i had a fantastic holiday. the apartments are situated about 10 mins walk from the main strip, however this is a good place to stay as you are away from the noise when laganas comes to life at night. the pool area is a good place to chill through the day, and the bar is quite reasonably priced.
the rooms, depending on what part of the hotel you are staying in are quite basic, but clean!!! if you are in the new building which is just built this year then you are sorted. the rooms are fantastic!!! what i will say is be careful with your room, you are seriously charged for everything you may damage!!! check your rooms as soon as you arrive and if there is anything damaged from before report it the the bar or your rep asap!! chances are, you leave it you lose your deposit at the end of your stay. for instance my mate being the drunk fart that she is tried to help herself to a slush puppy one morning, ended up she left the lid down and the juice went everywhere. we were charged 25 euros for this. half our deposit. so you can imagine what breaking a bed would cost!!!!
the aussies that own the mariana, peter and john are ok. i was convinced they had split personalities as there moods changed like the weather. kirsty the scots gal who also worked there is fantastic. so dont be giving her any s**t!!!! we were in apartment 19 just next to the bar and i swear i am saying "aussie burger" in my sleep.
on the day of departure do not shower in anyone elses room they lose there deposit and you get charged!!! they are really strict on this. dennis is the old guy who sits about all day (john and peters dad) he is nice enough but remember he understands english so watch what you say in front of him!!!! he may act like he doesnt know what you are saying but....... the man lived in australia for years!!!! he knows exactly what your talking about!!! and he quickly informs his sons too.
other than that. have a fantastic holiday!!!!
i wish i was back!!!
and kirsty if you stumpble across this, remember.... loch lomand caravan weekend k??? hope you are enjoying the book
see you when you get back. miss ya loads
corinne xx
Also, does anyone have any pictures of The Mariana Aparthotel (pool etc.) on MSN Messenger and colincadden on Yahoo messenger
Can someone tell me, the following
Is it clean? What is provided in the Self-Catering Apartments? Do the apartments have balconies? Is there a fridge and cooker? And any other information that may be of use would be gratefully received.
Thank you very much
hey, 25 lads from cov just returned from zante, stayed a the mariana.
ok just to clear things up.... the bar food is ok for a snack, otherwise go down the strip, much better places to eat (steves on the corner for brekfast - well cheap) best thing to do is not do the 18-30s bar crawl in my opinion - just meet up with the group on the strip later and save yourself some euros, the rests of the trips are sh1t hot tho.
the reps (sticky vicky/yo the mingrat/eddy the man/bj)are excellent so dont give them no grief.
two things about the mariana....the cleaning is sh1t. we had to ask twice to get the cr@p cleared out of our room as we has bags of rubbish piling up, it was sorted tho when we asked. the other thing is that the brothers and dad that own the place are complete w@nkers. they try to con you out of every euro you have and will take your damage deposit off you for the smallest little thing (falling in the pool after hours/making too much noise etc) and also they try to con you with the keys too, when you leave them there at night before you go out make sure you get someone to watch you hand it over cuz three of our lads keys went missing after handing them over the bar and they cheeky cun*s tryed to say we had lost them. best thing to do with them is square up to them and dont take no s**t, also you have to give your passport over to them when you get there so half way thru the week make an excuse that you need it back for a quad and then keep it so if you have any arguments with them it dont fcuking matter cuz you have your pp.
1 other thing, some of our lads were staying a bit longer so we thought on our last night we could use their shower to get fresh before the plane - big mistake - the old tosser that sits around doing sweet fa says you cant and you have to pay to use your mates room and shower even though you have a plane at 6 in the morning and you have given your room back at 12 the previous day and they do not provide and public showers. in a word the aussie brothers were nobs.
the hotel pool is usually booming and the hotel itself is pretty decent.
best places to drink...
pink panther (one of the best pints!!! (bottles and halfs everywhere else)
mad murphys/waikiki/bad boys/cherry bay!!!!/rescues/medusa/cocktails and dreams
also walking down the road on the strip is taking your life in your own hands so watch you back.
thankz, kate. Only 16 days to go!!!! can't wait even if it is dear! as long as there's sun sea and lots of beer im happy!
Any one going at the same time? if so where are you flying from?
XX chloe XX
Well all the bars clubs are together, but some really good ones, are wai ki ki, bad bots, rescues, zero's and end up at cherry bay, everyone ends up there! the drinks can be expensive but you are prob better off having cocktails, i found they worked out cheaper most of the time, or if you sign up for the club 18 30 trips you get hour or two hour free bars on most of them, which definately are worth it!the drinks are same sort of price round the pool, and you cant take your own drinks or ffod round the pool, but all rooms are not far from pool so if you get hungry and dont fancy paying the bar prices just go grab something from your room?! but i imagine it will still be hot if been back two//three weeks and it was in the hundreds some days so youl be fine weather wise! have a good one!
