Sheffield Dudes -
Well we are off to Zante tonight guys.
Hope you all have a great time when you get there.
Catch ya later.
Yorkshire Girls xx
Respect to all the Sheffield Crew studs, shame about that Yorkshire Girls.
Hey Ridgy, should the lads watch out for you as well then with a name like that?!!
Any fit ladies jus holla at us sheffield ladz if ur up 4 a laugh from 4th july to 18th july cos we know how to have a good time and dont mind sharing these wit u
The Girl Dem Criss
King Kong luvs ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To the Sheffield Guys
Can't believe it but we aren't gonna see ya!!!! We go home on 1 July!
The Yorkshire Girls xxxx
Sorry about that message left by so called mate, hes so big that he cant even leave his name so has to leave my name to try and make me look a fool, it hopefully wont take you long to relize why he has to put my name on these emails rather than his own. He wont be hard to miss just look for the Gordon Strachen lookalike ( if you dont know who he is football manager)!!! hope to speak to you very soon !!!!!!!!!!!
Yorkshire Girls
We arrive on the 4th july , so have about 5 days with you. Ages are varied youngest being 19 oldest 21 , so be ready !!!!!!!!!!. P.S We will hold you to your on drinking loads of beer , start geting the practice in for when we arrive !!!!!!hey yorkshire girlz, we arrive 4th july, ope u greet us at da pool side wiv ya fine tanned bodies, we all early 20's, what about u lot? we can sure drink, so ya first 10 days should involve priming urself in the drinks department for wen we arrive, holla't ya
hey yorkshire dales girlz, us horny guys are ready 2 rumpy pumpkin u fine ladies. me myself wil liv up 2 the name of "phuk mi" when i send u back in 2 the middle of nowhere feelin like u been satisfy, im the hunk, u wil notice me straight away, trust me, lookin 4ward 2 it, lots of love
ur lovermanBig shout out to any honeyz in laganas SHEFFIELD CREW comin to impress You honeyz just pick from 14 lads i'm the brad pitt look a like just ask for Ridgy (BENDOVER) C all u ladies there cos u wont b able to resist the charm holla'd at u. THE GIRL DEM CRISS!!
To the Sheffield Guys
We are only about an hour from you - live in the middle of nowhere but we are no "country bumpkins"!!!
We arrive on 24 June - when do you arrive?? How old are you guys??
Hope you are up for plenty of beer!!!!
See you soon!!!!! x
hello kent girlz , u can guarantee to be greeted by us gentleman otherwise (fitties) from up north when you arrive looking forward to getting to know ya from the sheff crew !!!!!!!!!!!! just ask for me chris brooke or king kong!
to the yorkshire Girlz , ow close to sheffield are you ? get that place up and running for when the lads arrive . looking forward to seeing ya !!!!!!!!!!!!
6 lads coming to start the party on the 20/june so ladies be ready..........................
Four young, free and single girls from the Yorkshire Dales will be
there from 24 June!!!! You'll know us when you see us!!!!
Any fitties goin 7th july onwards??
Me and 2 other girls from Boro going to the Canadian on 26th June, hope to meet some people up for a laugh. R there any other people going at the same time?
amy, laura ur luk is in 14 sheffield lads arriving same day as you!!! also up for rough and ready action to satisfy your needs from
ladies where are u? 14 sexy studs on way to studios on 4 th july
We had a brilliant time here. canadian is quite basic but its the same everywhere in greece, the bar man provides entertaiment round the pool shouting random things over the microphone! we met some really good people and had loadsa fun.sorry for whoever we woke when we were having that massive water fight. i believe people wasnt happy with us!
just got back from a week over there 20th - 27th with 6 other lads. Had an ace time, soon as i got back i booked to go back out next fri ( the 10th ). goin back on my own to c my babe claire whoos workin over there. anyone who aint been your gona love it big time, everyones out to have a good time n get wasted. we had no trouble from anyone whilst we were over there. oh, apart from some guy sat right next to the pool who complained if he got splashed haha. hope to c ya out there people.