Thankz guys, you have put my mind to rest, im not a troble maker and i cant see me pissing the bed so i should be ok, gong on the 19th do you think it will still be hot? is the beer n food dear there? Any good bars near the hotel?
yeah can any one let us know exactly where this place is go in septtember too and is it 50 each or per room for the deposit? and do you have to goto any silly welcome mettings?
i'm staying at 18-30s dimis and wonder if anyone else has stayed there? Is maryanna the one beside the baked potato shop/barcode or is it past the Dia supermarket??
just got back from zante and the mariana on friday! the holiday blues have settled in big time! dont know wot the fuss is about with the mariana and its owners, its cool! where else can you get a bacon buttie at 6 in the morning when ya compleatly out ya nut! and to be honest pete and john had to put up with alot of my drunken rambelings, i soloute you!
we lost our safe key and the guys where pretty cool they didnt even ask for the 60 euros we owed them in the end although we didnt bother asking for our deposit back!
i had the best time ever in zante i couldnt fault it apart from the night wen i got the dreaded bug but i think thats just part of the zante vibe!
hey to all the peeps who where out there from the 12th-26th coventry lads i remember ya's! well dan and ashley mainly and the too tosers who walked behind me to the foam party with the filthy mouths but i think we sorted that all out that night wen i jumped into your balcony! hope you guys remember me!!
the enfiled boys are wicked but the lucky f**ks are still out there!!!
oh and the reps are wicked! see you at the reunion!
Do not worry about what everyone else is saying you will be fine, when i was there they allocated the blokes to the worse crappier rooms and the girls got the better rooms, the rooms are fine, mine was clean the maids came round 5 or 6 times in two weeks so thats cool, you need to take your own towels though as none supplied!
but seriously do not worry you are about 5-10 minutes walk to bars clubs etc, which is just right, and i would recommend signing up for the 18 30's deal! it was well worth the money and the cabareit was excellent!! the reps are really nice, vicky is lovely and yp is a laugh! ed is funny!! have a wicked time and write on here when you get back!! sure you love it!! xxxx
well we was there same time as the coventry lads and had a great time, the hotel was fine, as long as you didnt pee on the beds, go in the pool late or have your door kicked in, you would of got your deposit back. the owners were fine, as nick said they worked long long hours so no suprise they were ratty now and again! the bars were good, pink panther was very funny! i would definately go back and would recommend to anyone! 18 30's was good, reps were all a laugh and made your holiday the best!
hope all the coventry lot got home ok, and had a good time, had some great nights out with them! hope to see them again at the reunion maybe!?
how are you all?
vic xxx
can anyone let me know if the flag st george flag is still on the roof please
the holiday was a good one from what i experienced as i was the one who ended up ill for most of the holiday.
didnt really expect to get me deposit back as i shared with the hotel pest ( the one who had a call he s**gged p**s in our spare bed )
the hotel owners aint as bad as they are made out to be despite the fact they took my deposit and loved to throw charges to my mates but to be honest they were charges that could be justified.
couldnt get over stellios the little greek who sat by the pool 24/7 on his little seat and was there to pick up on and moan about anything that you did.
all the reps were great,, ed was a legend even tho he looked like marco from big brother , yo had the dirtyest mouth i have ever heard and vicky just had most of the lads drooling over her ( and i do have an upskirt shot of her if anyone is interested )
if you going to zante the pink panther is a must because it has one of the best atmospheres i have experienced, even tho i made a tit of myself there.
overall think we all enjoyed the holiday ( even the ones who got stung with the charges )
matty and the coventry lads
mariana was great,
yeah some of the staff were occasionaly moody, but john especially works about 23 hours a day so they are probably tired, and would try and have a laugh some of the time.
the 18-30's reps are amazing, ed is a living legend, vicky is fit as f**k and really nice, yo is a top laugh with a filthy mouth, and we didnt see bj that much cuz he was ill but he seemed sound when ever he was around.
the hotel was basic but it was clean, a couple of our group had problems with their deposit, but to be quite fair one had pissed the bed, one had trown up and another had kicked f**k out of his door.
zante was an awesome resort and loved most of the bars and clubs. really enjoyed a bar called the pink panther which was really cheap and had a good atmosphere and love cherry bay. also go for the 18-30 trips they were quality and well worth the money!!
loved the hotel and the holiday!!
thatch and all the lads from cov
the hotel was basic but
You'll have a quality time mate!
If you stay outta trouble and don't wind up the bosses you'll be ok. Don't give them an excuse to penalise you.
Have a good one and send my greetings to the fab Rep YO, miss her loads!
ssssup peeps! anyone gonna be there 2nd to 17th september?
Personnaly i dont see why evryone slates john and pete. yeah they can be miserable but what do you expect? they have to stay sober while everyone around them gets pissed and gets laid. The hotel is really good and it is only a 5 minute walk to the club strip. Everyone is entitled to there own opinion about the mariana but from all my mates and mine its the best hotel in laganas dont let anyone tell you otherwise or dave the crocodile will not be happy!!!!!
Any one that has been to mariana and knows me then e-mail me
Anyone that is going there soon, dont listen to all these morons saying its crap, i had the time of my life in zante and the mariana just added to that. Laterzzzzzzzz
do not stay here!!!! beware dodgy aussie b*****ds and pedro the pistal whipper
well at first site the place looks ok, decent pool not far from the strip which was cool but the place itsself man its a f**king joke..
first of all we got into our room found there was no fridge $50 to hire one and no cooker so pot noodle surprise was out of the window fair enough this was because we were bed and breakfast (by the way dont expect any breakfast without begiing for it and youll find its only toast anyway which take special forces negotiational skills before they hand it over) not only that they are right ignorant tossers john and peter that is, so dont bother saying hello...
and watch out for pedro hes one mean guy and he will take you down....
luckily they couldnt find anything wrong with our room so they decided to take our room deposits of us anyway just cos we jumped in the pool drunk its an 18-30's hols for f==k sake.....
and also they tried to charge every room cos a fire extinguisher was stolen... so i hope you get an idea of the type of peeps that own this place
conning aussie del boys.....
so peter, john and pistal pedro if your reading i hope you choke ou the 50 euros
apart from that holiday was sweet apart from a nasty bit of food poisening probably from the mariana bar peace out guys!!! guys guys you broke my concentration guys thats 10 dollar
Hiya Kate, it is quality out there and you will definately not be short of fellas.
The reps are all wicked, watch out for Si though, fancies himself as a bit of a ladies man! Yo is wicked, you definately won't be bored around her (although, if you do the 'walk of shame' and she catches you then she will tell the whole hotel!!) BEWARE!
The rest are wicked: Grant, Ryan, Kelly, Billie, and the others.
Go one the 18-30 trips, they are cool!
Go to Medousa's (stay away from Kev tho - he's mine!) :o)
Cherry Bay
Bad Boys
Wild Coyote
Not really much else to say apart from DON'T BREAK ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!
any lads out there middle of august, two ladies coming out to zante, any one got any recommendations for us then? i hear the reps are pretty hot?
Just got back from a week at the Mariana. 26 July 04 - 02 Aug 04
Caught the bug that was going round the Mariana, Dimis and Villa Aliri, so was in bed for 3 of the days.
The Mariana was basic, but nice for 18 - 30 accomodation. Didnt think much to the pool, so we went to one around the corner at the Olympic Hotel.
Right Im warning people now about two faced John (the owner). One day he is having a laugh and a joke with you, the next day (our last day) he was trying to charge us the 50 euros deposit, saying we had broken the room fan, which was already broken when we got there. We never even used it. John totally forgot bout the payment until we got to the airport and he phoned the reps to complain. We then had to talk to him on the phone for about half an hour, telling him it was hard cheds, he wasnt getting his money for something we didnt do. He threatened to come down to the airport, and thats what he just did. He made a complete fool of himself, he is a con artist Stand your ground with these people, they will try and sponge as much money out of you as possible. Thankfully reps were ace with the situation (Vicki and BJ).
Got to say too, Yo the rep is one hell of a laugh, shes mad.
Mariana is about a ten minute walk down to the good bars on the strip. Loved Zeroes, Rescue, Waikiki, Bad Boys, Cherry Bay and Cocktails and Dreams.
A few sexy men about. Especially the lads with the room right above the pool above reception, loads of em and they were all fit! The long haired ones did it for me, hahahaha.
Anyway if your off to the Mariana, have a good time! Its what you make of your holiday!!!!!!!!
We stayed at the other Mariana way out of town 45 mins along the busy noisy main road!
The Greeks are nutter drivers the road was crazy the amount of mopeds that ended up in ditches was mad! We got taxis everywhere only cos we're so lazy and we didn't wanna get run over!!
The apartments were basic but nice and clean (just a bit noisy cos of the road)and we weren't bothered by reps or anyone the whole holiday. There was no reception or anyone to tell us to turn our music down at 7am when we were dancing on the balcony which was good but if we'd have lost our key we wouldn't of known what to do...
We used the pool at the Oscar Hotel next door which was lovely and theres a lovely restaurant down the road run by a family who are so friendly and make you feel so welcome! We can't wait to go back and see them again...
We had an excellent holiday best ever... Absolutely loved Zante. The weather was gorgeous, people were friendly, clubs were great. We're definatley gonna go back in September but not at the Mariana (unless we hire a moped and bring some earplugs!)
Oh my god, DB, what got taken? Jay had his whole wash bag taken, did anything get done about that darling?
What room was you in DB? Whats all this about flags??
Oh dear, bit of a bad experience then DB? Does Yo the Club Rep still work there? She's cool. If so, how is she? So, how was the holiday in general? Any good? There must have been some good parts to it. The flag thing sounds funnnny! :o)
just got back what idiot lets 18-30 into a hotel then moan like hell when people start having fun yea thats right the ozzie tit who owns this place! all he wants is your money. room got cleaned once in a fortnight then tries to charge people cos there rooms arent clean? oh one last thing can people who go there let me know if our flag is still flying from the roof? sorry to the others who were getting stressed by the reps about said flag we finnally ended up paying it was worth it though just to wind up the ozzie nob who owns the place. another thing dont leave your balcony doors open while your sleeping as u will get robbed when the reps were told there reply was yea we know you will but they forgot to mention it at the induction t**ts!!!!