Hello people, only 7 weeks remaining till my own Zante 05 blast off! Any people (mainly girls) going 18th July till 1st August or will be around at that time? Cant wait it's going to be awesome! Please let me know
Boro boys comin to the canadian on 20th June, can't wait, COME ON
came here last year, what a ledge holiday. if you wanna see pis of the hotel go to the web page
Hi me and Amy are coming on 4th July with 4 other girls. Ready to get rough and ready and VERY drunk!!! Any other ppl going that time? SO EXCITED! x
i cant wait for this now!!! there are 12 of us girls all aged 17 and 18!
ATTENTION all single ladies in this appartment betwwen 10th july - 24th. Theres 6 kent lads looking for loads of laughs. We need to make this a holiday to remember and maybe youz can help who knows.
Hello lovely ladeez!!! Myself and 5 sexy hunky kent boyz (21) on our way out 2 ave a wicked time. Were going out on the 10th July for 2 weeks. If any 1s going let us know. C U OUT THERE!!!!!!
make that 12 girls! 3 more ahve booked with us! yay!!
me and 8 other girls are going on the 14th July for a fortnight too!!
u will no bout it wen me an luce arrive. 2 essex girls cant wait to start ravin it up...
All you need to know Holly is at least three good looking, young, single lads are gracing the appartments with their presence from the 9th of June!
hiya me & my boyfriend are stayin at the canadian for 2 weeks on the 17th of july & i cant wait to get p*issed and tanned
. Is any1 else stayin here around this time?
Also....was just wondering if any 1 knows anything bout greek island hopping!!! really want to do it just not sure how!!!!
Hi everyone.........we were there last are ace....its the party central!! I bet the staff at canadians will love us being there...if ya cant remeber,im the bird that crashed a scooter n was hobbling round on crutches last year....(me n the maids are best mates now) Does n e 1 know if ervin is still round there???See ya all on the 31st July!! i aint getting on no scooters this aint worth it!
coming back to laganas 4 the 4th time june 12th 4 2 weeks. n e 1 no wot this hotels like??? x
hi everyone, me an 7 of my m8s r off to zante in july 14th for two weeks, jus wonderd if any girls are stayin there those weeks. all male 19 c*m av a drink wiv us an be prepared for a massive laugh! add me if you have msn
im lyin 8 lads and 6 girls
did any one go to the canadian apartments in july 04 and think the security guard was a muppet. the b!*tard sprayed me with pepper spray. there was 14 of us 9*lads 6 girls) anyone remember from st. helens.
orite party and the yorkshire clan were here last summer and we had a right ball going out there this summer all 24 strong of us.latch on to us lot and your sure to to have a right scream especially the laydeeez
Dearne Valley Scooter Club...first 2 weeks in September 05, 40 of us heading to Zante for the 2nd time...see you all there....get in touch if ya gunna be around, loads o laffs guarenteed!!!!
i dnt mean 2 b nosey or nethin i jus wanna ask nicely hu is guy? am not tryin 2 b mean id lus like 2 no, plz reply, i would realy like it thanx xxx
hiya ppl, jus got bk from zante on monday, n luved it loadz, gr8 place 2 go n the ppl r gr8! hotel is basic, jus sumwer 2 sleep n eat in really. am gin bk ther soon so watch out. i luved the ppl ther, hiya nick, simon, carease(i think dats spelt wrong) n evry1 else!yaz wer all soo gr8! o n simon my bro, robert says hiya! lol. missin yall loadz. ne1 wanna no nethin jus contact me on n ill chat 2 ya! c zante soon luv yaz xxxx
hiya ppl,
jus came bak from the hotel on monday mornin from a week ther. n guess wat!? i luved it all, gr8 weva n gr8 plaec 2 stay, i recommend it 2 any1 hu goes, the barmen n staff r gr8! hiya 2 nick, simon, carease ( i think the spellin rong) n evry1 else hu ther, ill b bk ther dnt u lot worry. hope 2 c yaz all soon.