Hey there Gabby, I'm guessing your staying at the Mariana apartments. They are cool, you've nothing to worry about. The Apartments are about 5 minutes (walking distance) away from the strip where all the local bars are. I had never been on a n 18-30 holiday until this one and I was apprehensive and anxious about what to expect but honestly, I had the best time ever. I couldn't have wished for a better holiday. There are sooo many bars and clubs to visit. The one's that I would recommend are: Cherry Bay, Zeroes, Medousa, Rescue, Bad Boys and Waikiki. They are all fabulous. A wicked to is definately to be had in them places! Anyway's, hope you have a great holiday. Have fun! Jay x
Hi Gabrielle,
Well, don't listen to all the negatives. It's a nice enough place to stay and it's good location, about 5/10 minute walk to the strip so it's nice and out of it for the day time.
Just don't break anything, but Yo will tell you at the welcome meeting.
This year was my first 18-30 and I had mixed feelings but once there, it was excellent.
do all the excursions, definately worth the money!
Say hi to yo and all the other 18-30 lot once there for me - tell 'em me and Jo are coming back in Sept!
Hope this settles it
Let us know how it goes.
Hey peeps . ive read every 1 s comments bout the Hotel n it seems abit mixed. Im goin next Thursday 29th July 2004 cant wait. Bit worried neva bin on 18-30 s b4. Is it a long way from the centre( hope not). Wot places are the best 2 go 2 .
I think this page is turning more into a message bored for catching up than comments based on apartments! Lol. How is everyone? Does anyone remember me? Jay, you couldn't miss me! We stayed at the Mariana apartments from 30th May until the 14th June. Message me! Jay x
Lol donna just joking babes.
But in defense of kirsty, she was a nice girl if not a bit funny at times like nicking a euro out of my deposit on the last day lol.
But she was safe and so were john and pete for that matter. who else would stay up 24 hours just so the people that stayed there could get pissed and end up sleeping on a lilo in the pool lol. I thought the mariana was sooooooo much better than the fantasy anyways, which would explain why so many people from the fantasy ended up round our bar and staying in our rooms. anyways lots of gear to sheesha to be smoked so im off! laterzzzzzzzzz
We stayed at the Mariana a few weeks ago, wanna be back there already! The Mariana has mixed views from us all, one of our rooms was cleaned, the other wasnt. Its a bit cr@p having to rent your towels & make sure u dont damage anything in the slightest coz they'll take pleasure in taking your deposit!
(Even made a few girls cry!)
Simmo, u were one of the best things about the Mariana, seeing you pissed everyday was our highlight!!! where r u now?
To anyone whos going, it prob scored 8/10 dont break anything & u'll b ok!!!
See u in Skegness love Laura, Jayne, Rachel & Hayley xxx
simmo,didnt think it would take them long to sack you,you were holding on by the skin of your nuts when we were there.I bet the stats have reduced some now youve only your face to rely on to pull the women (or have you kept hold of the rep T shirt?)Me and the boys are off to Abersoch this weekend for more pissed up fun and games, a little quieter than Laganas but I am sure we can cause chaos all the same.
Its all about hulkamania o yeah
Craig I think you missed the point of this site!
I really think it was unneccessay for you to tell us about your sexual experiences of zante, but hey, lets not even go there you dirty man whore!!
Jay baby, I was only joking! Love Ya!
hey simmo, i told you you would get in trouble didnt i? throwing cameras into the pool ranting bout how you hate women lol!!!
anyways, the mariana was hectic and i want everyone to search the bushes for a gold chain cos i lost it while f**king some bird there its by the biggest tree. if you find it you can keep it.
right well if anyone on here remembers me ( im the essex skinhead who was there with his brother the other skinhead ) lol and if anyone wants to slate that loud mouth brummie tash then please do its all good for a laugh!!! hey to all my mates from zante eg donna, jo, all the lauras and all the brummies who i still dislike a bit for giving me their stupid f**king accent. anyways getting back to the point. anyone that knows me ew-mail me
Excusssse me, Miss thing! Lol. I was just kidding Donna. I love ya' really. Can't believe Kate ain't left a message on here. Seems she's too involved with Lewis! Hmmmm. Typical woman. Finds a man and and then hooked. Had a wicked night on Thursday. Went to Mission in Leeds and got completely wasted; on vodka! Ste and Lewis came up and Ste pulled. Awww, was guna use the "whats ya' name and what are ya' thing but it was too late. He'd left with his fella. Anyway's I'm off to bed. I'm knackered and need to sleep! Write back soon. Jay xxxx
Jay, don't be so cheeky darling, you love me you know you do!!
like ello' folks. me and (crazy) kate stayed at the mariana may/june of this year and we loved it. all the staff were nice enough and kirsty was a diva and a great gal to chat to. she came on a few nights out and had a boogie. dave and pete were cool. they had to put up with some right crap from guests, it's a no wonder they were the way they were. great guys though. dave! he, he. so, whos this geezer thats been b***hing? c**t!
the reps, well, what can i say. they made our holiday what it was; f**king amazing! the best ever. hey simmo, see you've left a msg, hows it going matey-ho? wow, so had donna. don't send a msg! i've heard enough from you! lol. ya' know i'm kidding gorgeous, tis always a pleasure to hear from ya'! x
to be fair, mariana was an ideal and amicable place to stay. i'm going back in september. keep up the good work! byeeee x
well, to start with, who's slagging off kirsty! she is one of the nicest people we met at the mariana, she's just put on a short lead from pete (the total a**ehole). she came out with us on a couple of occasions, she needs to socialise because if she spent all her time with him then she will turn into a horrible person. i really liked her and will be visiting her when we go back in sept.
i liked john (dave), but when he gets a strop on, well, games all over. tried to send us to our rooms one night, i said 'hello, since when have we been in school!' pete, well i'm not even gonna go there! he was ok when it suited him!
simmo, you joker!!! i'll bell you later babe.
who the f*ck is that ian dude! i would have bashed him up, although we was there at the same time as him! who was he? was he the one that kept bashing up his girlfriend?? i swear my pal had to console her after he hit her (if thats the one), if it is, everyone thought you was a c**t!
can't think of anything else for now. if anyone remembers me and the dave massive, give us a bell!
hi everyone! seems there's quite a few mixed comments about the mariana on here. well i was a rep there until a week ago. i got the boot because i had my eyebrows shaved off and spat my dummy out.
anyway i'm goging to clear a few things up, starting with with ian. you say that we only talk to who we want to sleep with??? are you acusing me of wanting to sleep with 9rugby lads? cock. the only reason we tried to avoid you was because the only time you ever agknowledged us was when you wanted something or if you wanted to moan. that and the fact you used to do nothing but argue with your girlfriend. if that wasn't enough you pushed yo and threatened her on your last day. you ian are a true chief (c**t)!
pete is the most sexist person i've evermet in my life. he has the worst mood swings i've ever come across and has nothing nice to say about women or anyone for that matter! whoever it was that slagged his girlfriend (kirsty) off are being a bit harsh. she's not allowed to socialise with anyone because of his jealousy.
john is fine. he's up for a laugh but is totally money orientated. he is the damage king and will take your deposit if you brake something and doesn't like you.
the cleaners there work wonders. arcia (skeletor) never stops and will do anything you ask her.
chunky, how are you? i'll be up to see you boys soon. i've just mailed max so as soon as i get your numbers i'll give you a call.
i think i've sorted out my beef. if i can think of anything else then i will be back here to let you know.
didn't mind the hotel that much but the 2 managers paul and john were a pair of cocks. played a prank on a mates room, nothing was damaged but they still took their deposits away. i lost my room deposit because the the old t**t who sits around all day stormed into our room accused me and my mate of stealing and breaking garden chairs. we were also charged for a doorhandle which was superglued on before we got there. the payphone is a f**king rip off aswell. and we only had our sheets changed once in 2 weeks! don't stay at the mariana if you want to get your damage deposit back. pair of tossers the both of them
Just to let everyone that is goin to mariana know thats its great!
ignore all of these horrible comments pete and john are trying to make a living and if you saw the way some people left there rooms you can see y they have to charge damages! and you forget to mention that the bar is open 24hrs so they are the reason the party can carry on! if you want a 5* hotel dont go on an 18 30s holiday!
ok petes girlfriend is snotty but u dont go on holiday to speak to a barmaid do u?
The reps there were great ( Yo BJ ED an Simmo) and the excursions are well worth goin on we made our money back in alcohol easily!
we had the best time an will definatley be headin back there sometime really soon!
hiya to the rugby lads from bradford jarvis fat back an sheraaa we love ya!! an mo, who was in mariana an didnt no mo? love ya babe love the 4 liverpool lasses!!! x x x x
Absolute quality. forget all of the people on here we went 14/6/04 and it was magical. the maids were polite and if you wanted to stay in bed when they were there then they would come back later. there were 9 of us and we had a laugh with the owners and other guests. pool was clean food was good. location was just right 10 minute walk to the beach and to the centre. if its a good time with your mates you are after then the marianas are perfect. see them again next year
just got back from mariana and had a wicked time... what a shame the owners were such DC's. laganas was bangin, espesh zeros, rescues and bad boyz. shame everyone wanted to be in bed for 2am!!! cant wait to go back with 18-30's and maybe one day we can all become reps! get in! big shout out to jezza, bazza, hobbo and kazza. miss you all already. big love. see u all in skeggy - not!!
me and 8 mates just got back from the mariana on 14/06/04.we thought it was ok but have stayed in alot better places.everything is over priced but you sort of expect to get your pants pulled down wherever you go, best thing is to either accept it and enjoy your holiday or spend your days at other places, we found the best thing to do was to get really pissed and then you dont give a s**t about very carefull with your room ,we were 9 rugby lads and we didnt give them any reason to take our deposit,apart from when one of us jumped in the pool at 6 in the morning but managed to disuede them from doing this, they will take your money if you give them the slightest reason so bare this in mind all the time(inc your key).i found that if you are polite to them it forces them to be polite to you,but thats just me.simmo the club rep is p**s head ,we never went on any of the trips but he was sound with us and even came out with us on his nights off and got into a brawl with us in cherry bay, good lad.if you see him tell him chunky and rugby lads from leigh say hello ,and ask pete and john about our trip to the beach to see hulk hogan
we got back from this dump on the 14/06/04. the owners are miserable, the reps are s**te, and they were nothing like proper reps, boring, only talked to the people that they wanted to sleep with. the rooms needed a good clean, ok if you like cobwebs! the bar is very expensive.
the bedding had a stale smell and could have used a wash. you have to pay 15 euro deposit for towels, which is ridiculous.
the resort itself is really good, plenty or bars and clubs, zeros and rescue are good!
hey if anyone could give me some info on the mariana aparts it would be great? ive heard some good things and bad, basically i want to know if its a s**t hole im going to but hope not. :)
Me and my mate casey are coming to the Mariana Apartments on 18th July this year... Are they really that bad???