bibi xxxx
hi simon! cant wait to see u when u get home. u changed my life (and the way i walk!!) in so many different ways. simon its time you be honest with yourself and your friends and finally admit the truth. remeber the chat we had on the beach that night under the moon light!! anyway keep callin me before i go to sleep i like hearing it before i go to bed. take care sexy beast. guy xx
Went away with my best mate Jus. We had the best week ever. The bar staff (Andreas and Simon) are such a good laugh. If u planning to go to Canadian Hotel be nice to Simon - hes only 17 and snorts tequila every night, twice a night to entertain hotel guests!!! poor lad! The strip is a fantastic night out - I would definately recommend Rescue. Rescue plays excellent music (dance and R&B) and has some very nice half naked barmen. Cherry Bay is also good (at the end of the strip).Canadian Hotel is VERY basic, and the cleaning lady only visits when she feels like it - normally twice a week!! Don't forget to take your own towels!!!
spent two weeks at canadian. the appartments were a bit of a let down, and it was very noisy, thank god for ear plugs. All the staff were great chris, simon but especially andreas. What a fantastic guy he made our holiday 1 to remember. beautiful island will definitely have to go back again. click on photos and see us all with andreas!!
We got back from canadian apts on 20th sept 04. We were a little disappointed with the rooms. They had been somewhat battered throughout the summer. Dispite the disapointment we all had a fantastic holiday. the staff were second to none especially Andreas 1 of the barmen.he was absolutely fantastic.we met a couple of girls called laura and claire they were great too. im sure if any1 was there when we were you will all remember noony . great time was had by all.
dis place is great we love andrew or andreas wat ever e calls imself.
its a bit of a trek if your in heels to the strip but well worth da walk but if your lazy ders no shortage of cabs about. dont expect your room to be cleaned for about a week and bring your own towels. but dis place is great...
Zante caters for everyone! I was there 15th to 29th August this year, and although there was loads of big groups of young lively sinlges there was also plenty of couples and families! So don't worry,you won't be out of place at all! Hope this helps!
hi every1 me and my boyfriend were looking at zante and i'm just wondering whether any1 can tell me if they think that its more of a singles holiday here rarther than a couples???? some1 please let me no!!!! thanks
y u in a bad mood for is it cos simon the ignorant t**t isnt replying
lol means laugh out loud, and lmao means laughing my ass of!! there u go a few tips for ya!! im in a proper nasty mood today but nevermind ey!! x x
orite claire i do go in the railway sometimes why do you ? im sure they are on about you.and can you tell me what lol means?
lifes good ta claire how bout u?the weather is s**t wish i was back in zante chilling on the beach with a nice cold pint of mythos.ahhh the memories
clare is fitt see you soon.
hi keaney i really would have to think about that one!!1 lol but ill let you know when i deside lol!!! but how life treating you at the moment the weather is proper weired init it's depressing me!!
wots up laura and claire are you that disgusted in me drinking in the peggy tub that you wont even reply.hows tricks?hows it going simon?still living the dream?
Just got back on Friday it was the bolloxs if you staying here you will love it , its only 10 min walk from the strip.
Go to club rescue for a big club which plays funky house, club zero's for the lasers or if you want a bit of qulity garage music go to bad boys at the end of the strip.
hello to everyone that stayed at the canadian between the 29th to the 13th. room 107
Hi Jamie, not sure u'll remember us I was from London & my friend was from Ireland we were there the same time as u. If u do get in touch
hey simon!
its grace and the girls from room 222, remember us? How've you bin?