Just back after a week, had a great week only because of the people that we met and because of the 18-30 reps Yo and Simmo, these guys made the week for everybody, I would recommend going to Laganas. The Mariana was a nice hotel and resonably clean, however the hotel Managers John and Pete are an absolute joke, the are arogant ignorant con artists. We spent a lot of money at the pool along with everybody else all week, 2 euro for a packet of crisps etc. We were leaving at 3 in the morning and were told that we can keep the room on for 12hrs at a cost (fair enough) this was 40 euro (£28) when for a weeks stay inc flights was only £114.
We gave over a 50 euro deposit for Damages at the start of the week, end of the week came round and then check all the rooms luckily we were checked and not charged for any this.
2 gals from Glasgow took out a room paying the 40 euro, and allowed a lad to use the shower for 15min the bold asshole john comes along and takes there 50 euro damage deposit from them for allowin this to happen(since when does a shower cat £35???????
Other people had there deposits taken from them because there rooms were not checked!! since when was it the responsiblity of our good selve to make sure management check there own rooms!!!!?????
Club reps had a 45min argument with the austrailian Hoteliers but still the continued to be aggresive and arogant towards the women.
After all the money we spent they still never gave us this back, because of rules we did not know about nor were the reps or guests know about this.
If I were you I would stay well clear of this hotel but deffinately go to Laganas maybe the Fantasy hotel has a crakin pool.
The hotel is a 30min walk away from the main pubs n clubs.
If you do go make sure you go on the excursions that 18-30 run they are brilliant fun especially with Yo and Simmo what a laugh, always there to help and love to join in on the drinking they both need the number for AA.
Oh and you will meet the funniest thing I have ever seen in my life a living Skeleton thats cleans you room, walks, talks and even runs.
see you all at the reunion in Skegy.
I went last year it was excellent thats why i am goin this year.any 1 goin on the 15th aug 4 a week
we want some information on the Marina studios, is it ok? because we have read different things and we are all confused we r going at the end of May. anybody goin at the same time?
This is the first time I've seen messages from all you guys anywhere and believe me I've been looking. I do agree with absolutely everything that's been said I had a wicked time and everyone I metin that first week were class. However guys things went downhill after you left and I HATE with a passion the Mariana.
But I won't let that spoil the great memories I've got of Pancake,Mythos and Mingeata,naked pool playing, fishing in the paddling pool, boys in bikini's and all the other fab things that went on. Chris, I hope your ear was ok and Paul,babes, I hope your hair grew back in ok!!!!! Miss you lot so much, everyone was brilliant and made my first week unforgettable, THANKS!!!!
Oh, did the boy that broke his arm in the second week get it sorted all right? ( I think it was him who witnessed our screaming match with John) Anyway hi to you all (ginge,chris,sam,laura,jenn,liz,nat,sarah,tara an mum,anyone I have missed out-sorry!!)and take care. YOU ROCK!!!! PANCAKE PANCAKE
got back on 12th!!! we all got the bug!!, mosi bites and it rained cats and dogs!!!, saw rivers of raw sewage along main strip!!!
the hotel is ok, apart from the attitude of the staff, especially pete and his pmt rude b***h of a girlfriend!!, who i dont think knows any politeness or manners, shes got a face like a slapped a**e!!!
when ordering food, shes rude, pete is just as bad, the drinks are overpriced!!! wkd 4.50 at the bar 1.50 at the local shop, depending on what mood hes in the price goes up!!!!, dont eat the food there, also they dont clean the pool, just throw in a bit of clorine here an there. there were mice in some rooms,
they want 30 euros to extend the room, then any other person who wants to stay/get changed in your room another 8!!!!! each!!!
they check each item, if you have a spoon missing they will charge you, even though you never had it in the first place!!!
if you are going there, dont eat there, check all the items in your room before, dont buy drinks at the bar, go to the local shop and be carefull of the pool
but met some great people there, a big shout to pete, martin (who made us laugh, "what did you think it was") 3 lads from folkstone, nicola and gang, jenna and george, and not forgeting alex and jenna!!iv still got my wallet!
and take some warm clothes!!!
have fun!!!
well - as far as cleanliness was concerned its what you'd expect for the money, the general appearance of the place was good and we had a pool view and met some top people there all up for a giggle. but, if it wasn't for the dragon behind the bar that seemed to think that she pretty much ruled the planet then i'd give it a faultless review! (i ordered a pizza, simple as that, and after about 45 minutes of waiting for a 12 minute pizza to cook i finally wandered over and as politely as you like said "is there a pizza on its way?" my reply was "it has to cook you know!" pretty much breathed manky fire breath on me and walked off!! also, the prices of the drink at the bar are absolutley extortionate. about £3 for a bottle when you can wander round the corner and get the same for about 90p!! but worse than that, the prices go up and down depending on her mood! weird! my advice would be steer clear and give your money to somewhere worthwhile or if you are forced to go, don't buy anything from the bar or be prepapred to be converted to the dark side by darth 'b***h' vader! on another note, cheers to pete, martin (although you were totally thick, but funny!), nicola, jenna, georgina, the lads i can't remember the names and alex and jess for a great giggle! also the girls from london that left their shutter open all the time he he! ;o)
Came home on Thursday and to be honest wouldn't rush back! not for the hotel anyway! 3 out of 4 of us had were ill - had "THE BRADS!" for most of the time we were there, as did loads of other people staying at the Mariana! Although not me! I was the CHAMP! Pete the moody brother is bitter and twisted towards girls/women so beware ladies!!! John was cool though - PORN KING! and good old Dennis the security guard - what a sweetie!