Hows the liver?
ey laura your area is worse than mine.who was the lad that got stabbed then i ant even heard owt.and yes claire i do go in the peggy tub its mint you can get bolloxed on 20 two should come down sometime and be my guests of honour.wot do you say?
hi keaney...i no its such a mystery that i never see u round no more..did u hear bout that lad that got stabbed in the brooms the other nite..he is dead! gee wizz...jus for all viewers, it aint that bad round here! apart from where keaney lves...its like bay root! ha ha ha jus kidding. i bet u go in the peggy tub still though dont ya! xx
Easy now claire im sound ta how r you and the rest of the gang
Reeto. I don't no if u boys will have a look on here, but Greg, Marcus, Mark, Steve and Vinnie, it's Sara.That dirty bird from round the pool. I just want t no how the rest of ur holiday went and that u had a good time cos i didnt get t say goodbye t u all the morning that i left. I'm sure u've got some stories for me. So if any1 of u looks on here, just get in touch when u can. Ok boys. xx
P.s Ervin, the daytime waiter was ace.
To ?:
Sorry its taken like 2weeks to reply but yes was friends with Rhys!!!!
Who this???
orite laura!theres loads of us going from hunslet.thats a thing how come i i went all the way to zante and saw you there but i never see you aeound hunslet or belle isle.are you going back out there?
Hello people me and 4 other lads from herts are staying at the canadian on the 29th of july any one else staying at the same time?
hi keaney..its laura..i am gud tar! who else is off next yr wi ya?xxxx
orite claire!we had a right ball out there,were all going out there again next year but there will be more of us.hows laura and the others?
Hi anyone out there at the moment?
Ive lost the adress for where my daughter is staying and I have got a big parcel waiting to be sent. She si called Joanna Greaves and was staying at the Canadian til 19th of July before moving on to other accomodation. Shes friendly with Simon a Thomas Cook Rep. If you could ask her to ring me so I can send her goodies or if youknow where she is staying give me a shout.
Cheers, Marie
sally!y dus my poor name get bought into these things??! i may have to dish the dirt on everyone else then well know im the good one...!!
anyways ill catch you soon you little minx!!
OH YEAH... the random man who has ruined my group photo by flashing in the corner...did you think we wouldnt notice???!! i am sending it in to fhm the who the hell are you bit so watch out!!;-)
Marc. No idea of the number we booked thru JMC, its a sunset hotel so try there.
Does anyone know the phone of the Canadian Apartments, I'm from London and want to come out the first week in August with a few mates and want somewhere lively to stay in Zante as i've never been. I'm 23 and have done most of the other Greek Islands (Napa,Malia,Kos) and fancied this one this year as it's suppose to be lively. Please reply if you know...Thanks
orite claire its keaney.hows tricks?hows lauras leg and sarahs cuts?are you going back out there next year?orite si mate its me again will you do me a favour and say orite to andy the barman for me and ask if he has still got rooneys england shirt and the spunk weapon from leeeds cheers fella
hello spunky monkey, of yeah guess who. well do you remember your night in room 403. hey hey hey were coming back you little g*y bummer boy.
Aww yeah! Sumone remembers us! lol Hope you are ok! Yeah Jade will remember Paul heehee Gosh it was sooo funnni when they had each others names on henna on them! lol So wish we were back there too.
Yeah i have checked out those piccies on Cherrybay website! thats us lot! There isnt one of me though :( boohoo oh well. We have all got our holiday pics back now and they are soo good!
Was good to hear from you.
ey up everyone does any of you out there remember 3 lads from leeds? we were there from 18th june till 2nd july.orite si mate have you mastered fifa yet?how ya keeping fella?are you out there next year mate
alrite sally, i remember u lot, i was with the big group (jade will remember my mate paul hehe) but we left b4 u, only there a week but miss it so much, englands so rubbish! i think sum of u were on the cherry bay site in sum photos too, recognised a few of u, they're pretty funny, u shud hav a look!x
hey guys, 8 of us yorkshire birds stayed here from 5th july for two wicked weeks, hotel was better than expected, not liking being in wet old halifax again! had a brill hol! if any one was there at that time give us a shout!
x x x x
Hiya Everyone
We stayed at the Canadian from the 2nd July to the 16th dont no if anyone rembers us! We were from Manchester and were by the pool being daft most days! There was me Jade!!,Natalee, Cath and Lyns. AND Jodie,Claire,Claire,Jen,Elisha,Lauren,Nat and Johnny Oh and Cheryl the Turtle who could b found in the pool most days!! heehee
Hope ur not missing us to much Simon!!