Clubs and bars were good! Cherry Bay - last song of the night - quality!!!! (check for scratches if you buy the cd though!!!)
Met some great people though and have stayed in touch with them all so far - without them the holiday would have been a nightmare - big up Marky Baby! Cousin Gary! Paul and Matty the Gatwick duo!!!! Love you all and thanks for a wicked holiday!!! xx
There are two Marianas appartments/hotels in Laganas, and reading the comments below dont relate to ours!
Ours was right out of town, about 45 minute walk down the main road to the town and beach with no pavements (but a taxi is easy to get and at 5 euros not bad)
The appartments were situated right on the main road, which wasnt an issue, but was loud.
There was no pool, but you can use most pools in laganas as long as you buy food/drinks. we used the Oscar hotel next door which was lovely, with spa, ping pon,a pool table, and bar.
The room, was very basic and was cleaned just the once (bit minging when you putting your bog roll in the bin next to the loo)
Anyway we had a great holiday, and its what you make it, but I wouldnt pay too much to stay here.
I am going to this appartment next week! i was wondering how far away is it to the bars, shops and the beach?
The best holiday EVER!!!The only bad thing, is that me & my mates all miss it soo much!!Good old Johny & Peter; "What room number are you in? That's 50 Euros!". Crazy old Maurice, bless him! And the mental reps-how are they still alive with the crazy sh*t they do!? I love all the Mother F*!?ers, and can't wait to see eveyone at the reunion!You won't be dissapointed with this holiday; the places to go are Ghetto, Prestige, Waikikis and Bad Boys!XxX
i forgot to mention the v****a you can buy from the chemist down the road,make sure you get them in the day as they are closed at night !
nathen - if your reading....have you got my ten euros yet ?????
v****a man
wish i was still there, had a brilliant time, it's wicked !!
hotel is owned by 2 aussie bros - john who is ok & pete who's a knob !! about a ten min walk to the beach & main rep's here, hi to bailey, adam, daz & caz - c u @ the reunion. can't wait to get my c**k for you all again....biggest c**k around the pool! if your lookin for a lads or girls holiday, then give it a try... brilliant !!
suggest you give sex on the beach a try...but watch out for the greeks,they creep up & nick your stuff whilst you gettin down to it !!
sorry to miss milf and tara out of my previous message, oh s**t! big slap on the hand for me!! how could i do such a thing cause they were wicked, so again sorry. check ya xx
Hi everyone,this is Tara and Mumsy hope everyone is ok! Hotel was great, food was great and so were all the mad maniacs there to (NAT,LIZ,SARAH,SAM,LAURA AND ALL THE OTHER MAD HEADS)HA HA.Missing pancake loads. Where would we have been without a ginger flasher every day,and without Jen (THE SQUADDY LOVER) HA HA.
We also cant forget Miss Dial A Ride ha ha ( Only joking Sarah)
Come on Nat wheres my Pictures you have been sending them for a month ha ha ONLY JOKING. Keep in touch Nat !!!!!!
GET IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have just booked today to stay in the Mariana Apartments. Just wondered if anyone would e mail me i they have tips for me and my friend for when we arrive Sunday! The main thing I want to know is:-
Is it easy to get to the beach and the pubs/clubs and cocktail bars??
Thanks Can't wait to go!!
This hotel is run by two Aussie brothers (who are mad) 'really', i think they were dropped on their heads at birth. The hotel is a ten min stroll from the strip and the only noise to wake you in the morning are a couple of cows, goats, chickens and other birds! The music round the pool is as good as any club, the films on offer as new as any cinema, the food at the 24hr bar better than some of the restaurants (and i am fussy) the talent mmm (well it was early in the season!)It was clean spacious and I loved it! we just got back (MAY) and are looking to go again in August, you cant go wrong with this hotel!
Easy Now! This is Pecker Nob (Chris) with a massive shout out to the Mariana Massive. This place is gonna get bigger and bigger in the near future, you cant go wrong with this place. Me and B Man had the best holiday of our lives, met the best people, drank the best larger and had the best laugh. Made some real real great friends, Liz, Nat, jenn, Sam and Laura, Meg and Leona, Andy and Linds, you know who you all are, and PANCAKE, GET IN! John, Peter, Sylvester, Mr and Mrs Baghdad, the Albanian Gringo's and Darth (that scary mother trucker).