Hope to hear from sum people. Love Ya xxxx
orite si mate its me again only joking about the mascara(not).have you heard from any of the other lads like mark the bent copper from birmingham.hows things out there?got some pics im gonna put on so keep your eyes open.are you out there again next year?
Hello! Got my holiday pics back & have added 2 from the monday madness trip & one of my friend & some of the Geordie lads/lasses! Wish I was back in Zante :o(
Love Kel x (
yeh simon thats right we r c*min bk over not all of us though...jus me n claire i think maybe cherry!make sure u let us no if ya move! we will follow u like a gettin rid of us now we r guna stalk u!!!! ha ha jus kidding bud....heard u bin in the hospital again...think u need 2 take it easy wi all the drink! take care sweets...laura xxx
so simon you still havent answered my question are you still wearing that mascara?
you bum simon, just cuz you get to laze around all day n then get w**kered every night!! yea i'll say hello to people, think everyone thought you were a legend, even if you do wear mascara! :p
whoever said something bout that reece, i met him, thought he was a dude, though i think he took all that tanning n oiling himself stuff a bit far! well alright bloke though.
hello u lot sorry its been so long been a bit busy hoe u are all ok little sis i hear your coming back out with the rest of your girls i will warn the rest of laganas your gavin keane fella if i remember u were the light weight i had to carry around all holiday b. jamie its good to hear from u mate try and come back out if u can fella, gav i cant see the photo for some reason u sick bunch enjoy the big day mate, say hi to everyone for me lin. well best go back outside in the sun to the bar hope u all are enjoying work in england ...... take care . si
Hi me and my friend stayed in the Canadian from the 27th june til the 12th july, loved it, met some class people, the rep simon was class even tho he did set me up with jamie the rep! excellent place to stay! would go bak tommorrow if i could! if u remember the two geordie girls then leave a message, would be good to hear from u! x
what do you want to do out there laura,your not gonna be one of those annoying PRs are you? i must admit id like to do it myself.yeah simon is a wuss when it comes drinking for example when he was spewing his tits off in bad boys after trying to booze with us leeds lads
Jamie was u friends with Reece?
aye up keaney yeh it was s**t hot n thats my word! yeh we r off bk n next yr off to work their hopefully. i do think simon is ignorant! n a wuss at drinkin. ya no he made me down 1/4 of a bottle of champagne at the beach party! xxx laura
I'm 1 of the 6 guys who were from London and Essex, there from 27th June - 4th July. Hotel was average but so much fun, we met some wicked people there!!! Simon the rep is quality although he is a lightweight when it comes to drinking. Hopefully we r going to try and come back to Zante in August because its class, hopefully try and come and c ya again Si. Take it easy!!!!
P.S - Best day out is the jeep safari!!!!
ey up laura are you going back over there then.i wouldnt mind it myself it was s**t hot.dont you think simons an ignorant t**t?
yeh keaney..was gud part from the last leg is loads better now!i can drink again n bin drunk quite alot of the time!i hav 2 go bk n finish the rest of my holiday off! simon was wearing mascara was he?dont suprise me as he wears underpants! ha ha ha! simon, wot u doin wearin mascara?
ey up laura hows your leg?did you have a good holiday with simon who wears mascara
simon...u shoud really check this page more often....its nearly a week n u aint replyed...b*****d, jus kiddin? keaney...hi....will prob c ya round hunslet ha ha laura xxxx
heya, england is officially the worlds most depressing place to be right now, me and my 40 mates got back yesterday morning and we all miss it already. had such a quality time in zante, the pub crawls and clubs were amazing, as was simon ;) never had a holiday rep before but you were spot on hehe, hope ur feelin alright xXx
p.s. hell no its not about quietness!
got back from the canadian apartments on the 1st july,it was spot on.simon are you still wearing that mascara.i had a great time all though i had to booze with a bent copper from birmingham who got a**e ****d by simon with straw on are beach party.simon do you remember crying for your mum that night when we threw you in sea? but apart from that are holiday was mental cheers thomas cook for them mad bar crawls
hi simon,bet u cant 4get our crew.9 girls from leeds! me with a damaged foot! ha ha n e way, jus thought i shud let ya no u wa a great rep had a blast the 1st week! my foot is gettin better so me n sum of the girls, including ur little sis (claire) r c*min to bug u sum more! i promise i wont get on a scooter! is it quiet without us? hope ur takin care of ur self mate... reply to me! laura-claire-cherry-janine-charlotte-becky- leanne-sarah-katie x
jamie anderson, hello mate u can book the canadian from the sunset brouchure from thomas cook
I was wondering if anyone can tell me where i can book the Canadian apartments?
Hello! Got back yesterday & back at work :o(
Had a good time, hotel was cool with friendly staff.
Hi 2 everyone we meet whilst we were there, take care, get in touch if u remember us.
Kelly (from London) & Paula (from Dublin)
x x x
not bad overall rooms very very basic and we had a lazy cleaner. the staff were friendly and the bar is open 24hrs pool is small and usually full. expect to pay for air con if you want to shut your windows to get a decent nights sleep. 5mins from beach and 10 mins from main bars. would recommend any 18-30's to stay here.
We have just back on the 1st July...had an excellent time. Simon was out rep and was good (when we saw him!!). We dint make the welcome meeting so dint get to go on any trips cos we dint know anything about them. Still had a fab time though. Definitely recommend it. The accomodation is basic but excellent as it is full of young people because it is a sunscape property.. ENJOY...
Andy and pete its not long now till we meet for the first time i have been thinking about u both alot and have been having troble sleeping but that is all going to stop soon when we meet i feel the same way about u both so much so i am working at the airport when u arive so i will see u there all the best lads and let the partying begin
i wasnt actually staying here but just wanted to say hi to simon. rachel and i were staying at the hellen. we had a wicked time thanks to simon who talked us into getting more involved in everything!!! if u r reading this simon hope u r ok and everything is going well out there.hope to come out again soon as english weather just doesnt match up to the greek sunshine. give us an email if u want at
hope to hear soon
take care hun
Hi there sorry its been a while but the computer has been broken, well where do i start.... firstly pete and andrew u both sound like your sick in the head but seem like we are going to have a laugh i have been showing everybody around the pool your comments on this site were all looking forward to yous getting here.. when do you arive fellas.. you are becoming rather famous out here see u soon mate..
Me & my friend Kelly got back from Zante on the 13th June, We had an excellent time at the Canadian Apartments the Bar Staff made us feel very welcome, and all the staff from Mary's. Great location from the beach, nobody hassles you like they do in Spain. This has been one of the best holidays ive been on. If you goto the strip where all the bars are you must visit the Bounty Bar they will get you wrecked for nothing.. lol... excellent... Simon the rep was really nice but we only really met him when we were leaving as we were always on the beach during the day (sorry we were to lazy to goto the welcome meeting) im sure you did a good job of that. Zante is a place where you must go and visit it would be a perfect location to live. (oh' little word of advice when staying here bring your own bath towel, unless you like drying yourself with a flannel) hehe.
I was there last year at this time and because of my job I can't get away this year (which bites)!!!!! You will have such a great time! It's such a fun and fab place to be and the talents fantastic!!! maybe next year.........................
it is really bad the room is more suitable for animals to live in not human people would not recomend it and the rep simon get a life and start helping people wen they have a problem
legand, yeah im here at the mo im the rep for the hotel come see when you get here its getting more busy every week loads of fit girls and sound lads, bar crawl is a big nite out and monday madness is another we will have a blast mate ..
allan how you doing mate hows the rest of the boyz , tell you what mate you just missed the rush the hotel is now buzzing, you will have to come out again mate. take care fella
whats happening people, Canadian studios is a top place to stay the bar staff are great, and the reception staff even better (especially Friday) she helped us out with everything, Simon the rep is a laugh and is great along with the rest of he's crew i highly recomend
the bar crawl on the fridays (ledge) also another good nite was monday (monday nite madness) althouth i got stiched and ended up being a contestant for the Ms Laganas competion!! (which for a 23 year old bloke aint good) but overall the Holiday was quality me and the 3 others i was with totally enjoyed it, the bars are quality and clubs are good to, so anyone headed out there have fun!!