Cant wait for Skegness and to do it all again same time next year, Daz our Rep look out cause the Ginge and Slimer are comin back, RESTECP and Laters xx
Two days ago I returned from the best holiday ever,I cannot find one bad thing to write about the resort,the staff,the rooms! It was all perfect! I agree with everything Natalie has said, the atmosphere at Marianna is amazing! We were all out for a good time! Top tips include, always put your change in Sylvesters pot on the bar, always say Kalimera to "Baghdad" (ask Pete!) and make sure you remind John daily of his resemblence to Rocky....persevere and you'll be rewarded with an uncanny impression! Ask Darren the rep about pancake and be aware that Kev (Fantasy Hotel) is the filthiest Rep ever to strut his stuff on the dance floor! Look out for Mario and Luigi on the building site and yell Gringos at them!! Have a great time and Hi to the first Marianna massive of the season....Paul "bell-end" or "Ginger",Chris "Doddsy",Sarah "Dial-a-ride" or "taxi", Natalie, Liz, Sam, Laura, Tara, Bernie "mum", Megan, Liona, The Geordies for the small part you played and anyone I've forgotten.....see you in Skeggie!!
"MARIANA,MARIANA,MARIANA", Just got back from the most Fanatatic Holiday ever, the Hotel is wicked, lovely pool area, great Staff We LOVE YOU John ("get your knickers on your nicked") and Pete. The location is fine only costing five euros for a cab back from the main strip (I know cos me and liz did it every day!!. Darren the 18-30's Rep is the best, and the holiday couldn't have happened with out him, although watch out cos he may hide your bikini's!!!!!
Even though i couldn't fault the hotel or it's staff the holiday was made because of the mental people we met out there,(Ginge"flourescent pubes", Chris"huge knob", Sam and Laura, Tara and Mumsie, Megan and Lils) I miss you all and cant wait to see you at Skegness if not before, (kep in touch if you read this!!)
Finally if you do stay at the Mariana, dont forget to ask Darren, Pete or John about Pancake and ask them to demonstrate the dance!. All you Pancake follows and Maranna Massive take care keep getting nacked and Pancaking all over the world!!!!!
been back a week now and my memories of the mariana are still truly alive!!me and mates had the most amazing stay, with a great pool area, fanatastic location near the beach, shops and not the forgetting the 24hr bar and the nightlife!this was all made perfect by the staff at the bar, AND NOT FORGETTING OUR REP CLAYTON WHO MADE SURE WE HAD THE BEST TIME, THANKYOU!!HE'S FANTASTIC!we stayed in room two w/c 23rd sep.
Hi this is my second day back and already I am missing it. I really enjoyed it over there, I think I was one of the only ones not to get the bug! (but my mates did) any way I would like to say a huge thank you to the staff Srarh Peter John and of couse sleepy Sylvesta who helped to make this holliday one i'll neverforget. p.s Sarah I hope you have a good night out with your mates when you get back home you all deserve it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
These apartments are 2 Miles from the closest beach in Laganas which is a long walk down a busy road with no pavement. The drains blocked twice and raw sewerage spilled out in all 5 downstairs apartments. The owners were rude and discourteous and didnt disinfect the mess. Most disatisfied, 3 of my party have had to seek medical care since returning, probably because of the unhygenic conditions. Never Again!
clayton we love you baby xxxxxxx
If anyone is going here this year will you give my regards to Peter John and Sarah From Stewart Liverpool. Had fab time.This place is not your real Greece. More like Blackpool with Sun. Sorry Blackpool, no harm ment.
Five of us(all ladies!) are flighing out on the 25th July of this year to this hotel. We were just wondering if any1 out there is going at the same time,or has any tips for us?!!! (
We just got back from the Marianna and had the best holiday ever!! The rooms were nice and the place was clean! But what really made it good was the people, Sarah, Peter, John and Russ your the best!!! (Oh and cant forget Wormy and Sylvester, the cats).
This was an 18-30's place, but we weren't disturbed by late night partying.... Only by the goats, dogs, ducks, cockrells etc who seem to rave all night - thanks for that!! Rooms all nice, and quite clean. The hotel is about a 10 minute walk from the main strip and beach. Had a brilliant holiday, although the hotel manager very grumpy on our last day!! Cheer up!!
Me and two others are heading out on 8th October - cant wait!!! Would love to hear from anyone with some info on the apartments, resort ect... It would also be good to hear from anyone going at the sametime!!!! (can e-mail
I have just got back from these apartments, and yes it was an 18-30's trip. Had an excellent time, the location is good as you are close to bars although far enough away to get some sleep. Beach is a little way but walking distance. The hotel owners are very nice and the cleanliness of the hotel is spot on. Watch out for mingle (the rep for 18-30's) Loudest mouth ever. Sarah
that'll be wicked, i really wanna know how far out of town we are and everything. i went to the travel agents (thomas cook) and the b***h wouldn't tell me anything just kept saying what a lovely island it was etc. have a wicked holiday and i'll keep an eye out for your next comment! caz
Hi Caroline B, me and my mate are off to these appartments very soon. I'll get back to you before you fly and tell you if its worth the effort! WJ
I am due to go to Zante on 24th June on an 18-30's holiday. Is this the Mariana Hotel as well as apartments??? I'm really worried that we are going to be really far away from town and there is only me and my mate (both 19yr olds) so I'm gonna have to save some more money for cabs if we're really far. PLEASE HELP IF ANYONE KNOWS!