Simon all the best mate and keep up all the good work!!!
cheers mate. i am well up for the nightlife. you there at the moment?
legand hello mate, the nightlife here is buzzing about 10mins from the hotel..
Hello all me and the boys are heading hear on the 1st August 2004, any of use going? How far is it from the apartment to the nightlife? We cant wait to go..
Message for simon haynes.
hya its dawn and steve thanks for wot you put on net, it was good to hear from you , hope the weathers nice and hot for you, see you in sept so we can buy u a drink. take care, thanks again for a great week which we had
hi ya laura i think i remember you are you from scotland .. yeah back again this year. are you out on holiday in zante this year if so i might see you here..
thanks alot ainne all the best for the wedding dont get to drunk say hi to the rest of your mates for me. xxx
This message is for simon. Are you the rep that worked at the alex apartments last summer with blondie? If so are you back again this year?
Well what can we say, we had an amazing time in Zante the locals are great really friendly and polite. Me and my 2 best mates were there for my Hen Weekend we had a top time, feeling the effects now!!!! The rep Simon was great we didnt really see him that much as we were busy drinking and sun bathing but when we did he always had time to say hello and was very CUTE !!!! The staff were brilliant extremely friendly and helpful, past comments on the hotel were that the staff were rude and nasty but that definatley isnt the case. The apartments are very basic but Clean. Be warned the Greeks think that shower curtains are unhygynic so you have to shower basicly in the bathroom so the floor was always wet which was a bit annoying but bareable. The swimmingpool is very clean but quite small and the sunbeds fill up dead quick we went out of season so during JULY & AUGUST I can imagine is till be really packed in the pool area. The Bar staff were great made some gorgeous cocktails. Laganas Nightlife is fantastic although after the 3rd night the bar promoters got on my nerves as they want you to drink in there bar and they go on and on. The drinks are really cheap most nights were by one get one free so we got really hammered. The beach is lovely really clean the sun beds there are about 4 Euros each so not to bad. The food is great all round.
All in All the holiday was amazing. Be prepared for your return as the Airport is Awful really small and you have to wait outside and in the heat can be a bit stressful.
Will post some pics of the holiday when I get the scanner working.
Anniee, Lisa & Kell :-)
theres a few old the old reps back like kate, blondie, naked dave, sin head, ben, kay marie, and a few others caberet this year is wicked even better than last year all profesionally put together with help from pro dancers in the uk, well fella better go and do some work catch you soon mate,,,
alrite mate i'm coming with my mate paul and hopefully someone else coz one of my other mates has dropped out of the third place. i think a couple of shandys would go down very nicely!!! who is back out there this year from 2003? also wot r u doing 4 cabaret?
hello gaz how you doing mate , looking forward to seeing you fella who you coming with. will have to have a few shandys when u get here mate..
9 of us all stayed at the canadian august 2004 for my honeymoon, it is the worst place i have ever stayed in zante, and i've been 5 times. The staff were abusive and the manager even hit one of my sons in the face ! they charged us for footprints on the wall in one of the rooms, even tho it was there b4 we arrived ! DONT STAY HERE !! TOTAL CRAP !!!
alright FELLA! Simon mate its gaz (repped in argassi/tsilivi last year in case ur thinking WHO??). i'm coming out on september 2nd for 2 weeks so i'll c u there. i'll make sure u get good csq's don't u worry!!! sort us out a good room buddy!!?!?!?
the apartments are good clean and basic, the complex is tidy and clean and has a wicked pool and bar area there is loads going on in the hotel like BBQS partys and the biggest bar crawls in zante. im sure your gonna love it here mate. see you soon. simon
Whats the sketch with these apartments? are they good clean lively? do they have a decent bar etc.
just a quick message to say a big thank you to DAWN AND STEVE they stayed at the canadian studios i did not get a chance to get your address to write but i did get your letter thanks alot. look me up when you come back in september all the best .... simon the rep
We are flying from London Gatwick, arriving early hours on the 28th
so close now cant wait for the break!! well we all love drinking so we should have loads of jokes,
so its just the 3 of you out there?
We are flying from Bristol International you?
Main objective is to get seriously drunk as my Hen Night in Bristol Total Crap!!! And have a real laugh and just let my hair down really, we are only there for 4 days as I am due to get married in 3 weeks 3 days.
we are looking forward to it as well, not long now where are you flying from?
so sun sea and ??? is your main objective for your break then and obviously to drink loads!!
Hey Allan will definately see you there, we are all really excited cant wait for sand, sea and ???
Whats happening Annie me and my pals are staying at Canadian studios from the 27th we will defently see you there with your L plates and catch a few shots with you and your pals, see you there!!
Me and my two best mates are due to fly to Laganas on May 27th for my Hen Party are we are due to stay at the Canadian Apartments, if there is anything we need to know then please post a reply. Cant wait!! If Anyone is there between 27th-31st May I will be the one with 'L' Plates.
the studios was basic, just a place to get washed and changed and sleep,maids did leave bathroom window open which was a problem especilly with us being on the ground floor, not big enough to cook in but this time of the year it was cheap enough to eat out, the manageress of the place was horrible we wasnt the only people to notice this!!!! all the other staff was fine. the bar and restaurant next door didnt belong to hotel and all the staff was brill always spoke to you and had a laugh.the hotel rep was a guy called simon he always went out of his way to have a chat to you and helped if there .was any problems ,he was the best rep we've ever had, he even came and said goodbye to us just before we went into departure lounge which we noticed none of the other reps did.we've just returned and what we paid for the holiday it was value for money,if we had paid any more we would of been dissapointed with the room. we are going back in september to argassi, we are staying in xenos kamara hotel if anyone as stayed there can u let us know what its like???
Hi me & my friend have just booked to go to Zante on the 27th June. We were both their last summer as workers & loved it. Is anyone else out there at this time?
Me and my boyfriend are going to zante on the 27th of june for a fortnight, i went to Zante the first time about 10 years ago when i was a kid, although i didnt stay in laganas zante as a whole is fab smugglers cove is a must, does anyone have any pics of what the canadian studios/apartments are like inside all i have is one out side. hope to meet some of u their! if not have fun it's a brilliant place!
Hi three girls from Glasgow going to Zante on 25th July. I have never been to Greece before and would appreciate anyones experience of it. Hoping to meet loads of people who are looking for a great time. If anyone is going around this time it would be good to hear from you. Cant wait!!
Only six weeks on Sunday till we land at the Canadian and although the reports seem quite favourable staying here I would just like to know one thing if any previous occupants could advise.
Would it be wise to take a couple of bath towels with us for showering etc? Any advice gratefully accepted!!
39 days to go hurrah!!
hi were a group of 10 boys from surrey going to zante on the 25th of july for 2weeks! anyone else going out at this time or staying in the canadian apartments?
we is all up for a laugh and going to make zante never forget us!
hope to hear from anyone soon? {girls!}
the boyz!
Hi i stayed in the Canadian apartments in Augest 2002. I agree with other comments made that it is not the cleanesd place to stay in zante. I would also agree that some of the staff where very i.e the maids.I would however say that it is in great lacation not right in the centre of the bars but within walking distance.
I'm off to Laganas in June and wondered if these apartments would be good for a group of three girlies? Any pics would also be great. Thanx!